Joseph Clough Show - Free Hypnosis | Hypnotherapy | Life Coaching | Self Help



By #1 Bestselling Author Joseph Clough. (Over 200 hours of free audio, downloaded 200,000 downloads a month).


  • #81 Manifest Your Relationship PT 1

    04/09/2012 Duration: 33min

    Manifest Your Relationship Part 1 FREE MP3 download It’s time to understand why we attract certain people in our live (even the ones we would never consciously choose) and learn how we can direct our conscious mind and unconscious mind to align ourselves with a partner. When we undo past decisions, programmed attraction mechanisms and then relearn and retrain our mind we can direct it to new possibilities. It’s time to consciously decide and set the criteria for a partner and then install them at an unconscious level. This will be in two parts. Part 1) (this MP3/podcast) is the conscious work, it’s a lot of fun doing this so take the time out to really get creative and aligned with who you will attract. Part 2) (coming soon..!) will be the hypnosis process to take what you have done in part one and then allow it to sink deeply at an unconscious level. Are you ready to take things forward, release the past and attract your soul mate and ideal partner in crime? Remember to ‘like’, comment, share and join the re

  • #80 Building Cages Of Self 'Needs'

    18/08/2012 Duration: 11min

    cage 4 minutes read or a 10 minute listen. Hey Guys, I’m been thinking about my life a lot recently and how I/we can build cages in our mind. Cages in our mind? By this I mean how we can create our own limitations/restrictions. For example, we have the ‘I need to do _______’, ‘I have to carry out _____’ thoughts. Do we really though? Lets take my own life, I have to do certain things, I have to make sure I record this new project of mine (around hours 20 plus in the next few weeks), let alone my seminars and trainings coming up for the next 3 months. Plus my usually daily work (replying to all the emails, creating free video and audio for you all), then have some JC time. I have felt overwhelmed and to be honest completely fatigued in mind and body for the last week or two. But I’m not alone, I am sure you have certain things you ‘have' or ‘need’ to do. Life happens right? We can feel like a slave to do certain things or be a certain person that can create feelings of inconvenience, or friction, or we can fe

  • #79 Thoughts, Feelings, Your Vision

    01/08/2012 Duration: 23min

    Free MP3 download Hey Guys, I have just recorded a new free podcast gift - One that you will love! I'm recording a massive new secret project right now (30 hours I need to record!) - So I thought I would take a few minutes to speak my mind, minutes turned into many and I think you will gain deep insight in how to make initial subtle that create immese transformations. Has my work helped you? Want to help me help more people?– Order my first ever book published with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  (I will even sign it if you request it :) it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a friend or family member Also now you can download gift and all my audio talks and free blog audio at iTunes here With love, Joseph

  • #78 Expectations - Yours & Others

    09/07/2012 Duration: 11min

    podcast Hey there, Expectations - Yours, Others and Societies FREE MP3 Download In this audio, I didn’t know what I was about to talk about, but then I start off on a rant on how to stop external pressure and expectations from social to family. I think you’ll like this one  Has my work helped you? Want to help me help more people?– Order my first ever book published with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a friend or family member Also now you can download all my audio talks and free blog audio at iTunes  Your friend Joseph Clough

  • #77 Sum Of You

    08/07/2012 Duration: 19min

    podcast You Are The Sum Of Who Your Surround Yourself With - FREE MP3 download Thats right, this maybe a bold free audio mp3 and it can make us take a hard look at ourselves and the people in our live. Listen my thoughts on the sum of who you are. Are you ready? Has my work helped you? Want to help me help more people?– Order my first ever book published with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a friend or family member Also now you can download all my audio talks and free blog audio at iTunes here With love, Joseph

  • #76 Manifestation - Vision Boards

    07/07/2012 Duration: 19min

    podcast Vision Boards - FREE MP3 download So in this video and audio, I talk about Vision Boards or Dream Boards as some may call them. In fact I go quite deeply into it on my Reclaim Your Destiny Seminar. Listen to how I explain WHAT they are, and WHY they work an HOW you can do it for yourself. Its a great exercise. Has my work helped you? Want to help me more people?– Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a friend or family member Also now you can download all my audio talks and free blog audio at iTunes here With love, Joseph

  • #75 Stop Anxiety Process

    06/07/2012 Duration: 08min

    podcast Anxiety Process FREE MP3 Download Due to people saying they really enjoyed the video and audio of me going through the Release Anxiety Process, here is another version but in my studio accompanied with music, so much better for you to really resolve any anxiety about an event in the future. You will love this  Has my work helped you? Want to help me help more people?– Order my first ever book published with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a friend or family member Also now you can download all my audio talks and free blog audio at iTunes here With love, Joseph

  • #74 Hypnosis Explained

    05/07/2012 Duration: 09min

    podcast Hypnosis Explained and How It Can Help You FREE MP3 downloadThis is really special. Find inner peace and contentment? Would you like to live in the now and live fully present in the moment? Increase you happiness in your health, relationships and career? To let go of the past, release worry, fear and anxiety? Well if so, this is for you! Firstly I breakdown the specific reasons WHY it’s so important to live in the now and HOW you can actively implement it into your life simply, I also go into WHATliving in the moment is and what happens IF you utilise the power of now. Secondly we then go straight into the hypnosis hypnotherapy, getting your unconscious mind to help you live in the now. If you do anything today, listen to this! It’s all free. Has my work helped you? Want to help me help more people?– Order my first ever book published with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a f

  • #73 Motivation Hypnosis Session

    04/07/2012 Duration: 15min

    podcast Motivation Hypnosis MP3 Download with Joseph and Paul Clough Thats right on this free MP3 download you get to have the experiecence of becoming totally motivation by myself and my father Paul Clough. So sit back and relax while our voices go with you into trance to find all the resources you need to live a motivated life. Has my work helped you? Want to help me help more people?– Order my first ever book published with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a friend or family member Also now you can download all my audio talks and free blog audio at iTunes here With love, Joseph

  • #72 JC's Important Message

    03/07/2012 Duration: 11min

    podcast Lifting the lid on why I don’t sell.I don’t actively sell my work… Have you noticed that?  I’m a business, a one man business yet can you remember a time when I said ‘buy this hypnosis product or coaching product’ All I see Facebook and Twitter accounts always selling this or that but I do not.  On my Facebook, Twitter and Newsletter points to just free gifts. Why? My goal is not one of money, sure I would love financially freedom like the next guy, but its not my true love, my love is for you, for you to be happy, confident and feel love and freedom. As of today I have produced over 50 hours of free audio, over 100 podcast episodes reaching 530,738 downloads and 67,171 last month alone. I would say 80% of my working day (long, long hours) is all focused on my free work. People think I am crazy for this and competitors hate me for this. But I love you and want to help you. Just think if I charged a $/£ for each one…wowza. But as I said that’s not me, I am here to serve, to help as many people as poss

  • #71 Empowering Chill-out Music

    02/07/2012 Duration: 24min

    Free MP3 download Hey Guys, A while ago I created what I believe is very unique and special. We all know that Music is very resonating, and actually does wonders for the brain and body in changing our emotional state, and doing what I do does that, speaking to your conscious and unconscious mind. Well I wondered what would happen if we added some super chillout music with my thoughts on you - my own personal Truth. After a lot of work with my good friend Phil Pollard I believe we have together created something very enlighening and empowering - I called it 'Truth' In this free MP3 download you can sit back, relax whislt becoming inpsired to live life the way its meant to be, full of happiness, love, peace and success. Let me know what you think will you? Has my work helped you? Want to help me help more people?– Order my first ever book published with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for

  • #70 Change The Way You Feel

    26/06/2012 Duration: 09min

    podcast In this free audio mp3 download I show you how to change your emotional state and the way you feel whenever you choose. In NLP terms will call this anchoring, but lets forget the terms and go straight to getting the type of of feelings that make you feel good! You ready? Has my work helped you? Want to help me more people?– Order my first ever book my published with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a friend or family member Also now you can download all my audio talks and free blog audio at iTunes here With love, Joseph

  • #69 Setting Goals For Instant Success

    25/06/2012 Duration: 30min

    podcast Set Goals For Instant Success FREE mp3 download In this Podcast you will learn how to take thoughts, and vague goals to a specific break down of how you can achieve them. Most goals we have, are not aligned to our unconscious mind (or it doesnt know how important it is for you anyway). But utilising this goal setting process, whilst understanding how and why it works, you will notice how we take the ambgious vague thoughts and dreams we have and how we can attract and construct them in reality. Also now you can download all my audio talks and free blog audio at iTunes here Has my work helped you? Want to help me more people?– Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a friend or family member. Your friend Joseph

  • #68 Meaning of life? Life of meaning

    25/06/2012 Duration: 17min

    podcast Meaning of life? Living a life of meaning - FREE MP3 download Hi Guys, The last few months have been beyond busy more me, and at times its meant me having to stop and take myself outside of my environment, and it got me thinking of this subjective. How to live a life of meaning, are you getting the meaning out of life? Has my work helped you? Want to help me more people?– Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a friend or family member. Feel free to listen to it on iTunes here too for those who want to listen to it on iphones/ipods/mp3 players etc. Your friend Joseph

  • #67 Invest In Yourself

    25/06/2012 Duration: 20min

      Investing in yourself FREE MP3 Download by Joseph Clough...thats me by the way. Here’s a podcast I did when I was away last year, it’s all about the importance of investing in you and why it’s vital for helping others and you. It can be a real eye opener so sit back, relax and just ask some important questions to yourself as I speak to you about investing in yourself. Its very powerful and when I say invest in yourself, I do not mean buying stuff, I mean investing in you as a person - the best thing we can ever do - let me explain on this free audio. Has my work helped you? Want to help me more people?– Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a friend or family member. Your friend Joseph

  • #66 Your Qualities - You have many.

    25/06/2012 Duration: 09min

    podcast I really think this FREE Mp3 Download is going to help you realize how wonderful and fantastic you really are, because you are! In my eyes I will always, always be your biggest fan, your biggest support, I want you to know how amazing you are. This exercise is taken straight from my seminar, and it allows you to see beyond self imposed limtiations of the mind. So sit back, listen up and enjoy. Oh and forward this on to friends, press the FaceBook ‘like’ button at the bottom the page, the more we can get people to know they can change the better we all will be. Has my work helped you? Want to help me more people?– Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s and a perfect gift for a friend or family member.

  • #65 Living A Peaceful Life

    24/06/2012 Duration: 14min

    podcast Peace, we all want peace right?Peace in our health, our mind and body. Peace in our relationships. Peace in our career. Peace with the associations with have toward money. In this FREE coaching Podcast I go into this subject and how we can get the peace...Its something we all strive for, peace can be the same or similar to wholeness, happiness, contentment, fulfilment even at ease. Think about it, when your mind and body is at ease you are aligned with your life, if you have a dis-ease the mind and body is telling us its off track, off course to health and wellbeing. Some maybe say we can become conflicted, which is the opposite of whole. In order to resolve conflict, di-ease, unhappiness we must put our attention on Peace. Here’s the crazy thing and the answer is within the previous sentence, notice i did not say acquire, get, strive for Peace. I said ‘put our attention on peace’ This presupposes that peace is there already..........what nothing to find? Nothing to sole search for? No 6 month pilgri

  • #64 Healing Hypnosis Session

    23/06/2012 Duration: 37min

    podcast So in this free MP3 download I go deeply into health and illness by: How emotional and physiological issues arise Why issues happen How we can let go of them and how we can achieve peace and health in mind and body. And then a hypnotic journey with me into trance… When you think about it, stress causes illness, emotional or physical, It does not happen magically. Because of external circumstance and how we react to a situation a decision is made at an unconscious level.  So when you have inner peace, resolution, wholeness, contentment in your intention and awareness…that’s when the magic happens… Would you like to learn how not only get in touch with yourself but also go on a journey with me into trance and get the resolution of peaceful mind and body? If so…take a listen now. Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s Also listen to th

  • #63 Why Can You Keep Issues

    22/06/2012 Duration: 28min

    podcast Why keeping your problems is of value to you Thats right, this may annoy you, even push up against your beliefs at first, but when someone is ready to change and open minded then with this information and process within will truely make changes in your health, relationships and career! Its pretty bold, but I’m going to tell it to you straight  Are you ready to embrace this knowledge and listen to this free MP3 download? Listen and download to it here on iTunes here Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s Your friend Joseph

  • #62 How To Kick Start Your Life

    21/06/2012 Duration: 14min

    podcast Kick Starting Your Success In this podcast I talk about how together we can kick start our success no matter what area of life we wish to transform. Its our time to shine and I want to show you how you can make changes in your life in this free MP3 download. Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s Also feel free to download this podcast episode and any other on iTunes here Your friend Joseph Clough

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