Joni And Friends Ministry Podcast



We're answering real questions about disability. Whether you are personally impacted by disability or youre looking for practical ways to include someone with special needs in your church or community, you are not alone! Each week, host Crystal Keating sits down with a special guest or ministry expert to hear real stories, share honest conversation about challenges, and explore creative ways that you can welcome and embrace people impacted by disability in your life and your church. Subscribe today!Find all resources mentioned on the podcast at and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving accident was left a quadriplegic at 17 years old. Ministry began as Tada, joined by friends around her kitchen table, responded to letters she received from people with disabilities in search of support. Over the past 40 years, the ministry has grown to serve thousands of people impacted by disability worldwide: Joni and Friends has delivered 150,000 wheelchairs and Bibles through Wheels for the World and provided Christian care to 63,000 special needs family members through Family Retreats. The organization also equips individuals and churches with disability ministry training and provides higher education courses through the Christian Institute on Disability.


  • How Vulnerability Builds Community When You are Living with Invisible Chronic Illness – Kimberli West

    13/08/2020 Duration: 31min

    “You may feel alone, like you shouldn’t talk about what is going on, but the worst thing you can do it isolate yourself… When you’re honest and vulnerable, it’s incredible how many places it will take you.”Last week on the podcast, Kimberli West talked about her unexpected battle with invisible chronic illness and how she’s seen God’s hand at work in her hardship. As a young woman with an on-the-go lifestyle, Kimberli had ignored her symptoms until she ended up passed out in the emergency room. Diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases, what she thought would be easily controlled by medication led to 20 surgeries, the loss of 9 organs, and the fight of her life.Crystal has invited Kimberli back to the podcast to talk about the importance of vulnerability and transparency when facing challenges. Chronic conditions can often lead to loneliness and isolation, but vulnerability opens the door for deepening relationships, sharing support, and finding joy in suffering. Listen as Kimberli shares how her transparenc

  • Thriving with Invisible Chronic Illness – Kimberli West

    06/08/2020 Duration: 35min

    “I used to say to God, ‘Why me? Why did this happen to me?’ as most people do, but now I have changed that to ‘Why did he choose this for my life to live out his purpose? Why am I special?’”Kimberli West was young and always on the go until unexpected illness completely changed her life. After ignoring her subtle symptoms, Kimberli passed out at the emergency room where she was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis, inflammatory joint disease, and chronic anemia. But at barely 30 years old, what she thought could be easily controlled by medication led to nearly 20 surgeries and the fight of her life.Today on the podcast, Crystal is talking with Kimberli about her health battles and life-altering hidden disability. After losing everything in her life that she had valued at the time of her diagnosis, Kimberli is learning to find joy in her suffering. Hear her powerful story and how she’s using her health challenges to bring attention to God’s sustaining power and provision in the midst of challenging chronic

  • A Deeper Healing – Joni Eareckson Tada

    30/07/2020 Duration: 29min

    “God has taught me that he wants to display his power in my life in far more glorious ways than if I were to jump out of this wheelchair.” -Joni Eareckson TadaToday marks an extraordinary anniversary for Joni Eareckson Tada: 53 years since she took a dive that redirected the course of her life. Becoming a quadriplegic without the use of her hands at age 17 brought unexpected struggles… a battle with depression, suicidal thoughts, and desperate prayers for healing. Do I not have enough faith?  But as Joni has trusted God over the past 5 decades, he’s been faithful to heal her in another way, a more important way. Because the good of the soul is more important than the good of the body. Today on the podcast, Crystal is sitting down with Joni to have an honest conversation about healing and why God allows hardships and pain to remain in our lives. Even though Joni hasn’t received physical healing, she shares about God’s unmistakable power in the deeper way that she has been healed.  Are you are struggling with a

  • How to Become a More Accessible Church – Bret Welshymer and Ryan Faulk

    23/07/2020 Duration: 31min

    “On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable…”–1 Corinthians 12:22Do you have a plan for welcoming and including any person that comes through the door of your church? Today on the podcast, Crystal is joined by Bret Welshymer and Ryan Faulk to talk about how we can each be the heart and hands of Jesus to people who are marginalized because of a disability or chronic health issue. So often, barriers that prevent everyone from feeling welcomed are unknowingly created in our communities. Listen as Bret and Ryan share examples of these visible and invisible barriers and the simple steps you can take to embrace everyone, regardless of the size of your church. Joni and Friends is committed to providing resources and supporting you as you make changes to become an accessible church that allows everyone to fully participate!Free resources to help your church become more accessible.Learn how to start a special needs ministry.Find answers to common questions.Learn how to adapt curric

  • Why Giving is the Good Life – Randy Alcorn

    16/07/2020 Duration: 22min

    “To open up your hands and freely give to help others is the key to a happy life.”Is it possible to live a life that pleases God and helps others, but is also the best for us? Last week on the podcast, Crystal was joined by Randy Alcorn for an insightful time of Q&A about heaven. Today Randy is back on the show to talk about generosity and the contagious gladness of giving. As we face uncertain times, it can be easy to focus on our challenges and overlook God’s provision as the ultimate giver. But what if we’re missing out on the good life by not generously giving of our time, resources, and treasure that will impact God’s kingdom for eternity? Where you put your treasure, your heart will follow. Listen as Randy shares life-changing biblical principles of generosity and stories of how you can put these radical principles into practice today. Learn how you can cultivate a love for the things that move God’s heart through giving.Questions or comments? Email Crystal at podcast@joniandfriends.orgSupport Joni

  • Questions and Answers About Heaven – Randy Alcorn

    09/07/2020 Duration: 32min

    We all have questions and speculations about what heaven will be like, but what does the Bible really have to say about eternity? Does scripture tell us what we will do there, or provide answers to heart-wrenching questions such as what happens to a believer who commits suicide or where do babies go when they die?Today on the podcast Crystal is joined by Dr. Randy Alcorn, founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries and the author of more than 60 books, for an insightful time of Q & A about heaven. As a leading authority when it comes to a biblical perspective of heaven, Randy is sharing from his extensive research on the topic to provide scripture-based answers about eternity. In this podcast Randy will challenge what you thought you knew—you won’t want to miss this fascinating conversation!For more information about heaven, read Heaven Your Real Home...From a Higher Perspective by Joni Eareckson Tada Questions or comments? Email Crystal at podcast@joniandfriends.orgSupport Joni and Friends to

  • A Father's Encouragement – David Smith

    18/06/2020 Duration: 50min

    “Dads really need men to walk shoulder to shoulder with them and say, ‘I am here for you. You can be vulnerable with me. It’s ok to not always be strong. I am here to help.’”This week on the podcast, David Smith is joining Crystal to share his story and a powerful word of encouragement to other special needs dads. As a dedicated pastor and husband, David – like many men – saw himself as a ‘fixer.’ When he and his wife Heather decided to start a family, they followed God’s call to adopt three children, not knowing what the next day may bring. But through fatherhood and the unexpected challenges of raising kids with special needs, David discovered an even greater reliance upon the Lord. Today he serves other families impacted by disability through Joni and Friends Missouri and has a gift for encouraging other dads in need of community. With Father’s Day around the corner, don’t miss this powerful conversation – share it with a special needs father in your life!Read more from David on the Joni and Friends Blog.Q

  • A Biblical Understanding of Justice for the Oppressed – Pastor Kempton Turner

    11/06/2020 Duration: 34min

    “A great definition of justice is love in action… Real love takes action. Real love touches hurting people.”What does the Bible have to say about God’s heart for the oppressed? Is there instruction for how we should respond in the face of injustice? In Micah 6:8 we read, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Today on the podcast, Crystal has invited Pastor Kempton Turner, minister at City of Joy Fellowship in East St. Louis, Illinois, to join her for a conversation about divine justice. What does it mean to act on behalf of those who are without a voice or a seat at the table? With national and global conversations focused on racial oppression, we must let the Word of God lead us. Listen as Pastor Kempton shares biblical examples of compassion and practical ways you can step outside of your comforts to demonstrate love in action to those who are hurting.Watch Pastor Kempton's story: From Sin to E

  • Inclusion for Individuals with Special Needs – Dr. Rebekah Dyer

    28/05/2020 Duration: 26min

    “Many families of children with disabilities seek support from a faith community more than anything else in their community. Their priority in seeking a church is not always a place where they feel they can grow spiritually, but rather a place that will accept their child.” –Dr. Rebekah DyerAs regions of the United States begin lifting social distancing restrictions, we all have an opportunity to rethink how we connect with one another. Are we really offering an inclusive environment at our churches and in the classroom? On the podcast this week, Crystal has invited Dr. Rebekah Dyer back for another conversation about inclusion for families impacted by disability. As a professor at Grand Canyon University with 18 years of experience in special education, Dr. Dyer has seen the barriers that school and church classrooms face when trying to open their doors to children and adults with disabilities. Listen as she shares her passion for integrating kids with disabilities at school and church, and the different mod

  • The Ups and Downs of Marriage Through Disability and Loss – John and Sue Meyer

    21/05/2020 Duration: 45min

    “Why us? We don’t know what the future holds, but to know that we as a couple have been there and lost a child, and are we’re still functioning… to carry that with us is not just Rachel’s legacy, but it’s a legacy of God’s ministry in our lives.”Journeying together through ministry, disability and loss, John and Sue Meyer have found themselves in a “new normal” at different points of their marriage. But with each new challenge, they have clung to Christ as their foundation and strength.After the loss of their daughter Rachel who lived with significant disabilities for 27 years, God is leading John and Sue into a new season of ministry. Working with Joni and Friends, they are using their passions and example to teach and counsel Word of Life missionaries and students. Listen as John and Sue join Crystal on the podcast to share their encouraging story, revealing the spiritual ups and downs of a marriage through the demands of special needs parenting, and their journey through loss and grief. Questions or commen

  • A Quarantined Caregiver – Sib Charles

    14/05/2020 Duration: 25min

    “The Lord is teaching me so much. I feel like this is a chance for a reset on so many levels… What really matters is being at peace with my husband, myself, and most importantly my God.”As we continue in this time of unexpected isolation and social distancing, many people who serve in caregiving roles are feeling a new weight of responsibility. To protect the health of their loved ones, family caregivers who typically rely on help from outside the home have had to quickly move into the role of primary caregiver. With so many new pressures and uncertainties, caregivers are on the brink of exhaustion! Today on the podcast, Crystal is joined by Sib Charles, who for the first time in her 28 years of marriage to her husband Jess has been thrust into the role of his primary caregiver. Listen as Sib shares candidly about her recent struggles during this time of isolation, and the encouraging lessons that God has taught her over the past two months as a quarantined caregiver.Read Sib's blog post, The Click of the Loc

  • National Day of Prayer

    07/05/2020 Duration: 26min

    Today is National Day of Prayer. During this unprecedented time, aren’t we recognizing our dependence on God and how important it is cry out to Him in our time of need? The theme for this year’s observance is taken from Habakkuk 2:14, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” With so many people facing fear and isolation, we have an opportunity to join our voices together and call upon the name of the Lord. On this special episode of the podcast, you’re invited to join Joni and Friends leaders and special guests as we pray God’s glory across the earth, covering national topics with a special disability focus.Questions or comments? Email Crystal at podcast@joniandfriends.orgSupport Joni and Friends at*Joni and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving accident was left a quadriplegic at 17 years old. Ministry began as Tada, joined by friends around her kitchen table, responded to letters she rec

  • Coping in Community Instead of Suffering in Silence – Daryl McKillian

    30/04/2020 Duration: 37min

    “In order to bear God’s image, we need relationships and community.”As we continue into this unprecedented time of shelter at home, isolation and loneliness have become a common experience. But the past few weeks have also offered a new understanding of what it means for someone to be homebound and feel disconnected. Now, more than ever, we are recognizing how vital it is to cope in community instead of suffer in silence. So what are some of the barriers that keep us from being transparent with one another and choosing isolation over community? Today on the podcast, Crystal is talking with Daryl McKillian, Co-pastor of Reconcile Church LA and Senior Manager of Theological Engagement at the Joni and Friends Christian Institute on Disability. In this conversation, Daryl is taking a deep dive into Scripture to show why it is so important to cope in the context of community whether you are rejoicing or suffering. Daryl is also offering practical ways that community can be lived out, even in the midst of a pandemi

  • Dealing with Isolation When Your Family is Impacted by Autism – Dr Rebekah Dyer

    23/04/2020 Duration: 24min

    As the coronavirus outbreak keeps parents and children at home, everyone is facing a disruptive new normal. But for many families impacted by autism, the loneliness of increased isolation and lack of routine presents additional challenges. So how do special needs families cope? Are there creative ways that you can encourage someone while still maintaining physical distance? Today on the podcast, Crystal is speaking with Dr. Rebekah Dyer, an autism expert and professor in the college of education at Grand Canyon University. Dr. Dyer been in the field of special education for 20 years and offers a positive perspective on sheltering in place for families impacted by autism. She also sharing some creative and inspiring ideas for how you can reach out to those families feeling the weight of isolation.Bonus: Following Dr. Dyer’s interview, we’ve included a brief Q&A with special needs parents who are answering some of your frequently asked questions about autism.Are you reaching out to someone impacted by disab

  • A Mother’s Perspective on Caring for a Child with Autism – Diane Dokko Kim

    16/04/2020 Duration: 44min

    “Don’t feel pressured to learn everything about autism. Just get to know the one person God brings into your life. Find out what works for them…just like you would in any other relationship. Become a master in loving one person, one family well.”Today on the podcast, Crystal has invited Diane Dokko Kim back to share her perspective on caring for a child with autism. As the mother of two sons, one of whom is on the autism spectrum, Diane understands the challenges and joys of being a special needs mom. Listen as she dispells common misconceptions about autism spectrum disorder, shares personal stories of struggle and hope, and offers practical solutions for others who are caring for a child with autism. Though her son, God has repurposed Diane’s passion for comforting other families with the same comfort she has received from Christ and her mission of equipping churches to welcome families like hers so that the body of Christ is complete.Hear more from Diane Dokko Kim:

  • Grandparenting a Child with Special Needs – Liz Babbitt

    09/04/2020 Duration: 28min

    For a number of years, Liz Babbitt had worked in special needs ministry providing training for churches and supporting families impacted by disability. But when Liz’s grandson was diagnosed with autism, she gained a whole new perspective on the challenges that many special needs families can face. Today on the podcast, Liz is sharing her experience as the grandmother to a child with autism and the special role she plays in providing support for her adult children and care for her grandchildren. Are you looking for ways to be a blessing to your grandchild with special needs, and also support their parents and siblings? Don’t miss this candid conversation. Because a diagnosis is not the final word on your grandchild’s future. All children are unique and precious, and God has a plan for each life.For more encouragement, order the minibook “My Grandchild Has a Disability” at or comments? Email Crystal at podcast@joniandfriends.orgSupport Joni and Friends: www.joniandfriends

  • Raising Three Sons with Autism – Greg and Gina Hubert

    02/04/2020 Duration: 44min

    During this time of "safer at home," many people are experiencing the loneliness of isolation for the first time. But for special needs families, isolation is not just a seasonal challenge, it is often a daily reality.This week as we kick off Autism Awareness Month on the podcast, Crystal Keating is talking with Greg and Gina Hubert, a couple who personally understands the impact of autism on a family. Listen as this hope-filled couple shares candidly about family life and embracing their role as parents to Zach, Tyler, and Tate. Hear how parenting their three sons with autism has deepened Greg and Gina's faith in Christ and introduced opportunities to encourage other families out of isolation by helping churches recognize that all members of the body of Christ are indispensable.Find all resources mentioned on the podcast at or prayer requests? Email Crystal at podcast@joniandfriends.orgSupport Joni and Friends:*Joni and Friends was founded

  • Spiritual Abuse – Darby Strickland

    26/03/2020 Duration: 28min

    Do you know someone who has been wounded by the misuse of Scripture? Or excluded from the life of the church because they haven’t been miraculously healed? Crystal Keating is talking again with counselor Darby Strickland who teaches at Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation's online School of Biblical Counseling and trains churches to care well for those affected by abuse. Darby recently shared about trauma and how to care well for someone carrying wounds from a traumatic experience. This week, she’s sharing about another form of deep wounding: spiritual abuse. Listen as Darby explains some of the markers of spiritual abuse and what someone in the role of a “helper” should be aware of when walking alongside someone wounded by the misuse of scripture.Would you like to learn more about ministering to someone in the context of abuse? Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused is a free web-based training helps leaders understand and implement the best practices for handling a variety of abuse sc

  • God’s Sovereignty During a Pandemic – Joni Eareckson Tada

    19/03/2020 Duration: 22min

    Over the past few weeks and even days, the world has changed rapidly. As we come to grips with the effects of a global pandemic, it can be easy to allow fear or anxiety to creep in. But in times like these, it’s important to remind ourselves of the sovereignty of our God who rules over everything, including the coronavirus. This week on the podcast, Crystal Keating is sitting down with Joni Eareckson Tada (with appropriate social distancing, of course!) to put our focus on our God who remains the same – steadfast and trustworthy – regardless of what is happening in the world around us. Listen as Joni shares where she is directing her thoughts and finding peace, and the practical ways that you can show God’s love and care to people in your community.Hear more from Joni: all resources mentioned on the podcast at or prayer requests? Email Crystal at podcast@joniandfriends.orgSupport Joni and Friends: www.joni

  • Understanding Trauma – Darby Strickland

    12/03/2020 Duration: 31min

    When someone goes through a deeply distressing or disturbing experience, their wounds can last long after the initial encounter. The trauma of a physical, emotional, or even spiritual wound can have a deep impact and often has a messy way of expressing itself. So how can someone carrying a deep wound find hope and healing? Today Crystal is talking with Christian Counselor Darby Strickland about understanding trauma. Darby, who specializes in counseling abuse in marriage, works with individuals, families, and couples, who face a variety of issues. She teaches at Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation's online School of Biblical Counseling and leads a support group for oppressed women. She also speaks at national conferences and trains counselors and churches to care well for those affected by abuse and trauma. Listen as she talks about the impact of trauma and how you can share hope and healing in Christ with someone who has been wounded. Would you like to learn more about ministering to someone in

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