Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca



Couch Talk w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca is an intimate place for intimate conversation about tackling menopause, hormonal imbalance, and sexual health issues with grace and ease. Join Dr. Anna and the world's top experts, and discover how to naturally burn fat, boost energy, sleep better and stop hot flashes the Keto-Green way!


  • Periods, Moods and Menses & Perimenopause, too!

    07/11/2018 Duration: 47min

    Today on Couch Talk I have brought back a previous – and popular – guest, Dr. Lara Briden. Lara is here to talk with us about her recently updated book, Period Repair Manual: Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods.She is a naturopathic doctor with some twenty years of experience in women’s health and she runs a hormone clinic in Sydney, Australia. With 4 daughters I can tell you that this is an important resource book – and required reading – in my household! What I love about Lara’s book is that it contains important information for women as they transition through all ages (including having teenage daughters!)…and in her 2nd edition she added an entire new chapter on perimenopause and the menopause transition…! What Happens in Our 40’s? The Good, the Bad…and the Ugly, Too Lara’s key message is to focus on the things you can do in your early 40’s to: stabilize hormone receptors (not too much estrogen and nurturing your natural progesterone production), support your nervous system and your

  • A Non-Toxic Approach to Women’s Periods & Urine Leaks

    07/11/2018 Duration: 33min

    Today I’m talking to a wonderful innovator named JB Owen. JB talked about her background in the male-dominated construction industry and how that shaped her focus on helping other women in business. She has some empowering perspectives for women which I believe will resonate with many of you in my community. During our Couch Talk interview, we also talked about a beautiful product that JB designed for women of ALL ages. I’ll give you a little summary of that conversation but you should really listen to the interview for more of JB’s thoughts. You will love her! And she has a special gift for my community (see below)! No More Toxin-Laden Sanitary Pads And Tampons! An alternative that is non-toxic, environmentally friendly and fun! JB talked to us about a product that you will definitely want to check out. She is the creator of Lotus Liners, a non-toxic and environmentally friendly alternative to the sanitary napkins, tampons, and incontinence panty-liners that you may use today; whether for your period, for b

  • Cancer: Preventable and Reversible?

    07/11/2018 Duration: 38min

    All of us have been touched in some way with the sadness, pain, and loss related to cancer. Today on Couch Talk I am talking with a rising star in the prevention and cure of cancer. Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D. She is a brilliant physician and also a woman who has dealt with hormone problems and cancer concerns herself – throughout most of her life – due to having been a DES baby. Remember DES? Many women in the ’50s, who had pregnancy issues, were put on this so-called wonder drug…and then the research caught up with just how toxic this miracle drug was. DES usage by their moms during pregnancy sentenced all of those babies to lifelong risks for cancer and hormone complications, including infertility challenges. Well, Leigh’s mom had to take DES during her pregnancy due to some ongoing bleeding. Being a DES baby is probably one of the reasons Leigh became a doctor in the first place…and definitely impacted her focus on and passion about cancer prevention and the importance of hormone dysfunction. Says Leigh, “Y

  • How Dr. Terry Wahls Diet Can Boost Your Immune System & Help With Chronic Pain

    02/11/2018 Duration: 43min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to renowned author, clinical professor and functional medicine physician, Dr. Terry Wahls about How her Multiple Sclerosis Diet Can Significantly Boost Your Immune System & Help With Chronic Pain.

  • When Pelvic Floor Exercises Aren’t Enough To Deal With Incontinence

    26/10/2018 Duration: 41min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Dr. Betsy Greenleaf about how pelvic exercises aren't enough to deal with incontinence. We are also going to talk about your bladder, issues of incontinence, incontinence exercises and treatments.

  • Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate

    24/10/2018 Duration: 35min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Arielle Ford about offering women groundbreaking shifts in perceptions on how to transform their relationship a deeper, more loving, and more fulfilling lifetime love.

  • Nuances To Exercising Over 50! Oh The Joys!

    24/10/2018 Duration: 45min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Debra Atkinson about exercising over 50 and how your bad exercise habits might not be serving you well.

  • Neurology Meets Gynecology At The Gut Microbiome

    24/10/2018 Duration: 34min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to David Perlmutter about what is the importance of your gut microbiome in keeping you healthy and in keeping your brain performing well.

  • Methylation and Your Health: What You Need to Know

    24/10/2018 Duration: 45min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Dr. Kara Fitzgerald on what you need to know about methylation.

  • Could Estrogen Help Save Your Job

    24/10/2018 Duration: 47min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Dr. Mache Seibel about what every woman needs to know about so she can stop feeling confused about hormone therapy.

  • Do You Know Your Blood Sugar Sweetspot?

    24/10/2018 Duration: 45min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo about the importance of blood glucose testing and how people can easily get a handle on their own blood sugar levels.

  • Tinker, Dabble, Doodle, Try! (Harness Your Brain’s Power!)

    24/10/2018 Duration: 34min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Srini Pillay about how to tap into the power of your brain.

  • The Business of Being a Woman

    24/10/2018 Duration: 33min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to JB Owen about an alternative for the toxin-laden sanitary pads and tampons.

  • Wisdom Learned as a Caregiver

    24/10/2018 Duration: 46min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Laura Steward about her life struggles and challenges and the precious moments along with lessons learned to help you on your own journey.

  • Re-thinking Your Cervix: Pain, Orgasms & More

    24/10/2018 Duration: 48min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Olivia bryant on how to heal cervix for more pleasure, deeper orgasms and easier childbirths.

  • Allocating “Attention and Intentions” to Self-Care & Family

    24/10/2018 Duration: 38min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Pedram Shojai about how to prioritize the important things in your life versus allowing all the everyday distractions to take over your mind and happiness.

  • Your Vibe, Energy and Life

    24/10/2018 Duration: 51min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Robyn Openshaw about the stunning revelations that changed her life and her family’s as well.

  • Food As Medicine To Help Anxiety

    18/10/2018 Duration: 28min

     Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Ali Miller about anxiety and how food can be used as medicine to help anxiety.

  • Is PCOS Causing Your Adult Acne & Weight Gain?

    03/10/2018 Duration: 37min

    Dr Anna Cabeca talks to Robin Nielsen about PCOS, excess androgen and the symptoms that relate to it.

  • Cooking for Hormone Balance

    30/04/2017 Duration: 46min

    Really enjoyed this podcast with Magdalena Wszelaki, the founder of Hormones Balance. Magdalena talked about the significant health crisis she went through as a result of a highly stressful career in advertising. A high profile and demanding lifestyle, stressful in every way! Mentally stressful, never in the same time zone, lack of sleep, hotel, and fast food on the run. This eventually ended in complete adrenal fatigue, autoimmune conditions, estrogen dominance, and even depression. But she was able to heal herself and go into complete remission from her health issues through truly using "food as medicine". She adopted a number of key nutrition principles as well as her signature method of cooking for hormone balance. In the interview she discusses: Anchoring and her three-legged stool analogy about healing the gut and liver, and stabilizing sugar levels The importance of an elimination diet (she lives gluten, dairy, and soy-free) How eating the right foods is key to cooking for hormone balance Her "day in

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