A podcast of Eucharist Church in San Francisco that explores what it looks like for a community of disciples to live all of life in reference to Christ.
Sickness & Health Part 1: The Victim Mindset
27/09/2017 Duration: 30minThis is a sermon given on September 24th by Fr. Ryan Jones Scripture Reading: Jonah 3:10-4:11 Psalm 145 Philippians 1:21-30 Matthew 20:1-16 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
Trapped in Hell
20/09/2017 Duration: 16minThis is a sermon given on September 17th by Fr. Kyle Logan Scripture Reading: Genesis 50:15-21 Psalm 119 Romans 14:1-12 Matthew 18:21-35 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
The Romans 12 Church Part 3: The Good, the Hard, and the Ugly
12/09/2017 Duration: 31minThis is a sermon given on September 10th by Fr. Ryan Jones Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 33:7-11 Psalm 119 Romans 12:9-21 Matthew 18:15-20 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
The Romans 12 Church Part 2: Conformity and the Individual
06/09/2017 Duration: 25minThis is a sermon given on August 27th by Fr. Ryan Jones Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 15:15-21 Psalm 26 Romans 12:1-8 Matthew 16:21-28 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
The Romans 12 Church Part 1: Worship
30/08/2017 Duration: 30minThis is a sermon given on August 27th by Fr. Ryan Jones Scripture Reading: Isaiah 51:1-6 Psalm 138 Romans 12:1-8 Matthew 16:13-20 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
Audacious Trust
25/08/2017 Duration: 31minThis is a sermon given on August 20th by Fr. Joshua Wu Scripture Reading: Isaiah 56:1, 6-8 Psalm 67 Romans 11:1-2, 29-32 Matthew 15:10-28 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
Facing the Storm
25/08/2017 Duration: 15minThis is a sermon given on August 13th Fr. Kyle Logan Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 19:9-18 Psalm 85 Romans 10:5-15 Matthew 14:22-33 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
Partnering For An Impossible Feast
07/08/2017 Duration: 25minThis is a sermon given on August 6th Fr. Ryan Jones Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:1-5 Psalm 145 Romans 9:1-5 Matthew 14:13-21 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
Groans of Hope
31/07/2017 Duration: 26minThis is a sermon given on July 23rd by Fr. Joshua Wu Scripture Reading: Isaiah 44:6-8 Psalm 86 Romans 8:12-25 Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
The Prodigal Sower
25/07/2017 Duration: 15minThis is a sermon given on July 16th by Fr. Kyle Logan Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:10-13 Psalm 65 Romans 8:1-11 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
Anglican Journeys: “Ace of Spades or Cornerstone?”- Fr. Kyle's Story
17/07/2017 Duration: 37minIn this episode Fr. Joshua sits down with Fr. Kyle and asks him about his Anglican Journey Music by Rob Patterson [Music used with permission] Eucharist Church: Worship Sundays at 10:00am at 1504 Byrant St. San Francisco, CA Eucharist Church Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO)
Restless: Eating the Bread of Anxious Toil
14/07/2017 Duration: 26minThis is a sermon given on July 9th by Fr. Ryan Jones Scripture Reading: Zechariah 9:9-12 Psalm 145 Romans 7:15-25 Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
Gotta Serve Somebody
13/07/2017 Duration: 14minThis is a sermon given on July 2nd by Fr. Kyle Logan Scripture Reading Jeremiah 28:5-9 Psalm 89 Romans 6:12-23 Matthew 10:40-42 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
What to Fear
12/07/2017 Duration: 27minThis is a sermon given on June 25th by Fr. Ryan Jones Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 20:7-13 Psalm 69 Romans 6:1-11 Matthew 10:24-39 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
Anglican Journeys: "I need a Bishop"- Fr. Ryan's Story
27/06/2017 Duration: 42minIn this episode Fr. Joshua sits down with Fr. Ryan and asks him about his Anglican Journey Music by Rob Patterson [Music used with permission] Eucharist Church: Worship Sundays at 10:00am at 1504 Byrant St. San Francisco, CA Eucharist Church Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO)
I’m Hungry
23/06/2017 Duration: 16minThis is a sermon given on June 18th by Kyle Logan. Scripture Reading: Exodus 19:2-8 Psalm 100 Romans 5:1-8 Matthew 9:35-10:8 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
Holy Trinity: The Mystery of God
23/06/2017 Duration: 22minThis is a sermon given on June 11th by Fr. Ryan Jones Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:1-2:4 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Matthew 28:16-20 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
Anglican Journeys: From Baptist Missionary to Anglican Priest- Fr. Joshua's Story
14/06/2017 Duration: 37minHear about how a Baptist Missionary became an Anglican Priest In this episode Fr. Ryan sits down with Fr. Joshua and asks him about his Anglican Journey. Music by Rob Patterson [Music used with permission] Eucharist Church: Worship Sundays at 10:00am at 1504 Byrant St. San Francisco, CA Eucharist Church Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO)
Pentecost: ...Master of None
09/06/2017 Duration: 24minThis is a sermon given on June 4th by Fr. Joshua Wu Scripture Reading: Acts 2:1-21 Psalm 104 1 Corinthians 12:3-13 John 20:19-23 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA
Ascension: The Significance of the Ascension
02/06/2017 Duration: 23minThis is a sermon given on May 28th by Fr. Ryan Jones. Scripture Reading: Acts 1:1-11 Psalm 47 Ephesians 1:15-23 Luke 24:44-53 Service Time: Sunday 10am @ 1504 Bryant St. San Francisco, CA