Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 99:00:10
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Don't get stuck with analysis paralysis, instead tune into Today's Business Leaders (TBL) for actionable advice from entrepreneurs around the world.


  • Career Advancement Through Relationship Strategy with Michael Roderick - (Episode 100)

    07/09/2020 Duration: 39min

    As an entrepreneur, it can be difficult to know the right way to market yourself to others. How do you get other people to understand your big idea? How do you get others to remember your idea? How do you get people to keep talking about you even after you leave a meeting? Today’s Business Leader guest, Michael Roderick, has the answers. Michael got his first taste of entrepreneurship in high school. To help raise money for the English department, he organized a battle of the bands fundraiser. He learned basic business skills such as event management, planning, organizing and marketing. He continued these skills in college while studying English and theatre. He noticed that his fellow theatre students struggled with interviews and networking so, he helped them market themselves.After college, Michael taught high school English and ran a theatre company in New York. During this time, he built relationships with people in Broadway and taught workshops. In just two years, Michael went from teaching high school t

  • Fitness Done the Right Way with Amir Pozderac - (Episode 99)

    31/08/2020 Duration: 48min

    Can health and fitness help you become a better entrepreneur? If your body is functioning at its highest potential, so can your mind. As an entrepreneur, it can be easy to put aside your health for your business’ success. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Fitness coach, professional triathlete and entrepreneur Amir Pozderac grew up in war-ravaged Bosnia and was severely overweight compared to his peers. He tried many diets, but nothing helped him keep the weight off long term. As he got older, Amir noticed the same patterns in others trying to lose weight with diets and weight-loss supplements. He thought, “What if there’s a better way?”. Through his education in Pharmacy school, Amir figured out a new model that allows for long-term weight loss and muscle gain without fad diets and supplements. He now runs a nutrition and weight loss program and helps thousands of clients all over the world. On today’s podcast, host Gabe Arnold and Amir Pozderac discuss nutrition, weight loss and other healthy pract

  • 5 Minutes To Financial Freedom with Alex Goldfayn - (Episode 98)

    24/08/2020 Duration: 35min

    Money is a universal language that everyone understands. To some, money has become their primary language, with service as secondary.But, what if you were able to merge those two and become fluent in both languages?Seems impossible, but it’s not. Alex Goldfayn, a business owner and published author, began his entrepreneurial journey early. At the age of 23, Alex owned his own business managing 12 employees, all of whom were over the age of 40. His vision was clear, but had limited experience in business management at that time which made his role a challenge. Alex knew one thing, that “success isn’t linear, and the only way to make money is to sell something.” Alex focused his attention and has mastered just that.Join host Gabe Arnold for the Today’s Business Leaders Podcast show, where guest Alex Goldfayn, shares his journey through early entrepreneurship. He also talks about the publication of his 5th book called, 5-Minute Selling, which makes its debut Monday, August 24.This isn’t just any book, it’s the b

  • How To Build Friendly, Flexible Bridges with Brea Starmer - (Episode 97)

    12/08/2020 Duration: 41min

    Have you ever driven across a bridge and thought to yourself, I wonder how sturdy this really is or questioned how many cars, trucks, vans or motorcycles drove across it?Bridges are, by design, intended to connect two points that would otherwise not be accessible. Bridges create connections to help the flow of travel. They create opportunities that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to experience if the bridge weren’t there.In addition to connecting two points, bridges also provide stability. The intricate detail and design of their foundational elements and structure allow bridges to carry massive amounts of weight, wear and tear without compromising its passengers’ safety.It wasn’t until after Brea Starmer lost her job during her third month of pregnancy that she realized how the hypothetical bridge that just burned, would actually serve as a blessing to create new, stronger ones. Known for having her office in her backyard shed, Brea is a bridge builder. She believes the future of work is flexible, just like th

  • How To Turn Trusted Relationships Into Real Revenue with Teddy Burriss - (Episode 96)

    10/08/2020 Duration: 29min

    Have you ever questioned yourself? Have you realized that your career isn’t going how you thought it would? What if you had “the dream life, the nice cars, the big house and the “perfect” family? Imagine traveling with a private jet or using a credit card with no spending limit.  On the outside, it may look like you have it all.However, deep inside, you know something is missing.Teddy Burriss knew this feeling all too well. He had the dream job, the dream lifestyle, got to travel the world on a private jet, but he kept falling short.He found himself going through the motions, seeking true happiness.  He knew something was missing, but couldn’t quite pinpoint what exactly it was. When Teddy approached retirement, he knew his career wasn’t over. He still had to provide for his family and make sure the bills got paid.At the age of 61, Teddy decided to take a leap of faith. He recognized that he was either going to age out and become a dinosaur, or he could find something to invest his valuable time into, creatin

  • Turn Body Fat Into A 6-Figure Income with Amir Pozderac - (Episode 95)

    06/08/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    How many times have you been worried about how you were going to provide for yourself or your family? When was the last time you stood in front of a grocery store check-out clerk, hoping your debit card read approved? Think about a time when you didn’t know if you were going to make ends meet. How did you feel? What did you think? How did you act? Amir Pozderac experienced those unsettling moments in his life, especially while he lived in Bosnia. It wasn’t until early childhood, also during a time of war, that he realized what “survival of the fittest” truly meant. If he wanted to eat, he needed to learn how to barter, so he could make a profit. By the age of seven, Amir mastered this art, realizing his full potential. Those enlightening moments redefined to him what it meant to be “fit.”Amir knew he wanted something more. A decade later, he graduated pharmacy school in Bosnia. He then took a leap of faith and moved away from everything he knew to explore opportunities in the United States. “I don’t believe t

  • All Hail The Queen of Visibility! Gabe's Conversation With Juliette Stapleton - (Episode 94)

    19/02/2020 Duration: 01h04min

    Juliette Stapleton is a born entrepreneur. It’s evident in every word she says and every thought she expresses. Her journey towards entrepreneurship and rise to online visibility royalty was quite a ride, but she gained a wealth of experience and knowledge she now shares with others. Her successful track record working with entrepreneurs/individuals at all stages of their own journey speaks for itself, too.Juliette had something of an epiphany in 2017 when she recognized she had abandoned her dreams and wasn’t pursuing the life she wanted. She read a testimonial article from an online coach that proved to be her wake up call. She decided that instead of working for others, she was going to work for herself.Through personal and professional difficulties, she learned that striking out on your own as an entrepreneur means finding a comfortable, pragmatic way to figure yourself out. You will know best what that is.  Once you’ve got you squared away, then it’s time to start looking for ways to help others and buil

  • Risky Business: Identifying and Mitigating Startup Risks with Frank Mendoza - (Episode 93)

    05/02/2020 Duration: 35min

    In this episode of Today’s Business Leaders, Frank Mendoza shares some of his success secrets for running your own business. Frank is the owner and founder of Catalytics Consulting. After working on several startups at Dell, he got his mini MBA and formed his own company.The Basics of a StartupBefore he could launch his business, Frank had to identify what you need from a consulting practice. He came up with four basic things:- Leads- A way to close leads- An execution strategy- ReferralsFrank needed to identify what his biggest risk was so he could mitigate it. He thought it would be closing sales at first since that was his area of least experience. However, a little more reflection revealed that leads was actually the biggest risk. Without leads, there was no opportunity to close a sale.He had to figure out a way to create a pipeline that would always produce fresh leads. That led him to Hourly Nerd, a marketplace for independent consultants and cooperations. He was able to create a profile showcasing his

  • Living Authentically in a Presentational World: Talking With Pam Savino - (Episode 92)

    29/01/2020 Duration: 37min

    Many of our guests on this podcast are passionate about what they do, but Pam’s passion for helping people find their fire and create the authentic life they want to live is unique. We get right down to business from the start, and Pam outlines why she does what she does while telling us a bit about her life’s work.As a spiritual life coach, Pam focuses on keeping herself and her clients balanced physically, intellectually and spiritually. Many entrepreneurs are all about the first two areas of personal wellbeing, but too often they neglect their spiritual life. You can’t have an authentic life without all three. Rather than advocating a specific spiritual path though, Pam focuses on helping clients find the path that they are most passionate about.She started Live Authentically as a way to reach a wider audience, and to create a platform for the most important aspects of a healthy spiritual life: nothing forced is meant to be, the universe will always have your back, and do not ignore how you feel when you a

  • Leaving a Lasting Impression - Impactive Strategies With Lisa Mallis - (Episode 90)

    15/01/2020 Duration: 33min

    It was great talking to Lisa Mallis again on the show. She brings a lifetime of experience, practical knowledge and strategies to help everyone get more life (not just work) out of each day. Our conversation begins with reviewing Lisa’s unique background, and it’s an interesting story.Originally, Lisa was a classroom math teacher who loved students and teaching. Eventually, she moved on to become a school administrator and eventually an athletic director. During this time, she started Impactive Strategies as a side business and quickly realized she was an entrepreneur at heart. Lisa was and always has been an exceptional educator, but she came to the realization that “Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean that’s what you’re meant to do.”Lisa began tutoring college students, a job that led her to become an organizer and develop many of the strategies she still uses today. It was during this time she began to realize that she wanted to be a professional organizer, not of physical space but an organ

  • Dave Woodward And Starting The New Year Right With The One Funnel Away Challenge - (Episode 89)

    08/01/2020 Duration: 16min

    I start out asking Dave about how the One Funnel Away Challenge got started and why ClickFunnels has spearheaded this process. We talk about Dave’s process for creating the ideal customer to shape your client and corporate culture, and about the testing process involved. Dave recommends looking at what works in other niches and industries and emulating the best of what you find. A good idea is a good idea, and expecting to develop the best ideas in your industry on your own isn’t realistic.At this point, we get more detail about the One Funnel Away Challenge specifically. Dave lays it out in simple language (one of the characteristics I like best about talking with him), and he gives specifics for entrepreneurs to follow for their own business. Your challenge begins with a 30-day commitment from ClickFunnels for a concentrated, focused effort to get your first funnel started. They will ensure you get at least one funnel working in that time, and they have daily accountability check-ins to help clients stay on

  • Killing it with Conversions: How to Make Content Marketing Work for You - (Episode 88)

    27/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    On today’s episode, AmpMyContent founder Daniel Daines-Hutt discusses web traffic and conversion. Daniel is an industry expert who has discovered how to drive tons of traffic to his posts time and again. He enjoys the highest ROIs and opt-in rates in the industry, making a lot of money in the process. He not only knows what he’s talking about, but he also practices what he preaches.Getting Back to Content Marketing BasicsThere are a variety of ways to drive traffic to your website. Yet, it’s important not to neglect the foundation of online marketing: great content. “Google is always trying to get people back to the fundamentals because they have a core system that they use,” Daniel says. “They want good content.”With an 83% opt-in rate, Daniel seems to be onto something. Add more keywords, insert definitive calls to action and consistently promote valuable posts. Magical things start happening when you do.The Future of Content Marketing and SEOWhile quality content is crucial, you shouldn't ignore other

  • Earn Profits to Feed Your Family Rather than Earn Revenue to Feed Your Ego - (Episode 87)

    18/12/2019 Duration: 35min

    Today’s podcast episode presents a conversation between Gabe Arnold and Wally Carmichael. Carmichael is a shot-from-the hip entrepreneur who can help your business see fantastic results. Keep listening to learn about all the helpful information Mr. Carmichael provides. Mr. Carmichael provides.The Mindset of AbundanceOf course, anyone who sets out down the entrepreneurial trail wants to be successful. The first key to attaining that goal is to start with the mindset of abundance. This idea is similar to the military outlook of always improving your foxhole. Since you are going to be spending a lot of time in one place, you need to be active and productive by continually fortifying it and improving it. You can accomplish this by continuing to do things that add value to other people as well as yourself.Moving From Struggling to AbundanceTo move from a place where you are struggling to a place where you have abundance, you need to start with mindset and perspective. First, put yourself into the mindset that abun

  • How to Adopt a Successful Mindset During Every Season of Your Business - (Episode 86)

    11/12/2019 Duration: 32min

    Hayk Tadevosyan returns to Today’s Business Leaders to offer invaluable insight on what it takes to start and run a successful business. He came to the US with his father in 2001 in search of the American Dream. At the age of 18, Hayk seized the opportunity to break into the insurance industry. Today, he is the top producing agent out of six states in the Pacific Northwest. He has also written a powerful book: The Power of Mindset.Hard Work and Tenacity go a Long WayHayk's father often stated, “nothing substitutes good old fashioned hard work." This principal fueled a grueling nine-month internship as an insurance agent. It would also lay the foundation for a successful business a short time later. Gaining 2,000 prospects in that short amount of time seemed near impossible, but Hayk had sheer determination. He learned the two most powerful words in marketing: free and save. He started to implement that language during his calls. As some people rejected his proposal, he began looking forward to 10 “n

  • How Failing Led to Success: Nathaniel Fraser - (Episode 85)

    24/07/2019 Duration: 55min

    When Nathaniel Fraser was a teenager, he had a bit of an epiphany. He had dropped out of high school and was working at a steam cleaning company, and he was selling weed on the side. It didn’t take long for him to realize that making money through marijuana was a lot more engaging and fulfilling than his job.Fortunately, Nathan didn’t immediately turn into a drug kingpin - instead, he decided to start a business. However, being a teenager without a lot of formal education meant that he went to the school of hard knocks instead of an accredited university.Nathan’s first venture was a record label at 19. Producing music was fun, but it wasn’t the kind of work that vibed with his entrepreneurial spirit He ran it into the ground. Next was a t-shirt company. He ran that into the ground.After that, Nathan’s third business was a software program where people could put graffiti on a cake. This idea had initial success, but he soon found himself with a product that he couldn’t sell. Again, he had an “aha” moment; sell

  • Learning How to Abandon Your Ego to Run Your Business - (Episode 84)

    12/06/2019 Duration: 42min

    Janis Pettit makes her second visit to Today’s Business Leaders to talk about how CEOs can both help and sabotage their businesses. During her 30 years of being an entrepreneur, Janis has run four successful companies. She has employed a whole lot of trial and error, but she has always come out on top and learned so much actionable advice along the way.You Can’t Get Away from YourselfJanis shares a common adage about how business problems are always well disguised personal problems. A lot of the problem’s entrepreneurs face are really just personal issues. “I think all entrepreneurs have a certain amount of fear that steers them in the wrong direction one time or another,” Janis explains. “Once you develop a certain level of self-awareness, and you see that for what it is, it’s just fear that’s holding you back, everything changes and you’re able to push through that and make the right decisions for your business.”Attachment IssuesJanis has seen plenty of entrepreneurs who fall in love with a bad idea. They b

  • Looking to Strike Gold Twice as an Entrepreneur - (Episode 83)

    05/06/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Donnie Boivin spent 20 years in sales, and an offhand comment made him realize it was time for a change. It turns out he was not at all prepared for that change, but he figured out what worked and continued to learn and is now running a successful coaching business and is at the helm of a top podcast. Donnie visits Today’s Business Leaders to share his story, lots of actionable advice and his plans to launch a new podcast.Being His Own BossDonnie worked in sales, and he was good at it, but he realized he worked his entire career enabling someone else to retire. This pushed Donnie to become an entrepreneur, and one of the first things he learned on this journey was that everything he thought he knew about being an entrepreneur was wrong.“When I made the jump, I kept trying to create a job for myself versus a business,” explains Donnie. He was always an employee and reporting to someone else, so while he had leadership skills, it was still an adjustment to being his own boss. At a certain point, Donnie was all

  • How to Make Your Messaging Mean Something - (Episode 82)

    30/05/2019 Duration: 41min

    Gabe’s long-time mentor Brian Kurtz visits Today’s Business Leaders to share his take on competition and collaboration, why it is important to deserve the money you earn and more actionable advice. Brian started out as a list manager working in the direct mailing industry. Today, Brian continues to put the lessons he learned earlier in his career to good use.The Value of 100-0Brian realized that while he was good at what he did, and he was finding success, there were probably other list managers out there who knew different things and were also good at their jobs. He knew that if he could connect with these people, it would be possible to share ideas and collaborate so everyone could learn and incorporate some of this knowledge into how they worked going forward. This notion of collaborating instead of competing has defined how Brian works.“It’s amazing how the people who think they’ve got it all and think they got it dialed in and they better not share it with anybody are generally the ones that don’t last,”

  • Getting Real as an Entrepreneur - (Episode 81)

    15/05/2019 Duration: 59min

    After eight years of finding success as an entrepreneur, things took a turn for Mary Cravets in 2018. For the first time, her income went down. The amount wasn’t staggering, but Mary found it shocking to be so far along and still hit this hurdle. Mary shares her experience, as well as the lessons learned and lots more actionable advice during her return visit to Today’s Business Leaders.The Value of MomentumMary was convinced she had to invest in a specific strategy to grow her business. She never had time to implement this plan, so she hired someone to help, and the end result was a complete disaster. The strategy didn’t work, and while Mary was able to recoup some of her investment, her momentum took a major hit. “There was all of this loss of momentum because I was not doing the things that did work and that had worked,” explains Mary.Trusting Your InstinctsMary now understands that the warning signs were there when she embarked on her unsuccessful endeavor, but she didn't pay attention. “When you hir

  • Maximizing Potential as an Entrepreneur - (Episode 80)

    09/05/2019 Duration: 59min

    Tim Petrey is a serial entrepreneur who not only built his own successful business but also helps fellow entrepreneurs do the same. As a CPA, Tim understands the importance of managing the details, and he also knows that there is value in doing what you know how to do and understanding when to outsource certain tasks. During this episode of Today’s Business Leaders, Tim shares this knowledge, along with more actionable advice.Finding BalanceTim was fortunate to find a mentor in his first boss, Harold. Through this mentorship, Tim learned the importance of hard work and finding balance in his life. Tim and Harold even went on to become business partners, and 10 years later the business is going strong and continues to grow each year. This growth is due largely to the talented team Tim has assembled and the culture they have built.“What we’re doing isn’t just about [growing each year],” Tim explains. “What we’re doing is about trying to create an environment that people want to work in. They want to work here,

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