More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 29:36:30
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Maybe youre a Property Manager, still wondering what the hell youre doing in the game, this thankless existence, there has to be more right? Maybe you own the business, what started as a great venture, has sucked the life from you, and what started as promising, has turned into resentment. Maybe youre a contractor or supplier, providing services to the block management sector, like everyone else, you want more leads, more clients and more money? Or work in another sector. Sound about right? I figured if your reading this, well youre an action taker and someone who realises there is more, and youre looking for the answer. Well, welcome to my podcast! My mission (damn thats so corporate rite) goal (sounds boring) you know what I mean, is to help. Thats right, no big guarantees, but one lesson I learnt amongst many over the years, is to invest in myself. Reading books, watching videos, listening to podcasts, attending workshops and so on. I am always learning and want to help you do that TOO! I want to share my experiences and for some of you, that will help you in your journey, you will be able to relate, maybe I have done something that you're trying to do, or at the very least you might find it interesting.  The point is that were in it together on this journey, and finding ways to help each other is a simple WIN WIN. Whatever your goals in this game, never stop learning, never stop absorbing content, and never stop listening! ENJOY!


  • Why 'Block Managers Boardroom'?

    31/08/2019 Duration: 13min

    ‘It’s something I’ve been craving for, all my block management life’ The idea behind the Block Managers Boardroom is to get like-minded people together, those who realise there is lots of value in talking to other individual’s from companies in the same space, we can all learn from each other. Desmond shares important news about the Block Managers Boardroom and how you can get involved in working collaboratively in this high-value environment.  if you are in the block manager space you should be interested, listen in now and find out more.   KEY TAKEAWAYS It's creating a space where individuals can grow and take shared learning expertise back into their businesses. It’s for the person who wants to develop personally and realises that education comes in many forms – through other people, training and experience. It’s about coming to the table presenting problems and  ideas and letting the people in the room give feedback and share their ideas – they may have already had to deal with the same problem. The

  • If Your in A Business, it’s an IT Business

    27/08/2019 Duration: 13min

    In this episode of More With Moreira, Desmond explains the importance of software and technology within your business and how it can help your business grow to the next level. He also discusses what software and platforms that he uses within his business and why he uses them. KEY TAKEAWAYS If you’re a business in 2019 who manages clients and lots of different tasks, you are a technology/IT business. Software can give you better, more up to date information. It can also reduce costs and be more reliable. Often if you don’t use software it’s hard to show someone how to do something especially when the task has multiple layers. Software can help to integrate someone into your business rather than taking a person away from your business to teach a new employee how to do certain tasks. There are tonnes of different software that you can use within your business, the best software for you depends on what your business is. We use Google and Zendesk within our business where we all work from home. If you don’t have

  • If I Can You Can! Desmond Talks To John Clarke

    06/08/2019 Duration: 01h22s

    Are you planning to start your own business soon but think you don’t have all you need? Today on the More With Moreira Podcast, Desmond talks to John Clarke, the author of If I Can, You Can, to talk about everything business. Just like him, you can start any business you want from scratch.  From growing your knowledge to finding your team to planning your business exit strategy, we’ve got you covered. Desmond also emphasises the importance of being surrounded by the right people (mentor, support system, and loved ones) while you grow your team. Discover and learn more when you tune in. KEY TAKEAWAYS John advises two stages of the recruitment process. It’s important to know a team member’s attitude and behaviour towards work, co-workers, goals, etc. Be strategic when laying out the process. Don’t spend massive money on recruitment agencies. Make use of free social media platforms, especially LinkedIn. It’s easier to gauge if someone can be a right fit in your team once you see how they build their public pro

  • Des Talks to Stephen Goodacre; A Story of Fish & Chips , Creating a Micro-Niche and Achieving a USP

    27/07/2019 Duration: 58min

    In this fascinating episode, Des is in man cave territory as he talks to Stephen Goodacre who shares his experiences, business journey and success as a fish and chip establishment entrepreneur.  There is a  lot to be learnt from those who’ve already done it, we are sometimes short-sighted as business owners thinking that a different time makes it unique, when actually the challenges faced are similar.  If you are a business owner reach out to someone who has come before you, there is much you can learn from others experience.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  What was it like starting a business in the seventies?  It took a year to put together the finance  The lending criteria was very different, the local bank manager knew everybody, and finance was based on what they thought of you, your character, your abilities it's now a form filling exercise  The fish and chip business is a complex business because you are a manufacturer and a retailer  Word of mouth was essential and if you had a good product people would come. 

  • Consistency WINS

    23/07/2019 Duration: 11min

    ‘Why is it so important to be consistent?’ In this episode of More With Moreira, Desmond explains the importance of consistency within a business and how it can be used to increase results whether you’re starting a or building upon an existing business.   KEY TAKEAWAYS A lot of the people who I talk to who want to increase the amount they achieve lack consistency. Whether that’s within their marketing, delivery of service or general business. Most of the time when someone gets a result or results, it’s because they have been consistent with their performance over a long period of time. People can have a perceived perception of your business dependant on a smaller experience they may have had. If you don’t know what your performance levels are or what you want to achieve, it will be hard to find what you need to become consistent in. Consistency isn’t just something you can achieve with effort. It’s achieved through strategic and effective management which has to be part of the business plan. There has to b

  • Natalie Rubinstein

    20/07/2019 Duration: 01h13min

    ‘Everyone gives the impression that everything is fine but in reality, we all face challenges every day and talking to another management agent can help to solve the problem.  As block management companies we can learn a lot from each other’ Desmond is in conversation with Natalie Rubinstein, a managing agent working in Knightsbridge. In an industry where there is currently little collaboration between agents Desmond and Natalie are championing the positives for everyone of getting together and talking. If you are a property manager and want to make a difference to the way the industry moves forward then listen in and get involved!   KEY TAKEAWAYS How many schemes should a property manager have in their portfolio? It doesn’t matter how many units there are in a scheme each scheme generates its own workload. The optimum number of schemes is approximately 15 extending to a maximum of 20 for the property manager to be able to deliver good customer service. It’s a balance finding how many properties you can

  • Killer Wednesdays

    16/07/2019 Duration: 15min

    If you get to the middle of the week and question what it’s all about then this podcast is a must-listen. Desmond discusses why we experience killer Wednesdays and what we should be doing about it. As individuals, we need to own our sh#t! listen in and start being the best you can be every day.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Wednesday is the day you start questioning life, is this what I want to do? am I really happy with my job? Wednesday is a day for reflection, we look back and look forward to what we are doing and where we are going. If you are questioning your interest, energy and passion, it’s important to understand the reasons why you feel that way. You need to be aware of how negative and adverse feelings impact on your performance and output. People fall into the trap of using external factors as an excuse to blame how they feel and justify their actions. You have to take ownership of the stuff you are responsible for – we are all responsible for how we feel, how we react, our commitment, our energy, our engag

  • Des Talks to Rajeev Nayyar

    13/07/2019 Duration: 38min

    ‘Consumer expectations constantly change, and any software needs to be able to deal with this’ In this episode, Desmond is in conversation with Raj Nayyar, Managing Director of Fixflo. They discuss how the right technology and communication can work for all involved in a block building from the contractors through to the clients, managers and tenants. If you want to understand how the technology for block management is changing and the ways it can be used as a positive tool to develop systems and relationships then listen in now.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Property technology is part of a digital transformation of the property industry providing new tools that enable more efficient ways of working. A property managers job is a mixture of relationships and transitional requirements. Consumer expectations constantly change, and any software needs to be able to deal with this, through regular updates. The world is a collaborative place if everyone is given the tools to help solve the problem. Fixflo set out to solve th

  • Collecting Service Charges interview with Laura Severn of LMP

    08/07/2019 Duration: 31min

    ‘As a leaseholder, you must pay your service charges, irrespective of the service, it’s in your lease pay it’ In this episode, Desmond talks to Laura Severn from LMP about service charges and what happens when they are not paid. Their informed conversation provides an insight into the effect non-payment has on the different parties involved. If you are a leaseholder or a block manager listen in and find out what really happens with service charges, why we need them and what happens when they are not paid.   KEY TAKEAWAYS What are the main benefits of paying service charges? The reason you pay is to maintain the building you are living in. When they are not paid multiple jobs are suspended due to a lack of money to complete the work. If you are, as a good tenant paying but your neighbour isn’t, you may in time also not pay because you can’t see the level of maintenance you would expect. This is where the problem arises, people often perceive that there is a pot of money available for tasks, this is not c

  • Stop Rejecting Your INDUSTRY

    02/07/2019 Duration: 15min

    Opportunities can come from doing above and beyond your pay check by supporting your sector. Going to events or networking with new people in your industry can be great way to grow yourself and find valuable opportunities. Listen to this episode of More With Moreira where Desmond dives deeper into why rejecting your industry is not a good idea.    KEY TAKEAWAYS Lots of people or companies instantly resist or reject new ideas from people who may be new to an industry. I find this is usually not because they don’t like the idea but because they don’t like the idea of collaborating. When you reject things such as industry events or making the effort with new people within the industry, you’ll miss out on a lot of knowledge that you can only get from an outside perspective. The biggest event of the year, within the block management industry for me would be the IRPM seminar. I go to this predominately to network with new people within my industry. It’s not necessarily about the content said on stage at events or

  • Nicole Osbourne

    29/06/2019 Duration: 43min

    ‘It’s so important if you have your own business to develop your personal branding, it’s how people know what they are getting when they buy from you’ Personal branding is very topical and Desmond is discussing how you can develop a powerful personal brand and its importance for your business with Nicole Osborne, Chartered Marketer and Personal Branding Coach. Your message is important, so listen in now to find out how you can be heard.    KEY TAKEAWAYS When you take the time to define your personal brand it becomes about what makes you What is personal branding? It’s the things you tell people so they know what they are getting from you. The clues you give can be in the way you look, the way you communicate, it's your personality on paper. You need to know who your audience is, what they are interested in, the value you can bring to them and where they hang out and then you deliver that to them nicely packaged. Personal branding is about your tone of voice, the imagery you use,  your brand values an

  • What do I Talk About

    25/06/2019 Duration: 22min

    Content Creation For Marketing  If you’re thinking twice if you should post that article you wrote or video you made for your own page, Desmond advises that you just do it! It’s time to stop thinking of what others might think. There will be a few who will benefit from that post. As long as you’re helping somebody, you’re already doing more than half of the job. And when you think of it, when you gain a single follower for every single post, how many followers, all in all, have you helped and will be helping? Be consistent, and persevere! Start gathering your thoughts, share your knowledge to others, and find out how you can achieve wealth with it.  Discover more on how you can start improving your business’ content creation when you tune in to today’s episode of the More With Moreira Podcast!  KEY TAKEAWAYS  Come from a place of absolute service when you produce content. Your main goal should be able to help somebody. Are they gonna benefit from it?  Share your knowledge and expertise. This is a good plac

  • Leases and Litigation With Cassandra Zanelli

    22/06/2019 Duration: 46min

    Desmond is in discussion with Cassandra Zanelli partner and Head of Property Management at  PM legal, solicitor and honorary consultant to the FPRA.  They discuss leases and leasehold reform along with some of the challenging aspects of being a management agent. This episode explores issues and topics that are pertinent to any agent, listen in to find out more.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  Leasehold reform  We all know there are areas of leasehold that need reform, it is important as we have an opportunity, to ensure we take the time to review and examine the changes that will make the difference.  There is a large amount of expertise and experience within the pool of agents who should be represented and part of the process of reform.  The group have an important job to do and it will change the landscape of block management.  There is an expectation that things will be better but if the industry wants things to be change positively then it must be prepared to pay more for this.  Leases  There is great variation b

  • Special Podcast Announcement

    18/06/2019 Duration: 12min

    “I’m going to be hosting a podcast road-trip” In this episode of More With Moreira Desmond announces his exciting new podcast road-trip. This will include interviews with multiple guests from around the globe to gain a variety of valuable knowledge and learn from other peoples experiences every other episode. Subscribe and listen to find out who the first special guest is on episode 30! KEY TAKEAWAYS •Podcasts are such a great medium because they are a great way to capture the things we learn and allows other people to learn from the points made at the time it’s recorded too. •Podcasts capture great conversations that can be shared around. •It’s important to make sure you do have conversations that are of a deeper level, not just business. •The intention of interviewing guests is to gain different perspectives. BEST MOMENTS ‘Podcast episode 30 will be my first guest!’ ‘The more you share your view on a topic it’s always going to benefit  someone, at least 1 person’ ‘We all have something to have of

  • Why You're The Only Competition Worth Beating

    15/06/2019 Duration: 22min

    ‘The race is all about you and winning for yourself’  In this episode, Desmond discusses how beginning training for a marathon has helped him to reflect on the importance of being in the right race.  He encourages us all to connect the dots between the different areas in our lives to achieve balance and success. Listen in for some great tips on how to get in the right race and achieve the results you want.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  We build a mentality where we are always competing with others to win, this can also be seen in the world of business.   When you want to achieve something, you have to do it for you first.  Beating others is not the race that is important or relevant. The race you need to pay attention to is the one with yourself.  When you align your intentions with the person you are trying to be, you begin the only significant race -  the one with your heart and mind.  Often we look outwardly at others and what they are doing, and we measure ourselves against them but it’s what you are doing that

  • Laying The Foundations for a Supportive Network

    08/06/2019 Duration: 20min

    ‘If you are someone who wants to do the best they can and understands that there are other people who know things that you don’t then this is the place to go, it’s a great opportunity to meet new people’ Desmond explains why attending the upcoming annual IRPM Seminar is important for everyone in the industry. He explains the reason he attends every year and the value of connecting face to face.   KEY TAKEAWAYS The IRPM seminar is an important annual event and it’s a pivotal moment if you are in the block management sector or property management as its one of the few events where a significant number of people attend. Don’t see it as a waste of time, it’s the perfect storm there is not another occasion where you can speak with like-minded people who are experiencing the same challenges and overcoming the same problems. In talking to people, you will find people you want to stay connected with. If you share an answer with someone it is a very powerful foundation for a future relationship. It becomes powerful

  • What Shit Are YOU Putting Off?

    04/06/2019 Duration: 26min

    ‘What it is doesn’t really matter, it’s that you are putting shit off in your life that you know you need to do’ Desmond discusses why we procrastinate and the impact this can have not only on us but on others, in the actions we don’t take. He provides some great advice about how to move away from procrastination and take control of your life. Listen in and stop putting shit off in your life now!   KEY TAKEAWAYS Lots of us put stuff off but we don’t understand the reasons why we do it. Procrastination is an emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem. The moment procrastination is planted as a seed it is a behaviour that will grow. The ripple effect is damaging and can stop you from achieving and being where you are meant to be. If you can recognise the indicators that you are procrastinating then you will be able to alter what you are doing. It's not about putting off the big thing, it could be something small. It’s the mindset and attitude that is embedded. You have to convince yourself tha

  • What is Your PASSION?

    31/05/2019 Duration: 17min

    Knowing your purpose makes a big difference in your life – it affects every decision you make, every goal that you set, and every relationship that you get into. So, in this episode of the More With Moreira Podcast, Desmond helps you find your purpose so you could live a meaningful life. If you don’t know where you’re going, then how could you live every single day to the fullest? When you’re clear on your purpose, you’re more determined, more passionate, and more focused to face the day, whether it be full of challenges. It’s different when you know what could the best version of your self can achieve, so tune in now to know more.  KEY TAKEAWAYS  Finding your purpose should be the very first thing you should ever do before you make any decisions. It’s your purpose that you’ll strive for every day.  If you think you haven’t found your purpose, it’s okay. Desmond suggests you look into what you’re passionate about since it might be something you can turn into a career or a business.   When you feel stuck in a

  • Your Mental Health Matters

    25/05/2019 Duration: 22min

    Our mental health is as important as our physical health. It’s part of who we are, so we should be well aware of how to keep it healthy every single day. In this episode of More With Moreira, Desmond brings into light mental health awareness. As much as we hear it more than ever today, people still confuse the term mental health with mental illness. Remember that we all have mental health that we should be kept in check at so we don’t have to deal with mental illness. Mental health exists in every human alive, so as much as possible learn what the signs, symptoms, and treatment of mental illness, and how to care about yours and the people around you – may it be at home, in your workplace or your church group. Discover more about the basics today when you tune in. KEY TAKEAWAYS Share what you’re feeling to others. Don’t suffer in silence. Let go of what you’re frustrated, worried, or sad about. Knowing that someone listens can already unburden you. In addition, you become more accountable for what steps are

  • Delegation, The Importance of Letting Go

    21/05/2019 Duration: 21min

    ‘Delegation, it can either help you or crush and stop you doing what you want to do’  In this episode, Desmond takes an in-depth look at delegation and its vital role in any business.  He explains why it is a skill that is often underdeveloped and offers clear and practical advice on how to successfully delegate in your business to help it grow and flourish. Listen in now and start delegating to help you get where you want to be.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  We struggle with letting go and delegation may not be a skill we have developed.  Most of the time it is because you haven’t trained someone else or think you are the only person who can complete the task.  If you as the owner are not delegating it’s possible there may not be any supporting systems or documentation for the new person in the role and as a result, you continue to be involved.  If you have to do this there is an asset deficiency and you must review what processes and systems you have in place to support people doing the job.  Learn to let go - Th

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