Julie Cross Podcast Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 20:05:25
  • More information



Welcome to the Julie Cross Podcast SHOW! What you can expect when you stop by is that you will be empowered, energised or entertained or perhaps all three at once. This will happen through the sharing my thoughts, learning and reflections. It will happen through storytelling, sharing both my stories and the stories of others, it will also happen through interviews with people, maybe not famous people but people on the street. It is going to grow and change as we do and as I get to know what you want to hear. But what I can promise you is that no matter the content, my vision will always be take you on a feeling journey leave you feeling glad that you stopped by. Enjoy! And I look forward to reading your comments and thoughts.


  • Story Time

    22/06/2018 Duration: 06min

    Oh the places you'll go! I thought I would read you a story to get you off and away today ... because on this Thursday you are off to great places, off and away... know what the book is yet? ;)

  • Wedding Ann

    15/06/2018 Duration: 04min

    Moments of celebration and the moments of grief... the dichotomy of life, the happy and the sad... I celebrate and I miss and grieve and then I get up through it.

  • Service is Learnt

    08/06/2018 Duration: 06min

    Up close and personal with Service!... Don't rely on your staff to just absorb what good service looks and sounds like... teach them!

  • Business Blueprint

    01/06/2018 Duration: 04min

    Reflections from a special event... finding our tribe and being celebrated by them.

  • I Want to Be a Weed

    25/05/2018 Duration: 01min

    Hello little weed... Lessons from the weeds! Messages are everywhere, listen in and hear about the inspiration that comes from observing the life of a weed!

  • Cher 70

    18/05/2018 Duration: 06min

    Will I be getting botox?... well wait till here about how I feel about that and why Cher got under my 50 year old skin! ;)

  • Self Image

    10/05/2018 Duration: 06min

    A message from my 12 year old self.... Your best friend should always be yourself. This and other messages discovered in a book that I had when I was 12.

  • Are you afraid of living instead of dying?

    27/04/2018 Duration: 03min

    I was asked the question recently... "Are you afraid of dying?"... well you know it seems to me there are more people scared of really living than dying... really living life is getting our of your comfort zones, facing your fears and really feeling life. It is about not being scared of failure or what others think... and it seems to me people are more scared of that. Let us give our life the respect it deserves and really LIVE it!

  • Back Pain

    20/04/2018 Duration: 03min

    So here we go again... more research to indicate that if we just improved our diet and did some exercise we would not need to spend that billions of dollars that we do every year on pain relief and unnecessary tests and treatments. When are we going to get the obvious and why do we need to keep spending money on research to keep telling us what we already know?

  • Autism Poem for Autism Awareness Month

    13/04/2018 Duration: 04min

    In this month that is Autism Awareness month I share a poem that captures some of the journey that is Autism.

  • Putting the Personality Back into Policy and Procedures

    06/04/2018 Duration: 04min

    Putting the personality back into policy and procedures... inspired by Thomas!

  • Always easy to talk the talk... a little more challenging to walk the walk

    30/03/2018 Duration: 03min

    'Oh I would love an adventure'... 'Yes, I wish I could do that'... 'I really should try something different'... 'Julie, you are lucky to have all of these adventures...' Well now you can too! Always easy to talk the talk... a little more challenging to walk the walk! So, come on... it is time to get out of comfort zones, embrace your wild and adventurous side and come and have some fun while you challenge yourself a little physically and enjoy the learnings that come along the way as we get up close with the beauty of Mother Nature! To book visit:  https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/adventures-with-julie-cross-kayak-and-camping-tickets-43907975938

  • Empower Up - Resilience is the new black

    23/03/2018 Duration: 05min

    It is time to empower up... when you are living a big life you will attract some criticism... the more exposure you get the more exposed you will be. So what are our strategies for dealing with this? If you came into my room at home and started abusing me I would walk you to the door, escort you through it and lock it behind you. I would not hate you, FB about you or talk to much about you. We have the same power in the room here on Social Media. We will not control what everybody says about us but we can control our reaction to it, so let's do that. Lets stop talking about it and start DOING about it.

  • Normalising Pain

    08/03/2018 Duration: 09min

    It is inevitable, sometimes you will be in emotional pain... we understand the pain associated with a physical injury but we need to acknowledge and sit with the emotional pain as well, and remember it is 'normal' to be ad sometimes.

  • Putting the Magic into the Mundane

    01/03/2018 Duration: 06min

    The stage was a cruise liner, the actors were the staff and the performance was magical... lessons we can all learn from and apply to our own business's.

  • Book review - 'Subtle art of not giving a F*ck' by Mark Manson.

    23/02/2018 Duration: 04min

    Love this book, I think you will tell so let me tell you why.

  • Don't wait for the broken cup in customer service...

    15/02/2018 Duration: 01min

    Don't wait for the broken cup in customer service...WAKE UP!

  • A Day with Julie

    09/02/2018 Duration: 06min
  • As you sow so shall you reap.

    08/02/2018 Duration: 05min

    Everyday with your attitude and your actions you are planting seeds that will grow into your future. Be careful what you are planting because this is your life you are working on here.

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