Supergivers Podcast With Jesse Johnson



Each episode, I interview people who are, in some way, providing change in the world through service. Be inspired by ways of creating change that are within your reach. Learn how you can level up your contribution right away.


  • Supergivers 027 Alex Coren - Changing the Game in Healthcare

    17/04/2019 Duration: 37min

    Alex Coren is the co-founder and chief innovation officer of Wambi, an employee recognition platform for health care environments powered by the voices of patients and their families. While Alex was the Director of Patient Experience at a company caring for catastrophically ill, medically complex patients within multiple acute-care hospitals, it was her responsibility to ensure patients and their families had the best possible experiences during their stay. Through her observations, she realized that patient satisfaction was highly dependent on interactions with caregivers. At the time, Alex also discovered that caregivers at each of the facilities shared that there was poor morale, which influenced their energy levels. In addition, administration was beginning to connect its poor caregiver job satisfaction with turnover and how this impacted patient care and their bottom line. In an attempt to improve satisfaction among caregivers and ultimately patient experience, Alex met with caregivers across each of the

  • Supergivers 026 Michael Welp - White Men as Full Diversity Partners?

    02/04/2019 Duration: 53min

    Michael Welp is the co-founder of White Men as Full Diversity Partners (, an organization that seeks to build awareness, skills, and, ultimately, equity within the power of white maleness. He has authored the book Four Days to Change and has produced a Ted Talk about white advocacy. In this episode, Michael shares about his journey in owning his own white maleness as well as the important opportunity white men have today to make a big impact in the world.

  • Supergivers 025 Tad Hargrave - Healing From Whiteness

    13/03/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    What exactly is "whiteness" and where did it come from?! What can be done about it in this world today? Since 2001, Tad Hargrave has been wrestling with and exploring the complicated and thorny mess that is whiteness, white privilege and white guilt. Between Sept 2004 – Feb 2006, Tad dedicated himself to learning his ancestral language, Scottish Gaelic, in both Nova Scotia and Scotland. He can speak Gaelic pretty well now. He also runs a blog called Healing from Whiteness as well as a Facebook group of the same name. He is a co-founder of the Nova Scotia Gael's Jam and co-starred in Canada's second Gaelic language film The Fiddler's Reel. He does improv comedy semi-professionally, co-runs Edmonton’s progressive community building network,,,, and the Jams program of He speaks Scottish Gaelic and helps to run and is also a huge Doctor Who nerd. Tad currently lives in Edmonton, Alberta (traditionall

  • Supergivers 024 Alysa Romano - Can healthcare move from the office into our lives?

    26/02/2019 Duration: 41min

    Is our current therapeutic model limited? Do we, as clients, have the chance to create community while we heal and develop? These are some of the questions my guest, Alysa Romano, founder of Home Wellness PDX addresses in this interview.

  • Supergivers 023 Scarlett Lewis - How a Sandy Hook mom is addressing school safety from the heart

    05/02/2019 Duration: 56min

    Scarlett Lewis is a mom who lost her 6 year-old son, Jessie, in the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. Listen in for an incredible story of courage and heart that has her on a path to revolutionize social-emotional learning in schools across the world.

  • Supergivers 022 Anna Twinney - A Voice for the Voiceless

    22/01/2019 Duration: 56min

    Anna Twinney is an animal communicator and natural horsemenship trainer who has dedicated her life to raising awareness of the magic and importance of wild horses. In this episode, we discuss everything from her learning as a young unarmed British police officer to the politics of mare's urine and why you should care about all of it.

  • Supergivers 021 Nathan Eckel - How to Share Your Idea Worth Spreading

    08/01/2019 Duration: 32min

    In this episode, idea platform speaker coach, Nathan Eckel shares about his experience interviewing many of the best and most successful Ted speakers out there. He shares about the power of courage, voice, and believing and refining your idea worth spreading.

  • Supergivers 020 Ian Mouser - How Music Can Change Lives

    06/12/2018 Duration: 51min

    Learn how one man founded a non-profit that has been changing the lives of young folks for 10 years. Ian discusses the power of music, community, and more centrally, how acknowledgment can completely change the course of someone's life.

  • Supergivers 019 Laura Haug - Are You a Highly Sensitive Person in Disguise?

    06/11/2018 Duration: 47min

    Laura Haug is an amazing healer, but she's also just like you - a person trying to make her way through a stimulating world. Listen in and you can learn how your sensitivity can be a strength and how you can be both sensitive and healthy in today's world.

  • Supergivers 018 Sarah Corbett - How to be a Craftivist: The Gentle Art of Protest

    18/10/2018 Duration: 51min

    Sarah Corbett is a Craftivist - that's right, she combines art with powerful social messaging. Her campaigns have created legislative change in both the U.K. and Spain, and her approach can be used by anyone, any time, anywhere. Listen in and learn how you can do activism with respect, creativity, and influence.

  • Supergivers 017 Armando Cruz - Masculinity, Legacy, & Power

    03/10/2018 Duration: 51min

    Armando Cruz is a connoisseur of experiences, husband, father, adventurer, best-selling author, ultra-marathoner, lifestyle physical therapist, and legacy coach. Armando helps growth-minded, married men live happier, more connected, and more fulfilled lives through his immersive coaching program that guides them to show up powerfully in their marriage, in their health, in their business, and in creating their purposeful legacy. Armando's unique approach helps strip away the clutter both internally and externally that stops men from showing up daily as the greatest and grandest version of who they are for themselves, their family, and their legacy. He is the creator of the Cleanse & Renewal Program, the Modern Man Virtual Summit, and the R.I.C.H. Man Experience. He is the co-owner of Cruz Country Fitness & Physical Therapy with his wife, Christian. Armando has climbed mountains, run over 50 miles in a day in swamps filled with snakes and alligators, has lived out of his car, and has rollerbladed and surfed

  • Supergivers 016 Julie Akeret - G is for Gun - The Arming of Teachers in Schools?!

    29/05/2018 Duration: 24min

    Julie Akeret is a documentary film-maker discussing her latest national PBS special, G is for Gun, The Arming of School Teachers. In this episode, Julie and I explore her personal experience making such an emotionally-charged film, her efforts to present objectivity, and what this film has revealed to her about the crisis of US public schools and the middle class.

  • Supergivers 015 ShaRon Rea - Building Harmony and Connection by Letting Go

    22/05/2018 Duration: 44min

    ShaRon Rea is a Family Relationships Coach and Founder of a growing movement, No Judgment, Just Love. In this interview, you'll here: - How judgment and love effect relationships with self, other, earth, animals, and environment. - Three core values that break down any human-made barrier to relationship. - It's what we do after the judgment that determines whether we're more separate or more connected. - How addressing behavior change in children begins with you the parent - How our word choice can radically impact our reality and our motivation as leaders of families.

  • Supergivers 014 Joe Shoemaker - Who is a Man to Empower a Woman Today?!

    03/05/2018 Duration: 48min

    Joe Shoemaker is a Transformational Coach who specializes in working with women. His clients want to work with him because he's a man trying to do his part to support women. In this interview, you'll learn: - The how and why of Joe's belief that females may be "limitless" - The rise of the feminine - The importance of seizing the opportunity of being on the cusp of cultural shifts around gender (women's immersion)

  • Supergivers 013 Brittany DeJean - How Disabilities Can Help Us All Connect

    19/04/2018 Duration: 43min

    Brittany DeJean is the Creator of, a world-changing website designed to support and connect people with disabilities. Whether you identify as having a disability or not, her work is geared towards raising consciousness about how our own beliefs and assumptions may interfere with our shared interest in connection and compassion. This interview may: - Challenge your assumptions and beliefs about people living with disabilities. - Raise your awareness about how your own view of disabilities can improve your inclusion consciousness in general. - Illuminate the importance of moving from sympathy to empathy as an ally. - Encourage you to explore your own struggles with how the world sees you as a source of building empathy.

  • Supergivers 012 Ellis Jones - How to Vote with your Money

    05/04/2018 Duration: 50min

    Dr. Ellis Jones is a political scientist-turned sociologist, who, for 17+ years, has been studying the power of consumer consciousness on the US democracy. He is the creator of the wildly-successful Better World Shopper app and written guide, which aims to provide objective and accurate data on the social responsibility rating of various companies. In this interview, you'll hear: - Why the ethical consumer movement is working - Where you have power as a consumer even though you may not feel powerful. - How spending an extra dollar or two on companies like Seventh Generation impacts the world. - How you can change the world without spending more money

  • Supergivers 011 Lea Ann Mallett - The New Activism is Not Opposition

    26/03/2018 Duration: 53min

    Lea Ann Mallett is a life-long environmental activist and TedX speaker who, through becoming a mother, had to redefine what activism means to her. In this illuminating interview on the new activism, you'll hear about: - Radical Activism of Parenting - Myth that "activism is hard" - make it easy! - How to shift from "good guy/bad guy" reality into bridging

  • Supergivers 010 Jennifer Alyse - How Being an Artist Was the Only Way to Make Money and Impact

    13/03/2018 Duration: 39min

    Jennifer Alyse is a unique entrepreneur - an artist who has combined social impact work with creating income. In this interview, we explore how her willingness to live a bold, less-attached life, has created the freedom for her to make more money and impact than ever.

  • Supergivers 009 Houston Kraft - Can School Teach Kids Compassion?

    01/03/2018 Duration: 45min

    Houston Kraft is the co-creator of Character Strong, a compassion-based curriculum now being taught in 250+ schools in the US. In this conversation we get to the heart of how teaching our nation's youth how to relate to peers with compassion could be a big key in turning the tide of adult isolation, depression, and violence.

  • Supergivers 008 Danielle LaRock - Service & Purpose

    16/02/2018 Duration: 46min

    Danielle LaRock is a Breakthrough Practitioner whose path to personal discovery and healing has lead her to a mission of helping other healers. In this interview, we discuss the critical role healers of all types can play on a disparate and divided planet. Danielle also shares from first-hand experience about how spiritual and emotional injuries can effect us physically, and why it is so important to understand and repair the self on all levels.

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