Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca



Couch Talk w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca is an intimate place for intimate conversation about tackling menopause, hormonal imbalance, and sexual health issues with grace and ease. Join Dr. Anna and the world's top experts, and discover how to naturally burn fat, boost energy, sleep better and stop hot flashes the Keto-Green way!


  • Detoxifying Your Life: Unmasking Hidden Threats in Everyday Products with Lara Adler

    12/09/2023 Duration: 44min

    Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, discover a healthier path forward with our guest, Lara Adler—an environmental toxins expert, holistic health coach, and educator. Lara's mission is to educate health professionals and individuals about the pervasive impact of environmental chemicals on health, inspiring change for a cleaner, healthier life. Lara delves into the unsettling reality of hidden toxins and hormone disruptors and the shocking truth about the FDA's leniency towards these harmful substances and their presence in our daily lives. Brace yourself as Lara reveals that even umbilical cord blood carries evidence of over 267 chemicals. Gain practical insights on reducing exposure—learn how to minimize contact with persistent chemicals like PCBs while also tackling non-persistent ones. Prepare for a game-changing conversation as Dr. Anna Cabeca and Lara Adler join forces. Uncover the risks of everyday products, explore the intricacies of clean living, and challenge the status quo. This episode isn't just inform

  • Detox Unleashed: Balancing Hormones with Dr. Christopher Shade

    05/09/2023 Duration: 35min

    Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, prepare to be inspired by the expertise of Dr. Christopher Shade, founder and CEO of Quicksilver Scientific. With a Ph.D. in environmental toxicity, Dr. Shade has dedicated his career to pioneering detoxification and supplement delivery systems. His innovative protocols and solutions have empowered countless individuals to eliminate toxins and regain vitality. Gain a profound understanding of heavy metal detoxification and its connection to hormone balance. Dr. Shade unveils the impacts of heavy metal toxicity, including fatigue and anxiety, and shares how liposomal and nanoemulsion delivery systems boost detoxification. You'll also learn practical daily detoxification tips, including the "push catch" concept using bitters, glutathione, and hormones like estrogen and progesterone that play a vital role in this process.  Dr. Shade will reveal the extraordinary powers of activated charcoal as a toxin binder. Unlock your body's detox superpowers and reclaim your vitality. Get read

  • Talking on Eggshells with Sam Horn

    29/08/2023 Duration: 44min

    Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, embark on a transformative journey of communication mastery with renowned expert Sam Horn. With a spotlight on her book "Talking on Eggshells," Sam reveals the strategies that can revolutionize the way you connect with others – whether it's dealing with difficult people, navigating tricky situations at work, or enhancing your personal relationships. Sam's techniques are designed to elevate conversations to new heights with wisdom, insights, and techniques that will transform the way you communicate! In this episode, she guides us through her book's strategies, emphasizing the power of pattern interrupts to diffuse conflicts and deepen connections. Sam is more than just a communicator – she's an enabler of change, success, and fulfillment.  Tune in to discover the secrets of effective communication. Sam's expertise transcends ordinary conversations, offering tools that empower you to steer interactions with grace and empathy. Master the art of 'What do you mean?' and 'I wish,' a

  • Reverse Alzheimer's and Memory Loss with Dr. Heather Sandison

    22/08/2023 Duration: 44min

    Dementia and Alzheimer's disease are debilitating conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. The loss of memory and cognitive function can be devastating, not only for the individuals themselves but also for their loved ones. However, there is hope for reversing dementia. In this episode, I had the privilege of interviewing the incredible Dr. Heather Sandison. She is a Naturopathic Doctor who has dedicated her career to supporting those suffering with dementia, and let me tell you, the insights she shared are mind-blowing! Here are some key takeaways that I believe will have a profound impact on your life: Prioritize Your Brain Health: Dr. Heather emphasizes the importance of investing in ourselves and recognizing our own worth. Remember, you are absolutely deserving of a healthy and thriving brain!  Find Your Balance: We all know that stress can take a toll on our memory and cognitive abilities. Dr. Heather highlights the significance of maintaining a balance between engagement and overwhelm.  Take

  • Back to School, Reset your Circadian Rhythm and Leptin Sensitivity with Ali Miller, RD, LD, CDE

    15/08/2023 Duration: 37min

    I am honestly so glad that the school year has started already! It does bring some melancholy feelings such as this is maybe the last time I drop my youngest one off to school because next year she'll be driving. I love these first day of school drop offs! I get to be ridiculous and embarrass her and bring a smile to her face. It is a really special time.  Some of you may be experiencing an empty nest cycle or just the nostalgia of the school season starting, and you feel like something's missing. Well, I'm here for you and I have often said to a patient that, ‘Wow! Now you finally have the time to have that mental breakdown your body has been wanting to have for a decade!’ Back to school also brings with it the focus on the immune system because colds and flus often come with the beginning of a new school year so, keeping yourself as healthy as possible is important for you and your family. I am not a proponent of routine flu immunizations - I am a proponent of resetting your circadian rhythm, boosting your

  • Radiating Happiness and Attracting Miracles: Discover The Joy of Being Present and Enjoying Life with Marci Shimoff

    08/08/2023 Duration: 31min

    Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to get caught up in the constant pursuit of success and accomplishment. However, it's not always about doing more, but rather about being present and enjoying the fruits of our labor. It's essential to recognize the importance of taking a step back and giving ourselves the time and space to recharge. We need to prioritize our well-being and make self-care a non-negotiable part of our lives. In today’s episode, I had the incredible opportunity to sit down and have an enlightening conversation with the one and only Marci Shimoff. Marci Shimoff is a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author and a world-renowned Transformational Teacher, known for her best-selling books such as "Happy for No Reason" and "Love for No Reason." She has a unique gift for radiating happiness and bringing miracles into people's lives. If you've seen "The Secret" or are familiar with the law of attraction, you'll absolutely love Marci's insights. During our conversation, Marci shared powe

  • Uncovering the Effects of Hormonal Disruptions on Women's Health with Dr. Margaret Christensen

    01/08/2023 Duration: 50min

    Hormone disruption is a topic that is often overlooked but is crucial for understanding our overall health and well-being. It is not a sexy topic to talk about, but it is eye-opening and empowering, and it is essential to understand their effects on our health. In this episode, we aim to provide you with information to help you recognize any interference in your body's natural hormonal production. Our guest, a fellow OBGYN, Dr. Margaret Christensen, has made significant contributions to the fields of Longevity Medicine, Integrative Medicine, and Functional Medicine. Her expertise, combined with her unique clinical journey, has led her on an enlightening path of discovery. Dr. Margaret’s personal and clinical journey has led her to explore the impact of environmental toxins on our health. She uncovers the effects of psychoneurotropics and provides insights into how these toxins can affect us. This eye-opening discussion will make you think twice about the substances we encounter in our daily lives.  She is als

  • Breaking the Taboo: Talking About Menopause, Vaginas, Sex, and Women's Health with Esther Blum

    25/07/2023 Duration: 46min

    Menopause is a natural phase of a woman's life that occurs when she stops menstruating and can no longer bear children. It is a significant milestone that marks the end of reproductive years and the beginning of a new phase of life. However, despite its importance, menopause is often misunderstood and overlooked in our society. This lack of education and awareness about menopause has serious implications for women's health and well-being. Normalizing conversations about women's health is a crucial step towards empowering women and providing them with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed decisions about their bodies. This episode highlights the importance of open and transparent discussions about topics that have traditionally been considered taboo or uncomfortable. We are joined by the incredible Esther Blum, an Integrative Dietitian, Menopause Expert, and Bestselling Author, who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. Our conversation is not only research-based, but also ba

  • Wake Up And Read The Labels With Jen Smiley

    18/07/2023 Duration: 52min

    Reading food labels is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In today's society, where there is an abundance of processed and packaged foods, it is crucial to be aware of what we are putting into our bodies. It can be easy to overlook the importance of reading food labels. Many of us are guilty of grabbing items off the grocery store shelves without giving much thought to it and what many individuals fail to realize is that even foods labeled as "healthy" can contain hidden ingredients that are detrimental to our health. In this episode, we are joined by Nutrition Expert, Jen Smiley, Founder of "Wake Up and Read the Labels," a company dedicated to helping consumers understand what's actually inside of their food and revolutionize their grocery shopping. Jen's personal experience with asthma, stubborn weight, and inflammation taught her the importance of reading the back of food products. Her journey began when she realized that the seemingly healthy food products she was consuming were actually fille

  • Living Young for a Lifetime: Unlocking the Secrets of Longevity with Dr. Jeffrey Gladden

    11/07/2023 Duration: 51min

    Longevity requires prioritizing health. At the end of our days, what truly matters is having loved, laughed, shared, given, and received joy in our relationships. However, to fully enjoy these aspects of life, good health is essential. Our health affects our overall well-being and happiness. In this episode, the importance of living a long and healthy life is emphasized. Our special guest, Dr. Jeffrey Gladden, Founder, Medical Director, and CEO of Gladden Longevity; a Clinic and Research Center for Life Energy, Health, Longevity, and Performance Optimization, shares his amazing insights and clinical experience in the field of longevity. He discusses the impact of COVID on trends and how he has helped his patients overcome setbacks.  Dr. Gladden highlights the significance of taking care of our bodies and the importance of pain-free living. He emphasizes the importance of taking care of our bodies, addressing inflammation and hormone imbalances, and optimizing our overall well-being. He believes that by doing

  • Small Choices, Big Impact: Cultivating a Positive Mindset for Long-Term Wellness

    04/07/2023 Duration: 12min

    Does this sound familiar? You've been told to follow strict diets and rigorous exercise routines to achieve long-term health and wellness, only to feel frustrated and disheartened when those actions don't yield the desired results. The pain of constantly striving without seeing lasting progress can be overwhelming. But what if there's a different approach? In this episode, we unveil the secrets to creating a positive outlook on health and wellness, one that doesn't rely on restrictive measures or exhausting efforts. It's time to find solace in laughter, embrace the beauty in everyday moments, and shift from fear to love. Join us on this transformative journey towards improved well-being and a brighter future.   Key Takeaways: 00:00:00 - The Power of Perspective 00:03:24 - Laughter as Medicine 00:05:53 - Finding God in the Small Things 00:07:45 - Love and Connection 00:08:27 - Overcoming Fear  Memorable Quotes “Laughter is medicine. Let laughter be thy medicine.” - Dr. Anna Cabeca “Look for God in the small

  • Beyond Symptom Management: The Power of Functional Medicine with Dr. Jeffrey Bland

    27/06/2023 Duration: 40min

    Don't let the limitations of our current medical system hold you back from achieving optimal health. Join me and Dr. Jeffrey Bland, a PhD, a scientist, and a world-renowned researcher and leader in personalized medicine and functional medicine, for an insightful discussion on how functional medicine can help you go beyond just managing symptoms. Discover how eliminating what's bogging down your immune system can improve your health with functional medicine. Today’s episode stresses the importance of an individualized approach to healthcare that focuses on preventative care and treating the root cause of illnesses, rather than just managing symptoms with pharmaceuticals. Functional medicine has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by providing a more personalized, root-cause-based approach to medicine. By focusing on prevention and addressing the underlying causes of disease, functional medicine can help to reduce healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes. Learn how functional medicine can help you ta

  • Mitochondrial Health is Metabolic Health with Cynthia Thurlow

    20/06/2023 Duration: 37min

    As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can impact our overall health. One of the most significant changes is the decline in insulin sensitivity, which can lead to a host of metabolic issues. In this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, Cynthia Thurlow delves into the complexities of insulin sensitivity and how we can navigate the challenges that come with it. Cynthia Thurlow is a nurse practitioner and expert in metabolic health and intermittent fasting for women's health. With over 20 years of experience in cardiology and metabolic health, Cynthia emphasizes the importance of metabolic health and insulin sensitivity in our overall well-being.  In this episode, Cynthia shares her personal experience with intermittent fasting and how it has helped her and her clients. She also covers the role of stress, exercise, and sleep in metabolic health, as well as the importance of individualized care for women's health, and she shares her thoughts on aging, personal choices, and the importance of internal work

  • Dr. Tracy Gapin's Approach to Boosting Testosterone and Improving Overall Health

    13/06/2023 Duration: 49min

    Do you want to feel like your best self again? Are you tired of feeling sluggish and unmotivated? The solution to achieving optimal health and vitality lies in addressing the root causes of low testosterone. And that's exactly what our guest, Dr. Tracy Gapin, will be sharing with you. Dr. Gapin has a wealth of experience as a board-certified urologist and a renowned expert in men's health, Dr. Gapin has made it his mission to help men achieve hormonal balance and overall wellness. As the founder of the esteemed Gapin Institute, he's become well-known for his focus on addressing the root causes of low testosterone through detox, nutrition, and hormonal management. His extensive work has been instrumental in helping men enhance their health, energy, and vitality. By detoxing your body, providing the right nutrition, and managing your hormones, you can experience improved energy levels, increased muscle mass, improved sexual function, and an overall improved quality of life. Don't settle for feeling less than yo

  • Mastering the Art of Positive Aging and Fitness with JJ Virgin

    06/06/2023 Duration: 44min

    Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, we speak with the incredible JJ Virgin, a best-selling author and health and fitness expert who has been a long-time mentor and friend to Dr. Anna Cabeca. As the founder of the Virgin Diet, Sugar Impact Diet, and the Warrior Mom book on mindset, JJ has dedicated her life to helping midlife women focus on health and well-being. With a passion for muscle-building and embracing a positive aging mindset, JJ is the perfect guest to share her wisdom and inspire us all to live our best lives. Exercise and physical activity play a critical role in maintaining health, vitality, and youthfulness as we age. Regular exercise has been proven to boost energy, improve mood, combat age-related diseases, and enhance cognitive function. Adopting a fitness routine that incorporates diverse exercises that target strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance can be key to ensuring optimal health and aging gracefully. In her conversation with Dr. Anna Cabeca, JJ Virgin explains how her approach to

  • Dr. Neeta Bhushan - That Sucked, Now What? How to Embrace the Joy and Chaos and Find Magic in the Mess

    30/05/2023 Duration: 29min

    Are you tired of hearing that you just need to stay positive to build resilience? Has that advice left you feeling even more frustrated and overwhelmed? It's time to ditch the toxic positivity and embrace the power of vulnerability. In this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, Dr. Neeta Bhushan will teach you how acknowledging negative emotions and setting healthy boundaries can help you harness good stress and bounce back stronger than ever. Dr. Neeta Bhushan is an emotional health advocate and expert in grit and resilience. As a former cosmetic dentist, Neeta transitioned from transforming smiles to inspiring inner greatness after selling her million-dollar practice. Passionate about empowering immigrant women and women of color, her background includes research in human behavior, Eastern philosophy, and therapeutic psychology. Drawing from her own experiences and the challenges she faced, Neeta authored the book "That Sucked, Now What? How to Embrace the Joy and Chaos and Find Magic in the Mess." Her journey

  • The GutSMART Protocol with Dr. Vincent Pedre - How to Use Food as Medicine to Heal Your Gut

    23/05/2023 Duration: 45min

    Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, we speak with revolutionary gut health expert Dr. Vincent Pedre, the mind behind the GutSMART Protocol, and an expert in personalized gut health. As a child, he took over twenty rounds of antibiotics, which created rampant food sensitivities that affected his quality of life. Dr. Pedre became a functional medicine practitioner out of necessity and created his program so he could conquer his digestive issues naturally. Food can be medicine, and in this episode, he teaches you the fundamental principles of his GutSMART Protocol so you can too. Dr. Pedre challenges you to take inventory of the foods, drinks, and lifestyle choices that negatively impact your gut health. Sometimes the things we love don’t love us back, and while it might be hard to give up vices like coffee and wine, he shows you how eliminating these from your diet could revitalize your health.  Trusting your gut is more than words of wisdom. Dr. Pedre explains how the gut is where your body digests thoughts and ho

  • Honoring Your Biological Needs with Dr. Kyrin Dunston - Why You Can’t Prescribe Away an Unhealthy Lifestyle

    16/05/2023 Duration: 36min

    Is your lifestyle no longer serving you? Ignoring your biological needs as a woman leads to burnout, dissatisfaction, and a less joyful life. Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, we discuss the lifestyle necessary to adjust to the changes of menopause with Dr. Kyrin Dunston. She is a board-certified OBGYN. She realized the education she received as a doctor was not working as her health continued to decline. Her struggle helped her discover a new way to approach health. Now she helps women establish healthy habits to recover from burnout and adrenal fatigue. Together we uncover why self-education is the key to lasting transformation in your life. Understanding yourself and your needs is the first step on your hormonal health journey. Dr. Dunston helps you get clear on your goals and desires so that you can commit to the changes you need to achieve a life of joy.  Your body does not care what you think, and without understanding your biological and energetic needs, you won't have the energy to do the things you lov

  • It’s So Easy Being a Single Mom!

    09/05/2023 Duration: 26min

    This Mother's Day on The Girlfriend Doctor, we recognize the hardworking single mothers who sacrifice their wellness for the happiness of their families. Motherhood demands unshakable energy, but mothers are only human, and working non-stop has consequences.  To help others, you have to help yourself first, so we encourage all mothers to take a break, do what sparks joy, and prioritize self-care, Dr. Cabeca shares the story of her mother, who worked tirelessly to the point of severe cardiac stress. Burnout and sickness should not be the standard for motherhood. Self-care is not optional but is an essential ingredient to a long and joyful life.  This episode will inspire you to take time each day to renew your spirit so you can have the energy and longevity to be the mother your family needs for years to come. Mothers deserve microdoses of daily rest to recuperate and revive the soul. Join us as we recognize the hard work of mothers everywhere!   KEY TAKEAWAYS [1:00] A Story of My Mother  [4:50] My Promise to

  • Protecting Your Heart and Smile with Dr. Ellie Campbell - How Your Oral Health Affects Your Cardiac Health

    02/05/2023 Duration: 44min

    Did you know that your oral health impacts your cardiac health? Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, we welcome Dr. Ellie Campbell back to the show to address the epidemic of preventable heart attacks and strokes in America. Dr. Campbell has been a board-certified family doctor for thirty years, and today she shares the story of a tooth infection that caused a deadly stroke in one of her beloved patients. In this episode, Dr. Campbell educates you on the dental meridian and how each tooth is connected electrically to a specific organ. This connection is why a seemingly insignificant tooth infection can indicate a deeper issue within the body.  Dr. Campbell believes that heart attacks are optional and strokes are preventable. By integrating dental and medical care, doctors and dentist could work together to diagnose patients earlier to prevent cardiac issues later in life. Conventional dentistry alone cannot address the deeper health issues associated with tooth decay, cavities, and residual bacteria from root cana

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