Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica



Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.


  • Bliss is the Self’s Illusion—the Ego is its Disillusion - Shunyamurti Answers Your Questions

    28/12/2023 Duration: 19min

    Don't Miss - Starts Tomorrow - Do you have a question for Shunyamurti? Join us live and bring in the New Year with Shunyamurti! Dec 29 - Jan 2 SIGN UP: https://bit.ly/MahaSukha A number of different questions are asked by seekers of Truth, but all are answered by the realization of the Self as the perfection of every moment of experience.

  • The World Will Fulfill Your Desires - Shunyamurti Answers Your Questions

    26/12/2023 Duration: 22min

    Do you have a question for Shunyamurti? Join us live and bring in the New Year with Shunyamurti! Attaining Maha-Sukha: The Infinite Bliss! Dec 29 - Jan 2 SIGN UP: https://bit.ly/MahaSukha Quantum waves convert into particles in order to fulfill the desire of the observing physicist. Those desires in turn are a product of the collapsing of qualium wave functions which convert the potentiality of desire into actuality, and turn humans into desiring machines. The whole cosmos appears because of desire, but not the desire of humans, but rather, the Desire of Consciousness Itself. The One Infinite Self desires an infinity of experiences to reflect and fulfill its Will to know Itself by converting Its unmanifest essence into the greatest work of art ever created: the Universe from the Alpha Point to the Omega Point (and its antimatter inverse Other), containing every form of beauty, and every possibility of meaning, in a vast Theodrama culminating in the fulfillment of Its infinite greed, via Its own embodiment a

  • Know the Joy of Being Born as God ~ Shunyamurti Christmas Teaching

    23/12/2023 Duration: 12min

    The symbolic meaning of Christmas is a message of universal urgency and personal significance to every conscious being. It is a prefigured celebration of your awakening to your divine nature and the rebirth of the character you play in the matrix as an avatar, a Buddha, a manifestation of God, begotten as the Only Self, by the blissful union of Shakti and Shiva. Blessings for living in the glory of Theosis.

  • How to Bring Life to this Valley of Dry Bones ~ Shunyamurti Teaching

    16/12/2023 Duration: 10min

    Because we have abandoned our love for the Mother Goddess and the Father God, and their internal integration as pure mutuality of divine adoration, the life energy has gone out of our archetypal forms and fallen into the morbid and demonic realm of the hungry ghosts and zombie egos, which clash in the darkness of a desert world on the brink of self-annihilation. Only a return to the fullness of the Zero will emanate the salvific power of the Source of our Being.

  • Disregard the Ego Narratives - Shunyamurti Reads The Sages

    09/12/2023 Duration: 12min

    No one is in bondage. Only the choice to believe the ego narratives diverts the attention from the Supreme Presence within—and equally without. This is a universal truth. The illumined sages of every spiritual lineage have passed this on as their legacy. That is why it is often called the Perennial Philosophy. But theoretical knowledge is not enough: The habit of forgetfulness of Self must be abandoned.

  • Recognize the Reality of Dreaming and the Dreaming of Reality

    02/12/2023 Duration: 13min

    Ultimate reality is closer than the present moment and never becomes past or future. To perceive this Truth is already to be liberated and forever free. But the timebound mind, which veils the Real, must be dropped so that all is revealed and transcended. 

  • The Empowering Secrets of our Paradoxical Reality - Shunyamurti Teaching

    18/11/2023 Duration: 14min

    The Buddha Mind loves paradox. Once you are energized by the recognition that the world is Nirvana, and that Nirvana is not other than the apparent world, all the predispositions of the linear mind that produce the bondage of reification drop away spontaneously. In the revelation of the Self as naked Presence, all is perceived as miraculous and awesomely beautiful. Attainment of Liberation is the result of dropping all fear and desire, all thought constructs, and all judgments.

  • The Aghori Option May Be Your Best Strategy - Shunyamurti Teaching

    11/11/2023 Duration: 16min

    Today, many people are functioning as hungry ghosts. And many are paralyzed spiritually by feelings of disgust and shame about their self-images, histories, and modes of self-presentation. In this context, Shunyamurti retells a story originally told by Acharya Sthaneshwar Timalsina about his meeting with an Aghori guru—and explores the implications of the extreme lifestyles and practices of those pariah yogis with amazing powers. Through this analysis, we learn how to raise our consciousness to new symbolic heights and then pass beyond the mind to the Supreme Real. This enables the liberated Self to emerge.

  • The Whole World is Becoming Gaza ~ Shunyamurti Teaching

    09/11/2023 Duration: 10min

    Join us live online this weekend, Nov 10 - 12: The Great Escape:​ A New Path Out of the Prison of the Ego https://bit.ly/your-great-escape Pay What You Can Scholarships Available. Aghoris are fierce, sinister, sometimes superhuman yogis who reject all civilized values, live in cremation grounds and treat the funeral pyres as private barbecues. They are so dead to desire that they are fearless and can endure levels of pain and horror that would break other men. They are radically free and beyond inhibition or moral constraints. Now that the territory of Gaza is being bombed relentlessly on a daily basis the zone is becoming a vast cremation ground. A new kind of Aghori army may emerge from this hideous crucible that will make even zombies flee in terror. For those of us who seek the other end of the spectrum of consciousness, we can reach the state of fearlessness through being absorbed into the bliss of divine love and adoration. But it will require the same achievement of the death of appetite for ease and

  • Extract Consciousness from Limiting Narratives - Question and Answer Compilation with Shunyamurti

    07/11/2023 Duration: 41min

    Do you have a question for Shunyamurti? Join us live online this weekend, Nov 10 - 12: The Great Escape:​ A New Path Out of the Prison of the Ego https://bit.ly/your-great-escape   Many secrets of maximizing intelligence and non-ordinary power are offered in these brief answers to urgent spiritual questions. Such insights as—how to gain a passport to the next Golden Age; the quickest way to de-potentiate the shadow forces; the pragmatic effectiveness of love; and the simplest way to eliminate self-limiting narratives—are among the topics covered.

  • The Process of Re-Divinization - Questions & Answers with Shunyamurti

    05/11/2023 Duration: 08min

    Join us at our next advanced training weekend in the art of Sovereignty, Nov 10 - 12: The Great Escape:​ A New Path Out of the Prison of the Ego https://bit.ly/your-great-escape The esoteric meaning of the Islamic myth of Iblis (known in Christian mythology as Lucifer) is discussed with its special relevance for this moment in history. The way to undo our fallen state is clarified and its outcome described.

  • The Four Secret Passageways to Freedom ~ Shunyamurti Invites You to the Next Online Retreat

    31/10/2023 Duration: 07min

    Join us at our next advanced training weekend in the art of Sovereignty, Nov 10 - 12: The Great Escape:​ A New Path Out of the Prison of the Ego https://bit.ly/your-great-escape   Consciousness is a many-splendored power. But humans have lost the art of activating and mastering its full potential. They have become victims of their minds, rather than free sovereigns living in joy and creative genius. To escape the prison of a consciousness that has become too dense, too fixed in obsolete beliefs, trapped in distressing emotions, delusions, and self-limiting attitudes, you must become skilled in the magical art of shifting your assemblage point by raising the internal energy of kundalini. This ultimate alchemical attainment is urgently needed now—as our collective world is at the breaking point.

  • Attunement to the Self is Our Function - Shunyamurti Teaching

    28/10/2023 Duration: 12min

    The world is becoming ever more polarized, and soon everyone will join the living dead—either as a zombie or an avadhuta, one who has gone through ego death. The latter will free the souls trapped in the state of the former.

  • Antagonism Can Only Lead to Mutual Destruction ~ Shunyamurti Teaching

    21/10/2023 Duration: 12min

    People operating at the ego level go to war out of love—whether it is love of family, country, land, treasure, conquest, or glory. But only lovers of God—who have realized God in all beings and therefore cannot hate anyone or act with aggression or violence toward anyone—can bring peace to the world. To love God is to love your Self. This love transcends all worlds. It is now the will of God to bring complete peace by returning all souls to their Source in the Unmanifest Supreme Reality.

  • Learn the Nirvanic Logos of the Hologram ~ Shunyamurti Early Morning Teaching

    14/10/2023 Duration: 14min

    In order not to deviate from the highest trajectory of the unfoldment of Consciousness, one must stay attuned to the Dao. This is the Logos that unites Nirvana with Samsara—nonduality with multiplicity—thus transforming the cosmic hologram into the pure reflection of the Infinite Intelligence. One perceives the Real unstained by egoic delusions that produce the sense of conflict, imperfection, and evil. In this way, the great work of divine alchemy is completed. 

  • The Mystical Meaning Of The Mideast War: Armageddon Now?

    12/10/2023 Duration: 09min

    The war in Ukraine has suddenly disappeared from the news, replaced by a new war in the Middle East. Rather than getting lost in the labyrinth of conspiracy theories about the identity of the puppet master, or paranoia about the likelihood of this escalating into global nuclear war, it is imperative to remain centered in the Real Self and understand the spiritual significance of what is unfolding—and to act in accord with the Dao of these final days.   Watch the full, uncut, and uncensored teaching on our Members Website. Sign Up for your free 10-day trial here: https://bit.ly/members-free-trial  

  • Become God’s Fearless Lion ~ Shunyamurti Teaching

    07/10/2023 Duration: 12min

    A Sufi poet reveals the salvific truth of our real nature. Now is the time to break free of all limiting beliefs and overcome the illusion of mortality and materiality. Our next retreat—The Great Escape—is designed to enable us to break out of the prison camp of the mind, liberate our souls, and bring a beautiful end to this dying world—and a divine new beginning.

  • Liberation Requires a Laser-Like Mind ~ Shunyamurti Classic Teaching

    06/10/2023 Duration: 14min

    We have all been indoctrinated into nihilistic, false, and incoherent beliefs. This has blurred our ability to understand reality and to connect with God. By attaining freedom from all beliefs and returning to the coherence of silent presence, we can break through the veils that separate us from the redemptive Light and Power of Divine Love.   Learn More About Shunyamurti: https://shunyamurti.org/

  • The Conscientious Will Receive a Visit from the Goddess - Shunyamurti Teaching

    30/09/2023 Duration: 12min

    You can watch, listen, and read this teaching in full on our website: https://www.satyoga.org/new-covenant/ A New Covenant for the World to Come The development of true conscience only comes when one has silenced the superego voices in one’s mind and has discovered the inner Presence of the divine Voice of the Stillness. Then, the consciousness opens up to the awesome reality of oneness-in-difference. This vision brings with it the ethic of nonduality—and the duty to treat all beings as manifestations of the One Self.

  • Light the Fire of Creative Imagination! Shunyamurti Classic Teaching

    28/09/2023 Duration: 12min

    To perceive the perfect poetry of life in this time of darkness, one must light the sacrificial fire of our pure Spirit—which manifests as joyous creative imagination—that sees the infinite beauty of the luminous Presence of God everywhere, converting the darkness into Light.   This is an excerpt from a longer teaching posted on our Members Section: https://bit.ly/poetry-made-real

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