Case Interview Preparation & Management Consulting | Strategy | Critical Thinking



Firmsconsulting maintains a 80% success rate at placing clients within McKinsey, BCG and Bain. This is the highest in the industry and the rate is higher if we include other firms. We achieve this rate because we only use former partners from McKinsey, BCG et al to develop our clients. This makes us unique. We never use analysts, associates, engagement managers or associate principals. We also carefully select and develop clients on their communication, image, technical and case interview skills.All the techniques we teach are also used in our highly successful program "The Consulting Offer" where we take real students and train them for interviews, and publish all the videos online. In every season, the show has succeeded to place candidates.This podcast channel describes our lessons from training our


  • 313: How to Put Client First the Right Way

    08/06/2016 Duration: 04min


  • 312: How to Be Likeable

    31/05/2016 Duration: 15min

    In this podcast we talk about one critical lesson from TCO III / IV: how being likeable effects one's performance during consulting case interviews. SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING KEEP IN TOUCH: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn WANT TO LEARN FROM FORMER STRATEGY PARTNERS? REFER TO THE FIRMSCONSULTING ORIGINAL TRAINING PROGRAMS.

  • 311: Why Value-Based Fees Seldom Work

    20/05/2016 Duration: 07min

    In this podcast, and related article, we are going to talk about value-based fees. And I am going to explain to you why value-based fees seldom work. We will also explain why value-based fees are misunderstood. And they are misunderstood in a very fundamental way. Value-based fees can only work if certain supply and demand conditions in the market are met, or if your client is naïve. If a consulting firm understands this concept, they have a higher probability of securing higher-margin value-based fees. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE STRATEGY TRAINING PODCASTS: If you enjoy our podcasts, we will appreciate if you visit our Case Interviews podcast or Strategy Skills podcast on iTunes and leave a quick review. It helps more people find us. COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn WANT TO LEARN FROM FORMER STRATEGY PARTNERS? REFER TO THE FIRMSCONSULTING ORIGINAL TRAINING PROGRAMS.

  • 310: Sales and Client Relationships

    13/05/2016 Duration: 06min

    A very common strategy for a management consulting firm to displace an incumbent and serve a client is to show an problem / insight / opportunity that the client has not realized before. Unfortunately, this does not work that well in building client relationships and driving sales. In fact, a brilliant insight by itself may even lead to more work for the competition. In this podcast, and related article, we discuss this issue and address how to fix it. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn FOR MORE DETAILS ON HOW TO PREPARE FOR CASE INTERVIEWS OR ON HOW TO CONDUCT STRATEGY, OPERATIONS OR IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTING STUDIES REFER TO THE FIRMSCONSULTING ORIGINAL TRAINING PROGRAMS.

  • 309: How to Manage Failure

    07/05/2016 Duration: 07min


  • 308: How to Resign

    20/04/2016 Duration: 15min

    In this podcast, and related article, I discuss how to resign, and especially how to resign if you are part of the inner circle of the firm and office. The business model of McKinsey, BCG and that of other firms expects this. When not expected at your firm, it is even more important you handle this correctly. If you are part of the inner circle most of the best practices you read about will not apply to you. Most of the company rules and guidelines will certainly not apply to you. I also discuss some ways in which members of my inner circle resigned. Never ever repeat their mistakes. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn FOR MORE DETAILS ON HOW TO PREPARE FOR CASE INTERVIEWS OR ON HOW TO CONDUCT STRATEGY, OPERATIONS OR IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTING STUDIES REFER TO THE FIRMSCONSULTING ORIGINAL TRAINING PROGRAMS.

  • 307: Building Client Relationships

    08/04/2016 Duration: 11min

    The importance of gaining a client's trust via a solid reputation in the market places a premium on leaders who are skillful in building client relationships. No one would expect a consulting firm with poor reputation to thrive. After all, any firm's future is only as bright as its reputation in the market. It takes a strategic eye to focus on building client relationships for the long-term, even if it means sacrificing some revenue, and individual compensation, in the short-term. In this podcast we talk about how we approach building client relationships. More specifically, we discuss how we handle negotiating fees with clients. We dive into: Should you consider competing on price? What competing on price does to your firm? If you compete on price what signal are you sending to the client? Competing on price may bring in some extra revenue in the short-term, but will be damaging to the health of your business in the medium and long-term. Hence, competing on price actually destroys value and should be avoid

  • 306: Developing Emerging Leaders

    01/04/2016 Duration: 12min

    The Emerging Leaders Program (also called Emerging Fellows Program) is a scholarship we award to promising students from disadvantaged backgrounds. We help them plan their studies, select schools and map out their entire path to elite consulting firms, and beyond. We carefully train and groom them. This is a significant scholarship and we have high expectations. In this podcast (and related article), using Sveta’s story, we discuss what we expect of scholarship recipients and why we have this expectation. We also discuss how we develop young people with tremendous potential. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn FOR MORE DETAILS ON HOW TO PREPARE FOR CASE INTERVIEWS OR ON HOW TO CONDUCT STRATEGY, OPERATIONS OR IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTING STUDIES REFER TO THE FIRMSCONSULTING ORIGINAL TRAINING PROGRAMS.

  • 305: Why Female PhDs dominate The Consulting Offer

    24/03/2016 Duration: 10min

    In every single season of The Consulting Offer female PhDs have dominated the show through their skills, learning pace and performance. And they have all been foreign. Two are Chinese and one is Nigerian. In this podcast we discuss why this may be the case. Why does this one group do so well over MBAs and undergraduates despite the general consensus that PhDs are weaker in cases. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn FOR MORE DETAILS ON HOW TO PREPARE FOR CASE INTERVIEWS OR ON HOW TO CONDUCT STRATEGY, OPERATIONS OR IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTING STUDIES REFER TO THE FIRMSCONSULTING ORIGINAL TRAINING PROGRAMS.

  • 304: What is the right resume format?

    17/03/2016 Duration: 07min

    This is a frustrating topic for many reasons. You will see it cropping up in TCO III a lot, and hurting one participant significantly. Therefore, we want to address this topic via a podcast and hope it never comes up again. Too many clients want to use a resume format because it (1) looks good, (2) was recommended by the school, (3) they spent a lot of time on it, (4) it is a better use of space or (5) they cannot understand why it should change. In this podcast we explain why a bad (in your opinion) resume format needs to be evaluated using very different metrics. This is an important podcast. Listen to it. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn FOR MORE DETAILS ON HOW TO PREPARE FOR CASE INTERVIEWS OR ON HOW TO CONDUCT STRATEGY, OPERATIONS OR IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTING STUDIES REFER TO THE FIRMSCONSULTING ORIGINAL TRAINING PROGRAMS.

  • 303: 29.9% of clients who did not join MBB

    11/03/2016 Duration: 11min

    Most firms only talk about their successful clients. They talk about clients who end up joining McKinsey, BCG and Bain (MBB). We are different. We believe it is important to talk about those case interview coaching clients who did not make it. 29.9% of our clients wanted to join McKinsey, BCG and Bain but ended up in industry, other consulting firms or government. What happened?Who is accountable for this result?Is it an error?What could we have done better?Is a 100% placement rate for MBB even possible, while brining in development candidates? We discuss all of the above and more in this brutally honest podcast. Note: Our placement rate fluctuates all the time as we have case interview coaching clients going through case interview process with MBB on a continuous basis. So at various points of time, even within the same week, you may see a different placement rate being reported. However, the placement rate for MBB is hovering around 70%, which is the highest in the industry. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE 

  • 302: The Next Generation of Partners

    16/02/2016 Duration: 10min

    In this podcast I relate an experience I had with a young partner we have in China, Amy. This may seem like a small incident but to me it explains the reason why older partners need to bring in younger partners with a different worldview, different skills and different definition of what is normal.  The true mark of an effective partnership is trust. And trust explicitly at the time when you have no idea what will happen but you believe in the judgment of a fellow partner. And the key to trust is finding people who share the same values and intellect. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn FOR MORE DETAILS ON HOW TO PREPARE FOR CASE INTERVIEWS OR HOW TO CONDUCT STRATEGY, OPERATIONS OR IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTING STUDIES REFER TO THE FIRMSCONSULTING ORIGINAL TRAINING PROGRAMS.

  • 301: Many Applicants Misunderstand McKinsey BTO

    12/02/2016 Duration: 09min

    Most applicants have the wrong impression of McKinsey BTO. And through this wrong impression they are missing an opportunity to pursue a wonderful consulting career. In this podcast, and related article, we discuss how McKinsey BTO is similar to the generalist role, how the market values a McKinsey BTO background and how the future of business will impact the value of a McKinsey BTO background. Where it matters, McKinsey BTO is no different from strategy and operations. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn FOR MORE DETAILS ON HOW TO PREPARE FOR CASE INTERVIEWS OR HOW TO CONDUCT STRATEGY, OPERATIONS OR IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTING STUDIES REFER TO THE FIRMSCONSULTING ORIGINAL TRAINING PROGRAMS.

  • 300: Big Data is Changing Case Interview Coaching

    02/02/2016 Duration: 14min

    We have worked with over 700 case interview coaching clients and that rises to over 800 if you include active clients. We have kept meticulous records on each client. Searching for correlations/patterns/trends within that database has opened up an entirely new way to assess and guide clients. Client behaviour and attributes we had previously considered unimportant takes on a whole new meaning when run through the model. We use this model extensively at Firmsconsulting. In this podcast we discuss just a few insights from the database. We wonder why consulting firms are not doing the same? SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn FOR MORE DETAILS ON HOW TO PREPARE FOR CASE INTERVIEWS OR HOW TO CONDUCT STRATEGY, OPERATIONS OR IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTING STUDIES REFER TO THE FIRMSCONSULTING ORIGINAL TRAINING PROGRAMS.

  • 299: Best consultants are rarely the best case interview coaches

    26/01/2016 Duration: 05min

    In this podcast, and related article, we discuss a common mistake candidates make. They assume because a consultant has a reputation for being a good consultant they will make a great case interview practice partner or an effective case interview coach. This is very far from the truth. Teaching is a skill. Great expertise at doing x does not at all imply great teaching skills for x. We see this most clearly in sports and even universities. The greatest sports coaches may have been good at the sport in their youth, but they were rarely the stars. The same applies in universities, the greatest researchers are often poor teachers. Picking a good consultant to be your case interview coach offers superficial comfort, but often does not help you much. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn  

  • 298: How to Not Ask a Partner for Help!

    19/01/2016 Duration: 07min

    This podcast is based on an interaction I had recently, over email, with a student. The student made critical mistakes in handling the interaction. By listening to this podcast you can avoid them and network better with partners. This is a great example of how to not ask a partner for help. The reality is that if he were simply less pushy, more attentive and respectful, I would have certainly have helped him. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn    

  • 297: How to be Productive

    12/01/2016 Duration: 22min

    We receive many emails with questions about how to be productive. In this podcast, which builds on other points about this topic we have previously made, we discuss 6 other areas to consider. (1) Time management, (2) Managing obstacles, (3) 90% rule, (4) When to work, (5) Focus and (6) Why to work. Point 6 is particularly important. Many of the things we do at Firmsconsulting are never started with the intention to generate profits, and some never will. We maintain 3 iTunes channels, more than most firms, and we do it because we enjoy it and want to share our vast knowledge as partners. That is one of the most important lessons, which we will discuss today. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn  

  • 296: The Lesson in Choosing to Resign

    15/12/2015 Duration: 13min

    When I was an associate and had just joined the firm from a boutique firm, many of my colleagues from the boutique firm were also looking for new roles. Some of them were outstanding and others were terrible. Shortly after I joined the firm it was announced that some of the terrible consultants had been made offers to join the firm.  In this podcast I explain why I resigned, how the firm reacted and what both actions tell us about how we should make career choices.  It is never ever about the money. If you choose money in the short-term, you will be less wealthy in the long-term, and vice-versa.​ SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn  

  • 295: Why Some Firms Have Too Many Interviews

    08/12/2015 Duration: 06min

    Have you ever applied to a firm that wants you to interview with 7 to 12 people? They will tell you this is because they are careful or because everyone must have a say in the decision. None of that is true. In this podcast we explain why the need for multiple interviews is a symptom of a firm that does not know what it wants and therefore cannot make a decision. Increasing the number of interviewers simply removes the accountability from any one person for making a decision, because, with no clear guidelines, no one can or wants to make a decision. It is easier to be part of 12 people making a decision versus being the sole arbiter whom will be accountable. No one wants that burden when the goalposts keep moving.​ SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn  

  • 294: BCG Middle East's Promotion Policy Hurts the Firm

    01/12/2015 Duration: 07min

    When Booz was acquired by PwC, many consultants joined rival firms. BCG Middle East was a major recipient of Booz employees. In this podcast we explain a promotion tenure limit imposed by the BCG Middle East practice, which we believe was driven by the hiring of so many Booz consultants, and, with greatest respect to BCG, hurts the firm and its culture. We discuss the policy, why it defeats the principle of demonstrated competency and why it implies that BCG Middle East values the opinions of another firm disproportionately. We feel this policy should change. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES HERE & RECEIVE FREE CASE INTERVIEW TRAINING COME HANG OUT WITH US: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn  

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