The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired With Signature Style



The simple sophisticate is someone who prefers quality over quantity, sensible living over mindless consumption, personal style instead of trendy fashions, has an insatiable curiosity for lifes endless questions and a desire to live a truly fulfilling life rather than being led around by the nose. Inspired by her lifestyle blog The Simply Luxurious Life, Shannon Ables (the original Simple Sophisticate) shares with listeners tips on how to live a refined life on an everyday income. From achieving your goals, preparing a memorable meal, creating a capsule wardrobe, traveling the world (Francophiles tune in as Paris is a favorite destination), and living life to the fullest without breaking the bank, living well is really quite simple.


  • 46: The Importance of Cultivating a Sanctuary

    20/07/2015 Duration: 16min

    Tapping into our true potential requires that we cultivate sanctuaries throughout our daily routines. And while our home should most certainly be a sanctuary as we've discussed in previous episodes, so many other sanctuaries can be cultivated as well. In today's episode, inspired by her recent paddle boarding experience shares the power of carving out time alone so that we can let go of what is thwarting us from discovering what our heart yearns for and stepping ever closer to our true potential. In this week's Petit Plaisir, the second weekly episode of The Simple Sophisticate, which begins airing this Saturday (July 25, 2015) is discussed. 

  • 45: 10 Ways to Set Up Your Home Like a Luxury Travel Accommodation

    13/07/2015 Duration: 32min

    If you've ever wanted to bring the comfort and luxury home with you after traveling and staying in lush living arrangements, whether a luxury hotel or vacation rental, in today's episode you'll discover 10 simple and inexpensive ways you can live a little more luxuriously right at home. In this week's Petit Plaisir Shannon reviews the film The Woman in Gold the film and shares her experience visiting the Neue Galerie where the original Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I hangs. 

  • 44: The Gifts of Being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

    06/07/2015 Duration: 44min

    Inspired by Dr. Elaine Aron's best-selling book, The Highly Sensitive Person, discover the 26 characteristics of being highly sensitive and learn 19 ways to ensure you can thrive to your fullest potential. In this week's Petit Plaisir, Shannon shares one of her favorite podcasts to listen to while relaxing and traveling: The Splendid Table.

  • 43: 15 Ways to Make the Most of Summer

    22/06/2015 Duration: 27min

    As the summer solistice has just occurred and the summer season has officially begun, Shannon shares 15 simple ways to take advantage of all that summer has to offer whether you are staying in town or have the opportunity to travel. This week's Petit Plaisir at the end of the episode is Amazon's latest original comedy series that is the ideal six episode download to enjoy whether you are on a plane, train, in the car or are spending an evening or two in. 

  • 42: Why Not . . . Create a Lingerie Capsule Wardrobe?

    15/06/2015 Duration: 28min

    In order for clothing to look its best and therefore to allow each of us to feel our best, we need the proper lingerie that provides the foundational element of each outfit we choose. Today, Shannon shares the 10 essential basics for the Lingerie Capsule Wardrobe along with five items that are Essential Luxuries. In this week's Petit Plaisir, Shannon shares one of her favorie weekly weekend rituals.

  • 41: Holding On & Letting Go

    08/06/2015 Duration: 26min

    The quality of our days is another lesson in knowing what to hold on to and what to let go of, in other words choosing quality over quantity. In today's episode, discover 12 items that perhaps you hold on to unnecessarily and six items to hold on to no matter where your life takes you. This week's Petit Plaisir is Shannon's latest favorite beauty product that will hydrate skin and minimize wrinkles.

  • 40: How to be the CEO of Your Own Life

    01/06/2015 Duration: 37min

    Inspired by Sophia Amoruso's best-selling book #GirlBoss, today's episode dives into eight specific ways you can design the life that taps into your passions, assists you in letting go of social dictates and strongholds and live the live you only previously imagined.  This week's Petit Plaisir is a Francophile film that involves love and chocolat - Romantics Anonymous.

  • 39: Dating & Selling A Home

    25/05/2015 Duration: 25min

    Believe it or not, love and real estate have more in common than not. In today's episode, Shannon shares through her own experience what having success in real estate (or dating) can teach us about the other. This week's Petit Plaisir shares a dose of inspiration from one of the top commencement addresses given by David Foster Wallace.

  • 38: Texting Etiquette 101

    18/05/2015 Duration: 28min

    The third part in the Life & Tech series continues with nine specific Do's and Don'ts of texting. With the primary goal of enhancing our relationships, not hindering them, listeners will learn where, when and how to best communicate. This week's Petit Plaisir is one of Shannon's favorite afternoon snacks to help her get through the day. It's simple and a palette pleaser.

  • 37: The Truth Behind "It Was Meant to Be"

    11/05/2015 Duration: 25min

    Very often the phrase "It was meant to be" is uttered to explain why something worked out or didn't work out, depending upon the situation. However, in today's episode Shannon shares seven truths as to what actually plays a role in helping the life we wish to happen, the destiny we hope will materialize actually have a change at coming to fruition. Believe it or not, we play a bigger role than we may have first imagined. In this week's Petit Plaisir, Amy Morin's book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do is reviewed.

  • 36: How to Construct a Healthy Social Circle

    04/05/2015 Duration: 39min

    One of the eight pillars of a simply luxurious life is a healthy social circle, and in today's episode listeners will discover exactly who will and who won't contribute to a more quality, fulfilling and successful life. In today's Petit Plaisir, Shannon shares her secret to sleeping well from the pillow to the pillowcase. A simple change can make a big difference in the quality of your nights and days.

  • 35: 3 Ways to Design a Life That Works Best for You

    27/04/2015 Duration: 24min

    In Kate Bolick's recently released book (April 21, 2015), she dives into the possibilities of remaining single. While Bolick doesn't profess that being single is the best way to live for everyone, she does point out observations and biases of society that prompt the reader to pause and consider previously held assumptions about what the right path is for them.  In today's episode, three specific insights are shared which are inspired by Bolick's book as to how to go about living a life that is in alignment with your passions and innate leanings. Today's Petit Plaisir highlight's one of Shannon's favorite simple pleasures to be enjoyed regularly during the week to unwind and relax - L'Occitane's Lavender Foaming Bath.

  • 34: Life & Tech: Email Etiquette

    20/04/2015 Duration: 23min

    The power of email correspondence is profound. However, the key is to understand that it is a tool to communicate, and it is up to the sender to effectively do so. In today's episode specific ideas and rules are shared to ensure you are able to clearly communicate and elicit the response you desire. In this week's Petit Plaisir, Shannon shared her latest tech find that is not only function and aesthetically pleasing, but a frugal find that will last as well. 

  • 33: How to Live Alone Well

    13/04/2015 Duration: 36min

    Eric Klinenberg shared in his best-selling book Going Solo that living alone is continuing to increase world-wide. In today's episode, listeners will discover 16 tips and ideas on how to make the most of this experience, whether temporary or permanent, so that it can be thoroughly enjoyable and memorable. In this week's Petit Plaisir, Peter Mayle's book Acquired Tastes is reviewed and recommended for ideal evening leisure reading.

  • 32: The Francophile's Style Guide

    06/04/2015 Duration: 32min

    Inspired by the style icons from the past (Coco Chanel, Jane Birkin, Bridgette Bardot, and Catherine Deneuve), as well as those effortlessly chic French women of the 21st century, this episode breaks down the 14 basic essentials to have in your capsule wardrobe to look chic, timeless and confident.  This week's Petit Plaisir, a French dessert, Dark Chocolate Mousse. So simple and satiating, you will be sure to impress your guests and your very own tastebuds as it can easily be made and appreciated during the work week as well. 

  • 31: How to Live a Courageous Life

    30/03/2015 Duration: 32min

    Each one of us encounters fears from time to time, the key is to understand how to navigate them as we continue toward our goals and stepping into our full potential. In today's episode, listeners will discover 11 specific ways to master fear in their everyday lives and livle more courageously.  In this week's Petit Plaisir, the recipe for an appetizer that is simple, scrumptious and ideal for mid-week or weekend entertaining: Pear, Goat Cheese, Prosciutto and Honey Bites. 

  • 30: Become the Master of Your Cell Phone

    23/03/2015 Duration: 35min

    Our mobile devices can help our lives run more efficient, but if not used correctly, can have significant drawbacks. In today's episode 12 rules for mobile manners are shared as well as four ways to make sure you are the master of your cell phone or smart phone. And in this week's Petit Plaisir, Shannon reviews CBS' Madam Secretary, starring Tea Leoni.

  • 29: Why Not . . . Spring Forward?

    16/03/2015 Duration: 32min

    As a new season begins, it is a reminder that by unburdening ourselves of the unnecessary (events and ideas of the past that are no longer aiding us in our quest for a better life), we are better equipped to successfully strive toward the future and everyday life we wish to live. In today's episode four specific tips will be shared to focus on what you value, get out of your own way and maintain your decided direction. And in this week's Petit Plaisir, the classic recipe Sole Meunière is shared for a simple, yet gourmet meal.

  • 28: The Modern Woman's Lifestyle Grocery List

    09/03/2015 Duration: 37min

    What is the lifestyle grocery list? Any item that requires  money in your budget, but doesn't occur regularly (i.e. weekly or monthly), minus food or clothes. This list includes a variety of arenas of our lives as keeping these items stocked allows for our lives to run more smoothly, our confidence to soar, a healthy balance between work and leisure to be struck, networking and relationships to remain strong and our knowledge of the world to regularly stimulated and informed.

  • 27: 13 Ways to Cultivate True Wealth

    02/03/2015 Duration: 31min

    Understanding the power of money and becoming the master of it is crucial to a life full of contentment. In today's podcast, the definition of true wealth will be shared along with both monetary and monetary ways to attain it. 

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