North Pointe Lincoln Sermons



Sermon Podcast from North Pointe Community Church - Lincoln, Nebraska


  • Moving On From Guilt | Devotional


    Weekly sermon devotional | Genesis 42-43

  • How God Redeems Our Failures | Sermon


    October 27, 2019 - Service North Pointe Community Church | Lincoln, Nebraska Genesis 42-43

  • Finding God In All Seasons Of Life | Devotionals


    This past weekend we looked at the story of Joseph from Genesis 40 and 41. One of the key things we took away was, there's gonna be a season of famine and there's gonna be a season of abundance. No matter what stage you're in, the truth that we saw from this passage was that in both seasons, God is present. And yet oftentimes the difficult seasons we try to do it ourselves we don't trust in God. It is in that season, though that we need God most. This week, would you take time out of your day to record the three best things right now going on your life. Because those are from God even in the midst of difficult circumstances there's something good going on. Finding God in the good things in the midst of dark days is key. Once you have focused on three things, spend time alone with God giving him praise.

  • Hope In The Heartbreak | Sermon


    Genesis 40-41 | Genesis Series Johnny Hower

  • You're Not Alone | Devotional


    You need to know that as you navigate through life, you're not alone. God is with you.

  • God's Presence In Hard Times | Sermon


    North Pointe Community Church 9:00am service | October 13 Genesis 39: "God's Presence In Hard Times."

  • Taking Control Of Conflict | Devotional


    Genesis 37 devotional taken from Oct. 6th Genesis sermon on unresolved conflict.

  • The Impact Of Unresolved Conflict | Sermon


    What impact does unresolved conflict have on our lives? Genesis Series - chapter 37

  • Living Daily On Purpose


    Next Steps - part 4 of 4 Engage - Isaiah 6:1-8 Communications and Outreach Pastor Jared Harms

  • Allowing Spiritual Transformation | Devotional


    This past Sunday, we looked at Romans 12 as we talked about the third step in our "Next Steps" series - GROW. Everyone who claims to know Christ as their Lord and Savior is on this journey of growth and no matter where you find yourself on this journey Romans 12 is applicable. As we read what Paul is writing to the Romans, offer yourself to God, submit to him, renew your mind, allow him to transform you, you can know God’s perfect will. Each of these builds on the excitement of what we are doing!! As a community of connected believers, we are growing and we want to invite you to join us on this journey. This week I challenged each of us to read Romans 12 every day, meditating on it and asking God to convict our hearts and submitting our lives to truly live out this passage. Asking yourself are you pretending or do you really love?. Do you hate what is wrong and hold tightly to what is good or do we really know the difference? Have I showed love today and taken delight in honoring each other. Am I

  • Growing In Christ Through Submission | Sermon


    Next Step: Grow | Submission to God brings transforming growth Romans 12:1-8/ Phil. 2 Cody Goerke - Student Pastor at North Pointe

  • Why Should You Call That Friend This Week?


    Sermon devotional from our "Next Steps" series. From our Worship Pastor, Daniel Park.

  • Connected By The Gospel For the Gospel


    Next Steps Series - Part 2 "Connect" Worship Pastor Daniel Park looks at why it is important to relationally connect with others so that we can share the gospel through our connection.

  • Who Is This Guy Jesus? | Devotional


    In the movie Terminator 1, Arnold Schwarzenegger was a cyborg assassin sent back in time to kill Sarah Conner. However, in Terminator 2, he returns as a retooled robot sent back in time to save Sarah Conner from a new more advanced assassin on his way to kill her. Early in Terminator 2, as Schwarzenegger breaks into the facility where Conner is held, he knows the more advanced assassin is on the way. After freeing Connor from the security officers holding her, he reaches down to Conner and makes this statement: “Come with me if you want to live.'' At that moment, Sarah Conner has to answer the question, “Who is this guy?” The story of the movie is that she trusts him and he saves her life. In His time with His disciples, Jesus brought them to that point of decision. Like Sarah Conner, they had to answer the question: “Who is this guy?” Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” And they said, “

  • Why Attend Church | Sermon


    Part 1 of North Pointe's "Next Steps" sermon series. The four next steps we hope everyone at North Pointe takes on their journey with Jesus

  • God Saves People In Their Mess | Devotional


    When I watched the HBO special on Chernobyl, many of the first responders to the accident were so poisoned that, not only was their body destroyed, but they poisoned others. These people were buried in special coffins and then those coffins were covered in cement. Even as dead people, they were emitting radiation that would poison others. These first responders give us a picture of our condition apart from God. We are a toxic mess. The decision to reject God is killing us, but that decision is also killing others around us. What does God with our mess? Sunday, in Genesis 38, we looked at Judah, a man who was a toxic mess. How much of a mess was Judah? He sold his brother, Joseph, into slavery. “Judah said to his brothers, “What profit is it for us to kill our brother and cover up his blood? Come and let us sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him, for he is our brother, our own flesh.” And his brothers listened to him.” Genesis 37:26-27 Later Judah rejected God’s command not to marry a fo

  • God Is Present In The Losses | Devotional


    Can you believe it? Husker football starts on Saturday! For the sake of example only, allow me to paint an awful scenario. What if the Huskers lose their opener to South Alabama? Then they follow that with a heart breaker in Colorado? Then, they come back flat and Northern Illinois shocks them? And then in their despair lose the Big Ten opener to Illinois, a bottom feeder? They follow that loss by getting crushed by Ohio State. How many losses could you take before you give up on the team? In Sunday’s passage in Genesis 35-36, Jacob suffered a string of losses. But he didn’t lose games, He lost people: The nurse who raised him (Genesis 35:8) His beloved wife. (Genesis 35:16-21) His father. (Genesis 35:27-29) On top of these losses, Jacob's oldest son, Reuben, had relations with one of his concubines. (Genesis 35:22). Finally, Jacob’s brother, Esau, moved away. (Genesi 36:6-8) So in effect, Jacob lost these people. Jacob was hemorrhaging relationships What kept him from giving up on life? God did.

  • When Relational Losses Keep Mounting


    North Pointe Community Church | Genesis 35-36 - Where can we go when our relational losses keep mounting? We can go to the promises of God.

  • When We Want Justice | Devotional


    After the shootings in Dayton and El Paso and reports of human trafficking by Jeffery Epstein, we can wonder, "How long has this kind of disregard for human life been going on?" Sadly, this tragic behavior dates back to the beginning of time when humanity decided to reject God. Rejecting God gives us license to do whatever we want. This past Sunday, in Genesis 34, we read the account of a sexual assault. Sadly, the victim's father responded with passivity, while the victim’s brothers responded with revenge. Neither were good responses. In looking for a right response, we look to Jesus. At His crucifixion, He was neither passive nor vengeful. Yet, when we read Isaiah's prophecy made hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth the prophet promised that Jesus would bring justice on the earth. I invite you to read those words in Isaiah 42:1-4. Notice that Jesus doesn't resort to yelling or violence, but He is resolute in His promise to bring justice on the earth. As we seek to be His h

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