John Piper Sermons

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 1535:52:41
  • More information



John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.


  • The Meaning and Significance of Race

    17/01/2001 Duration: 40min

    John Piper | Race is significant because one God created all of humanity through one man and redeems humanity through one man, and race is insignificant in terms of the releatively small differences that separate us.

  • God’s Pursuit of Racial Diversity at Infinite Cost

    14/01/2001 Duration: 39min

    The cost of racial reconciliation and unity came not at the blood of any man, but of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

  • Learning to Pray in the Spirit and the Word, Part 2

    07/01/2001 Duration: 46min

    What does it mean to pray in the Holy Spirit? And how do we pursue God through such prayer?

  • The Need for Christian Courage

    03/01/2001 Duration: 37min

    The Bible warns us about our truth-ignoring culture. But it also gives us the courage season our speech with Christ day after day.

  • College Men’s Rally: Family, Fatherhood, and God

    02/01/2001 Duration: 55min

    Fatherhood isn’t just a natural responsibility, but a gift that God gives for men to shepherd and train impressionable souls, all to his glory.

  • Others' Desires and Their Fulfillment in Christ

    02/01/2001 Duration: 44min

    What does it mean to fill up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions? Do we, as mere followers, really have anything to add?

  • Our Desires and Their Fulfillment in Christ

    02/01/2001 Duration: 37min

    By faith, God both delivers his people and grants them endurance to persevere through suffering, and in either case faith demonstrates our superior satisfaction in God.

  • Our Desires and Their Fulfillment in Christ

    01/01/2001 Duration: 40min

    Since God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him, our lifelong vocation must be to earnestly pursue joy in him and bring others into that joy.

  • Learning to Pray in the Spirit and the Word, Part 1

    31/12/2000 Duration: 37min

    One essential way to keep yourself in the love of God is by praying to him through the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • The Free Gift of God Is Eternal Life, Part 2

    24/12/2000 Duration: 39min

    Sanctification is both something we do and something God does. We must work hard to obey, but only God’s grace sustains us in the fight.

  • The Free Gift of God Is Eternal Life, Part 1

    17/12/2000 Duration: 36min

    Listen Now

  • Implications of Being Made in the Image of God

    13/12/2000 Duration: 30min

    John Piper | The Bible repeatedly speaks of the inherent dignity of all people. Because God made us in his image, all people have value.

  • Slaves to God, Sanctification, Eternal Life

    10/12/2000 Duration: 35min

    Listen Now

  • Free from Sin, Slaves of Righteousness, Part 2

    03/12/2000 Duration: 28min

    Listen Now

  • Why Deal With Racial Issues?

    29/11/2000 Duration: 44min

    John Piper | Racial issue is an emotionally no-win issue. Despite its difficulty, God calls us to deal with it, and it’s worth it.

  • Free from Sin, Slaves of Righteousness, Part 1

    26/11/2000 Duration: 43min

    Listen Now

  • Thank God for the Mercies of Christ

    19/11/2000 Duration: 37min

    We don’t often see God's mercies in our moments of weakness, but we can take hope that he is working all things together for our good.

  • Do Not Let Sin Reign in Your Mortal Body, Part 2

    12/11/2000 Duration: 43min

    Listen Now

  • Preaching and the Suffering of the People

    08/11/2000 Duration: 47min

    John Piper | Suffering is no accident. Preachers need to show their people that God’s hand is sovereign over every one of our pains.

  • Preaching and the Suffering of the Preacher

    07/11/2000 Duration: 38min

    John Piper | Joy in God in and through suffering makes the worth of God shine more brightly than it would through ease and abundance.

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