By discovering the importance of play, I empower mums to nurture high achieving, confident and emotionally secure Little Muslims.
Nurturing The Intelligence of Prophet Ibrahim in Our Children
07/08/2019 Duration: 16minFrom story of Prophet Ibrahim, we learn that giving space to questions means giving space to imaan and in turn submission to Allah swt being firmly rooted. Tune in to find out how we can nurture the mindset of questioning in your young child.
The Impact of Surah Al-Alaq on Nurturing Little Readers
01/08/2019 Duration: 14minIn this episode I talk about Surah Al-Alaq and how it influences our understanding of teaching children how to read. Oh and I'm sharing my Hajj story. It's kind of really amazing :) tune in to find out.
Here's What To Do Over Summer: Nothing :)
24/07/2019 Duration: 18minDo you feel the need to do something and go somewhere this summer, and maybe do lots of activities? Tune in to find out why we need more of boredom. I also tell you all about my upcoming course. How exciting! Tune in now.
The Generation To Begin Healing
17/07/2019 Duration: 08minWe are aiming to raise a generation of children who will grow to have self esteem, self worth, confidence, mental health, resilience and love. In this episode I ask, how are we as home educators going to achieve this, and how does it relate to raising readers who seek the pleasure of Allah.
India's Jain Community Renouncing The World: The Role Of The Soul
09/07/2019 Duration: 15minIn this episode I talk to you about women who are turning to a life which renounces the world. They want to focus on their soul they say. In this episode I ask you one question: where are we heading with nurturing our children's soul? Are we keeping the health of their soul in mind? Are we putting pressure on them in this young tender age? What role does academic instruction have? Tune in.
Behind the Scenes! #Realtalk
02/07/2019 Duration: 11minI have had such a full on week with my mum being unwell, but I am still showing up for you. Do you ever wonder when and how I record these podcasts? Here's a behind the scenes, unedited podcast.
Ramadhan Reflection 2 of 2
24/06/2019 Duration: 08minIn the second episode of the series Ramadhan Reflections, I am sharing with you too more reflections: Mindfulness and the feeling of peace and serenity. How can we bring this into our lives and why is it meaningful to children? Tune in to find out.
Ramadhan Reflection 1 of 2
18/06/2019 Duration: 12minIn this week’s episode it’s casual. We are having a chat about how Ramadhan was for me and I’m going to be honest with you. We’ll also talk about what we can implement from Ramadhan in the year to come.
Children Around The Prophet Week 3 of 3
21/05/2019 Duration: 20minThis week I am rounding up the series on the book Children Around The Prophet. I am going to take you through more of the book and highlight one pattern which I think is so amazing!
Children Around The Prophet Week 2 of 3
13/05/2019 Duration: 23minIn this episode I talk to you about the very first block Prophet (s) built which was foundational to the other blocks: developing emotions. I makes things actionable and give you ways you can build a relationship of trust with your child.
Children Around The Prophet Week 1 of 3
07/05/2019 Duration: 21minFor Ramadhan 2019, I am taking you through the book Children Around The Prophet by Dr Hesham Al Awadi. Join me in this episode as we focus on the appearance of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wassalam.Note: You can purchase the book through amazon.
Week 6 of 6 Science: Homeschooling your 0-7 year old
30/04/2019 Duration: 14minScience in the Early Years curriculum is called ‘Knowledge and Understanding of the World’.It aims to encourage children to explore, problem solve, observe, predict, think, make decisions and talk about the world around them. How does this look like in a home environment? Find out in this week's episode.Support the show
Week 5 of 6 Mathematics: Homeschooling your 0-7 year old
23/04/2019 Duration: 29minThis week we are talking about Mathematics.Now what comes to mind when I say Math? Numbers, addition, subtraction, sums - lots of scary stuff for me. Tune in to find out how children develop early mathematical skills through the rhythm of the day, them self.
Week 4 of 6 Literacy: Homeschooling your 0-7 year old
09/04/2019 Duration: 44minThe term Literacy, also known as English is so vast. In this week's episode, I am focusing on writing. I start with the different areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and focus on how children can learn to write through play.
Week 3 of 6 Laying The Foundation: Homeschooling your 0-7 year old
31/03/2019 Duration: 30minIn this episode l take you through the history of education. We are going to take a walk down the past before schools were invented, up until when they were invented and what understanding they carried of children along the way. Oh and there’s a special announcement!
Week 2 of 6 Self-Care: Homeschooling your 0-7 year old
26/03/2019 Duration: 41minIn today's episode I talk about why we need to take care of ourselves. I talk about looking after our self as a whole and give you ten ways you can do this.
Week 1 of 6 Your intentions: Homeschooling your 0-7 year old
20/03/2019 Duration: 21minIn this episode I am asking you why do you want to homeschool, and if you already are then why do you homeshcool?
Your six step guide to nurturing Little Muslims
13/03/2019 Duration: 12minIt's going to be an awesome six weeks. Starting from next week I take you through a six step guide to setting up a home school for your 0-7 year old. Tune in to find out what's in store.
Relationship Education in Schools
06/03/2019 Duration: 13minToday I am talking about Relationship Education in schools. I tell you what RE proposes to teach children and talk about the way forward for us mums who are raising little Muslims.