St. Albert Alliance Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 333:32:22
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St. Albert Alliance Church podcasts.


  • Faith in Uncertainty

    17/03/2020 Duration: 34min

    How quickly things have changed in our world. The realities that we knew at the start of the week were completely turned upside down by the end of the week. When our works shifts at such a rapid pace many of the things we have placed our hope and security in suddenly don’t appear so hopeful or secure. Join us as we talk about how we navigate with faith in uncertain times.

  • The Father's Love

    09/03/2020 Duration: 32min

    Sometimes we aren't receiving the adoptive love of the Father because of blocks in our lives - things we've done, things that have been done to us, shame, secrets, etc. How do we receive the revelation of the Father's adoptive love and grow in our intimacy with God? Join us on Sunday morning as Dr. Rob Reimer teaches about The Father's Love! If you can’t make it, watch the live stream  at

  • LAST WORDS: Unforced Rhythms of Grace

    02/03/2020 Duration: 40min

    Jesus does not pull any punches when he states matter of factly: “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches.  Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.  For apart from me you can do nothing.”  How does a human being stay connected to Jesus (the Vine) in such a way that the Holy Spirit produces good fruit in that person?  Come and hear Pastor Jeremy share practical ways to grow an awareness of God’s Presence in our everyday life. Or if you can’t make it, watch the live stream  at

  • RESOLUTIONS THAT LAST: The Sharing Choice

    24/02/2020 Duration: 44min

    Because we live on a broken planet, pain is a part of life; no one lives a pain-free life.  Following Jesus does not end our pain - it transforms it!  Jesus gives meaning and purpose to our pain, regardless of the reason or causes of our pain, God can use it to our benefit.  He takes our hurts, hang-ups, and habits, and weaves them into His plan for our lives.  Join us on Sunday for the final week of our series Resolutions that Last, where we will discover that as we start experiencing healing and peace, God wants us to share our experiences with others. Or if you can’t make it, watch the live stream  at

  • RESOLUTIONS THAT LAST: The Growth Choice

    17/02/2020 Duration: 49min

    Agreements with lies are nearly always at the root of an issue when we find ourselves in cyclical patterns of thought, attitudes, actions, and behaviours that we know are wrong or are hurting us, but we can’t seem to overcome.  Rob Reimer writes: “The symptoms you are trying to fix in your life right now are likely connected to lies you believe….Every time you act on a lie, the lie gains power in your life.”  To truly experience lasting change and a lifetime of growth, we need the Holy Spirit to help us identify, confess and renounce the lies that keep us bound up.  Join us this week as we hear another live testimony and Pastor Jeremy speak about the Growth Choice. Or if you can’t make it, watch the live stream  at

  • RESOLUTIONS THAT LAST: The Relationship Choice

    10/02/2020 Duration: 48min

    Join us for week six of our eight-part series, Resolutions that Last. This week we are learning about the Relationship Choice - the choice where we thoughtfully evaluate all of our relationships, seek to genuinely make amends, and extend forgiveness where needed. Join us on Sunday to hear Pastor Lisa share from scripture, and listen to a powerful personal testimony from a member of our church family as we humbly seek to engage the Relationship Choice wholeheartedly. Or if you can’t make it, watch the live stream  at

  • RESOLUTIONS THAT LAST: The Transformation Choice

    03/02/2020 Duration: 43min

    Change can only occur in our lives after we have admitted we don’t have the power to change ourselves and have realized we need God to save us. This Sunday, we will learn the story of a man named Jacob, and the choices he made to change the direction of his life. His story illustrates how God took him through the first five choices, leading him to become the man God intended him to be. Or if you can’t make it, watch the live stream  at

  • RESOLUTIONS THAT LAST: The Housecleaning Choice

    27/01/2020 Duration: 43min

    This week, we are discussing the The Housecleaning Choice -  which directs us to first openly examine what others have done to us and what we have done to others. We must confess our faults to ourselves, to God, and to someone we trust. This choice is about coming clean and admitting our failures. We may fear the honesty required to make this choice, but know that freedom is the reward for truth. This choice opens the path for Christ’s power to heal our wounds. Watch the live stream  at


    19/01/2020 Duration: 39min

    When we're hurting, we tend to cover up our pain with bad or harmful behaviour. We develop bad habits that shout, "I'm hurting!" - but all too often it's the habit that gets all the attention. Truthfully, that habit won't stop screaming until we get at the root of the hurt. We can break free from the cycle of pain by making godly choices, healthy choices that lead to peace, joy, and wisdom. It happens when we commit to choosing God's path over our own. Join us for Week 3 of our series, Resolutions that Last, to hear another powerful testimony of how Jesus can meet us in the midst of our story and lead us on a path to genuine life change! Live Stream at


    13/01/2020 Duration: 38min

    As we continue in the series Resolutions That Last, we look at the Hope Choice. By choosing to believe that God exists, we matter to Him, and He has the power to change us, God can heal our souls and lead us to a different way of living. As human beings, we try to avoid our pain, overcome our problems, and improve our lives with our own power, before we ask for God’s power and help. Join us on Sunday as we learn that God wants to provide a different kind of escape - like being permanently set free from a prison cell, we are empowered to grow and change. Watch the live stream at

  • RESOLUTIONS THAT LAST: The Reality Choice

    06/01/2020 Duration: 38min

    This Sunday, we begin a brand new series - Resolutions that Last. In life, it seems that once a problem is solved, another one comes up. The same is true for our temptations and sins, they keep popping up. Even if we have been followers of Christ for a long time, when we think we may have an issue settled, Satan finds another way to attack us. Join us on Sunday and learn how to cut off the problems at their power source. Or if you can’t make it, watch the live stream  at

  • Becoming a People of Blessing

    30/12/2019 Duration: 42min

    One of the most profound marks of maturity in our apprenticeship to Jesus is a posture and practice of blessing others. There is ample research to affirm there is a deep hunger in our world today, to know the blessing of someone ‘above’ us. As we prepare to move into a new calendar year,  join Pastors Jeremy and Lisa and reflect on what it means to become people of blessing to those around us. Or if you can’t make it, watch the live stream  at

  • EXPECTATION: Expecting Hope

    16/12/2019 Duration: 32min

    The word hope is one that often gets tossed around. Many refer to hope with a sense of wishful thinking - cross your fingers and hope that everything will work out. For many, our experience of hope comes from a place of disappointment or discouragement. The very things that we had hoped for did not go as expected and hopelessness grows. What if our hope is not dependent on circumstances or situations, and instead built on a person? Join us Sunday as we continue to celebrate the advent season and explore Hope found in Jesus. Live stream at

  • EXPECTATION: Expecting Peace

    09/12/2019 Duration: 34min

    As the seasons have changed, the physical darkness of winter is the new normal as we navigate the everyday routines of our lives. The songs of the season shout - Joy to the World, Peace on Earth and goodwill towards men. Yet this often seems far from our physical reality. In our hearts there is a longing for Peace, for rest, for relationships to be restored and the world says this will come through having more, doing more and becoming more. What if our peace was not dependent upon us?  Join us Sunday as we explore Peace that has overcome the world. Watch the live stream at

  • LAST WORDS: Walk This Way

    25/11/2019 Duration: 32min

    What is the response that comes to mind when you hear the word obedience? Often we think of duty or obligation with a little bit of guilt sprinkled in for good measure. Why do we push back against the act of obedience? Whether its rules from a parent or laws of the land, it seems we are always trying to see how far we can go. What would change in our lives if we were to practice a life of obedience? Join us Sunday as we take time to look at the example of obedience given for us. Live stream at

  • LAST WORDS: Never Alone

    11/11/2019 Duration: 36min

    Sometimes people think: ‘If only we’d been there when Jesus was around, it would have been so much easier. He would have explained everything to us, and told us what to do.’ But interestingly, Jesus himself said the opposite - he said that it was better for us if He returned to the Father. Why? Come hear Pastors Jeremy and Lisa explore the next passage in our Last Word series and the promise of Jesus that we would never be alone. Live stream at

  • LAST WORDS: Greater Things

    05/11/2019 Duration: 38min

    The words of Jesus in John 14:12-14 can be difficult for us to understand.  How can we do greater things than Jesus himself did?  Come and hear Pastors Jeremy and Lisa speak on the incomparable gift of the Holy Spirit and what Jesus truly meant when He said “greater things.” Or if you can’t make it, watch the live stream  at

  • LAST WORDS: Personal Engagement

    28/10/2019 Duration: 40min

    The call of Jesus is not an invitation to a religious system, but to personal relationship with Himself.  While the vulnerability of relationship can be uncomfortable at times, come and hear Pastors Jeremy & Lisa encourage us regarding the unique transformation that is only possible through personal engagement with Jesus. Live stream at

  • LAST WORDS: My Home is Your Home

    20/10/2019 Duration: 43min

    It’s often said that there’s no place like home.  The home we long for is a place of security, safety and belonging.  This is an inherent need we all have - to know where and with whom we belong.  Come and hear Pastors Jeremy and Lisa continue our Last Word series, exploring John 14:1-5 and what it means to find our home with Jesus in the Father’s house. Watch the live stream at

  • LAST WORDS: More Than a Teacher

    14/10/2019 Duration: 32min

    Who is Jesus to us?  It is a question that each of us need to answer because it reveals the role that Jesus will play in our lives.  We can read the scriptures and be in awe of His wisdom, his compassion or even the way that he taught, but what happens if we see Jesus as more than just a teacher?  What would it change for us?  Join us Sunday as we look at titles, choices and the impact of both. Live stream at

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