Coach Glass Podcast



Coach Glass Podcast is for coaches, athletes and anyone wanting to maximize their potential. The King of Rotational Power shares his training techniques, golf fitness, coaching philosophy, mental coaching, nutrition and everything else that helps you take your life to the next level! Jason Glass is Edutainment! Dream Big Over Deliver and be Undeniable! @jasonglasslab


  • CGP Ep457 DreamBIG The Book

    19/08/2022 Duration: 26min

    It happened folks! the book is finally published! My DreamBIG for the past 3 years has become a reality. In today's episode I go DEEP into the 3 key elements of the book. Design your DreamBIG, OverDeliver on that dream and BeUndeniable in the process. This book will identify the driver behind your goals and push you to create dreams that will create true joy and fulfilment in your life. Once you identify your DreamBIG you will need the skills to not only execute your dream but OverDeliver on it. To do this you will need high performance habits, daily routines, and an undeniable mindset. This book will provide you with all the tools you need to BeUndeniable on the journey toward your DreamBIG. The most important thing you need to do is START! Start with this Episode!!! We are accepting applications for the Coach Glass Mentorship Fall 2022 Class. Interested? Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here:

  • CGP Ep456 Gut Check

    12/08/2022 Duration: 49min

    Trust your gut. Check your gut. Get a gut check! Today's episode is not for the faint of fart. We are going DEEEP into the colon and discussing how your gut health is a reflection of your overall health and wellness. All of my episodes are rated EXPLICIT. This one is rated R for ridiculously explicit. Im not apologizing to you if you listen and are offended. Sometimes you need to be vulgar to save a life. I just had a colonoscopy and I share the details in depth. We also talk about how to create a healthy gut flora and understand how your emotions affect your ability to process not just your food but the stresses in your life. Enjoy! We are accepting applications for the Coach Glass Mentorship Fall 2022 Class. Interested? Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here: Fitness Level 3 is May 6-8th Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_better h

  • CGP Ep455 Creativity Unleashed

    05/08/2022 Duration: 30min

    You are creative. Yes you are! You don't have to be an artist or get paid for what you create to be creative. You think original thoughts and have the ability to create unique things if you would just get out of your own way and listen to that voice in your head. Not the one holding you back from sharing your latest blog, painting, mix tape or Instagram Reel. The one that says, "I want to see what a blue duck would look like!" followed by you drawing it with your sky blue crayon. "Thats Quaktastic!" This episode we go DEEEP into what is holding you back and give you some tools and and a healthy nudge toward creating what is in your soul. We are accepting applications for the Coach Glass Mentorship Fall 2022 Class. Interested? Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here: Fitness Level 3 is May 6-8th Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_bett

  • CGP Ep454 STOP Training GO Play

    29/07/2022 Duration: 30min

    Stop training and go play! This episode may anger you. We have been force-fed the notion that training is supposed to be hard and you can't ever stop or you will turn into a weak fat slob. If you are an athlete you need to train every day and constantly be getting faster stronger and more powerful. Grind it out! This is ridiculous. If you are always training, when do you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour? You say you want to "peak for the Majors" but never take time off to allow your body to express its greatness. If you are a nine to fiver who trains to stay young, fit and looking lean you need to actually stop what you are doing to see if your diet and training regime actually works. If taking a break results in you gaining weight and you feeling pain and lethargy then your program sucks! Just listen to this rant and heed my advice. Train using Coach Glass' revolutionary rotational training programs: Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_

  • CGP Ep453 Injured or Good To Go

    23/07/2022 Duration: 36min

    You are either injured or you are okay. Those are the only two states I give my athletes when they are competing. There is no grey. You are either 100% and focussed on competing at the highest level or you are injured. Injured means you are not practicing or playing. Simple as that. I know what you are thinking. "There is always grey Jason!" Not in the mind of a competitor who is putting their body on the line. Black or white. Non competitive times we can have a full spectrum of conditions. We can have everything from being in the process of healing, actively healing, removing limitations, transition toward performance, training for performance, but still never injured. Its a mindset and the mind will dictate the rate and the quality of the healing process. How about you just listen to this podcast episode where I share a ton of example and how we manage the injured athlete on a psychological level. Train using Coach Glass' revolutionary rotational training programs:

  • CGP Ep542 Breaking Bad Habits

    13/07/2022 Duration: 33min

    Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Finally ready to make a lifestyle change but the mountainous task seems insurmountable? This weeks podcast will give you the tools to do the most important thing...START! We all have habits that we could change, improve upon or delete from our daily routines. Quitting cold turkey or enrolling the" all in or all out" approach simply does not work, trust me, Ive tried. "So what does work Jay? You seem to have all the answers. You tell me what I should do!" Well if you would just listen... I just might! Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here: Fitness Level 3 is May 6-8th Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. I will be speaking at the 2022 Perform Better Summit in Providence Rhode Island Aug 26-28th! Lets GO!!!!

  • CGP Ep451 Executive Decision

    08/07/2022 Duration: 45min

    My wife and I have this thing. We call it the ‘Executive Decision’. If one of us feels the need to plan something, buy something or do something out of the ordinary, the ‘Executive Decision’ is evoked. This is only performed if the decision is so important to the person delivering it, that there can be no disagreement or discussion on the matter. It will be done! Two weeks ago my wife unleashed the full power of the ‘Executive Decision’. Executive Orders were delivered and met. What kind of Executive Orders would you deliver to those around you? Would you pull the plug and buy that Peleton you have been trying to justify yourself out of for the past year knowing full well that it would positively enhance the health of your family? Would you go on a solo trip to fulfill that bucket list item that only you would appreciate or take the family on that cross country trek you have been brining up at the end of each summer? Or maybe you are finally ready to make that lifestyle change that is slowly torturing as it s

  • CGP Ep450 Systems Matter

    28/06/2022 Duration: 39min

    Systems matter! Im talkin about automating your life. You will accomplish more in your day if you have systems in place and you work the system. They need to be sculpted, massaged and altered from time to time but over all they should be on cruise control. If you don't know what I am talking about you probably don't have an effective routine, system or process. Start now! In this episode I give you my systems and if they sound manageable you can use them too! You can thank me later. Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here: Fitness Level 3 is May 6-8th Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. I will be speaking at the 2022 Perform Better Summit in Providence Rhode Island Aug 26-28th! Lets GO!!!!

  • CGP Ep449 Graduation Day

    23/06/2022 Duration: 26min

    My kids are both graduating this year. One from college and one from high school. Graduation day isn't about the diploma or degree or the moonwalk across the stage to grab it. It is about the transformation you went through from the time you started your journey to the day you graduate. What are you graduating from? Right now! What are you working toward at this moment that you will illicit you throwing your proverbial cap in the air. What are you going to EARN for all your hard work? "You can earn everything that is earn-able is different to you can be anything you want to be!" Jordan Peterson. In this episode I share some of my current projects that are nearing graduation and others that challenged me to explore what I was capable of in the past. Enjoy It!

  • CGP Ep448 The Joy of Suffering

    17/06/2022 Duration: 33min

    The Ying Yang of life says you must suffer to enjoy the absence of suffering. You need to lose to appreciate the joys of winning. You need to be thirsty to truly feel quenched. The further the extreme in one direction will create more space for the opposing experience to take place in the other. Live life to the max inside your personal boundaries. Each person has a different level of comfort and require different stimuli to create discomfort. I have a problem with those of you who don't know what yours is. If you fall into this category it is time to push your comfort zone.

  • CGP Ep447 Lessons from the Canadian Open

    11/06/2022 Duration: 28min

    The PGA Tour is back in Canada for the RBC Canadian Open and it quickly becoming the ultimate test of golf skills. I love pressure cooker environments. They bring out the best and worst in people. They also allow you to assess your skills. Not only are the golfers tested but their coaches and support staff are tested as well. Perfect environment for learning. Boy did I learn a lot and have a ton of fun! In this week's episode I share some of the performance hacks I learnt and how you can incorporate them into your game! Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here: Fitness Level 3 is May 6-8th Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. I will be speaking at the 2022 Perform Better Summit in Providence Rhode Island Aug 26-28th! Lets GO!!!!

  • CGP Ep337 99 Years of Perspective

    02/06/2022 Duration: 41min

    This week we lost an amazing woman who had a profound impact on my life. She was the matriarch of our family and the principles that she lived her life by have inspired generations. When people look for podcast episodes to listen to, they look for names they recognize in pop culture or experts on a topic of interest. You won't find Nell Glass on Instagram, Wikipedia, or any Google search engine. But I assure you that this conversation will give you incredible perspective and insight into what it means to be human. It has zero references to studies in journals or claim to be the magic pill that will fix all your problems. It will however provide you with insight that you can only gleam by listening to someone who has seen it all. She has lived through World Wars, the Dust Bowl and saw the first automobile drive past her while she was riding her horse to school. The things she has done in her life, allowed her to put what we are currently experiencing into perspective. Rest in peace Nana, you are forever in my

  • CGP Ep445 Jealousy & Imposter Syndrome

    27/05/2022 Duration: 36min

    Jealousy is seeing your unrealized dreams in others. Imposter Syndrome is trying to be someone you don't believe you deserve to be. Both of these make you look outside of yourself and compare what you see to your true self. You will only be jealous of things that you feel are attainable. You aren't going to be jealous of Bill Gates but you may be jealous of Bill in your office who got the promotion over you. Imposter Syndrome rears its ugly head when you put yourself into situations over your expertise or if you feel that you have presented yourself to the world in an inaccurate way. Jealous people are usually not willing to do what it took for the person they are jealous of to accomplish the same thing. Imposter Syndrome occurs most often to high achiever perfectionists that never feel like they have mastered their craft. So which one are you? Listen and learn. Need guidance and mentorship to help you accomplish your DreamBIG? Simply fill out this application or if you wan

  • CGP Ep444 Friction

    21/05/2022 Duration: 36min

    We want growth. We are hardwired to progress and move forward. Some of you are built to DreamBIG while others like to keep it safe and avoid change, but you still crave growth. This episode we go DEEEEP into the concept of adding friction to your life for the sake of growth. You cant grow without effort, stress and a little friction. Friction can create unwanted blisters which turn to calluses which allow you to handle more friction. You have to choose the type of friction that will illicit the right kind of growth. You have to earn those calluses and this podcast will give you the tools to do just that! Enjoy It! Need guidance and mentorship to help you accomplish your DreamBIG? Simply fill out this application or if you want more information go to Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here: Fitness Level 3 is May 6-8th Want to buy so

  • CGP Ep443 Breaking the Blues

    12/05/2022 Duration: 30min

    On the last episode I shared some personal feelings I was experiencing that I can only describe as the "Post" Covid Blues. A lack of drive, joy , and overall motivation to attack life. I knew that it was temporary but at the same time meaningful. Now that I am on the other side of this mental state I can share some perspective on not only what I was dealing with but more importantly how to get out of it. I realized I was falling in to the trap of trying to keep up with everyone's highlight reel on their social media. Somehow I wasn't doing enough in my business, comedy and overall ability to crush life. I felt that whatever I was doing, watching or enjoying was somehow the wrong thing which left me an overwhelming sense of missing out. The key to eliminate this was to disconnect from the source of my FMO. Turn off and tune out the noise. The next step was to reconnect with positive people in my life and enjoy the simple things. I took my kids to San Diego and spent 4 days surfing with my pal Robert Yang and e

  • CGP Ep442 Post Covid Blues

    06/05/2022 Duration: 18min

    This is not a regular Coach Glass Podcast. I wont judge you if you choose to skip this one. Its just the Coach talking about the post Covid blues. Lack of motivation hits me like waves on the California coastline. Some days its 6 foot over head and other days its a ripple in a puddle. When I think back to the grinder I was before the pandemic I realize my lifestyle wasn't sustainable. Working 10 hour days, travelling the globe every second week and squeezing everything I could out of life was who I WAS. The new Jay is getting less done and struggling to find the motivation to achieve that which I once had. I hear this same story from my friends, colleagues and family. Just an overwhelming sense of meh! So this episode is me talking it out and hope it helps you if you are also feeling unmotivated to crush life. Next week....the solution! Enjoy?

  • CGP Ep441 Strength or Tai Chi

    30/04/2022 Duration: 35min

    When you apply a stress to the body the body adapts. So thats what we do. We create programs that stress the body. The bigger the stress the bigger the adaptation. But what if instead of making exercises harder, we made them easier? What if you could produce the same amount of work with less effort? Wouldn't that make you a better athlete? As a strength coach I add resistance. As a performance coach I make you move that resistance with less effort. More efficiency! Like Tai Chi! Need guidance and mentorship to help you accomplish your DreamBIG? Simply fill out this application or if you want more information go to Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here: Fitness Level 3 is May 6-8th Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, K

  • CGP Ep440 Living in the Grey

    19/04/2022 Duration: 36min

    Life is never black or white. We live in the grey. Rules however, need to be black and white. It is your job to decide where on the spectrum your actions will sit. We live in the greys and browns but judge others on the extremes. "Look at that asshole speeding past us like we are standing still!" while you are driving 15 over the limit. "I cant believe that person is not wearing a mask!" While yours is hanging below your nostrils. "Look at her eating a dessert, no wonder she is overweight!" while you sip your 3rd glass of wine. The problem comes when you are living a contradiction. When what you say and what you do conflict. In coaching I love extremes. I teach my athletes to feel the extremes and then execute somewhere between. Want to hit it straight? Lets learn how to hit slices and hooks. Wanna learn how to use your legs in an Olympic Lift? Do a shoulder press without the legs followed by a jump press! Want to be more open minded? Try living the other side of your belief structure for a day. They are righ

  • CGP Ep439 Steroids in Golf

    11/04/2022 Duration: 28min

    Would steroids help you play better golf? Isn't the idea of golf performance training to maximize power and speed? Every sport that requires maximal power and speed output has to watch for athletes cheating. Most common forms of performance enhancing drugs include anabolic steroids and growth hormone. Bigger, faster and stronger in a pill! So why would golf be any different? Anyone who has played competitive golf would know what it feels like to to grind over a 6 foot putt to either win or make the cut. Bad time for roid-rage! But you could technically use steroids for a cycle, get your "gains" and then ween yourself off in time for a Major. But, in today's game with FedEx points on the line each week it is critical that you compete 20 plus tournaments a year. No time for bulking season. One benefit and probably the most valuable benefit of steroids is the recovery benefits. Recover from injury, fatigue from travel or train before and after intense range sessions. But what are the side effects? What about Tes

  • CGP Ep438 #YOJAY Grip Strength & Ground Reaction Force

    03/04/2022 Duration: 42min

    Is your grip strength important? YES! Should you train for better grip strength? NO! Is GRF (Ground Reaction Force) the future of golf performance? NO! Is it valuable to measure it and is it trainable in the gym? YES! Do I have to listen to this episode to find out why? YES!!!! These are a just a few of the #YOJAY questions that have been blowing up my DM's. I thought that I would address these topics this week and go DEEP into how these concepts could be the difference maker in your programming. Listen and learn! Want to master your speaking skills or need guidance and mentorship to help you accomplish your DreamBIG? Simply fill out this application or if you want more information go to Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here: Fitness Level 3 is May 6-8th Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_better

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