We take our listeners on a journey through the theatre of the mind. Our radio documentaries are not only entertaining, they are thought provoking. To fund this labour of love, we rely on our business clients - hosting tailor-made podcasting solutions.
09/04/2020 Duration: 17minReverend Kelvin Harris brings this Tenebrae service, entitled “Covid-19, Turn the key, God will strengthen you”. It is based on the following scripture readings: Isaiah 40: 28-31 Isaiah 53: 4-6 Luke 22: 39-46 The podcast is produced as a service to the church community and friends. During this time of lockdown, sermons will be pre-recorded and then uploaded onto the podcast. So visit our Spudcaster page for more podcasts.
Good Friday Sermon
09/04/2020 Duration: 31minReverend Heidi Petersen delivered this morning’s Good Friday sermon, entitled “The cross and its witnesses”. And it is premised on the New Testament reading taken from the book of Luke 23 – 1 to 49. Brothers Philip Bacchioni and Sidney De Jong contributed to this service. And sister Lucretia Sikwebu rendered the beautiful anthem: “What will you do with Jesus?”. For the first time, Easter is being celebrated under an extended lockdown in the face of a global pandemic. The podcast is produced as a service to the church community and friends. So visit the Spudcaster page for more podcasts.
08/04/2020 Duration: 08minStephen McFarlane, from Saint Mark’s Methodist Church in Maraisburg, delivered this Wednesday Holy Week sermon from the comfort of his own home. The Florida Methodist Church set up this podcast in response to the lockdown. So visit the Spudcaster page for more podcasts.
08/04/2020 Duration: 07minBishop Brian Abrahams of the Moravian Church delivered this Wednesday evening sermon during Holy Week. The theme of the message is titled “How to get your feet washed – and your hands!” The Moravian Church in Bellville, Cape Town, set up this podcast in response to the lockdown. So visit the Spudcaster page for more podcasts.
05/04/2020 Duration: 17minBiskop Brian Abrahams van die Moraviese kerk bring vanoggend ‘n bemoedigende boodskap na aanleiding van die afsluiting wat tans landswyd beleef word. ‘n Potgooi van die boodskap is nou beskikbaar. Stuur gerus n epos as u wil inteken, of besoek ons webblad vir toegang tot ons potgooie.
Holy Week Sermon
05/04/2020 Duration: 13minIn light of the indefinite closure of the church, including services and meetings, this podcast was recorded in isolation. In this Palm Sunday sermon, Neale Quilliam, a visiting pastor at St Barnabas United Church, kicks off Holy Week. Reverend Heidi Petersen is recovering from a short illness. The podcast is produced as a service to the church community and friends. So visit the Spudcaster page for more podcasts.
04/04/2020 Duration: 16minReverend Kelvin Harris delivered this morning’s sermon, entitled “Can you see God? God is coming to you”. It is based on the following scripture readings: Luke 19: 28-44 The podcast is produced as a service to the church community and friends. During this time of lockdown, sermons will be pre-recorded and then uploaded onto the podcast. So visit the Spudcaster page for more podcasts.
Wednesday Sermon
01/04/2020 Duration: 13minReverend Kelvin Harris delivered this evening’s sermon, entitled “Covid-19, God has brought more than 20% of the world population to a halt. I am wondering why?”. It is based on the following scripture reading: Matthew 20: 29-34 The podcast is produced as a service to the church community and friends. During this time of lockdown, sermons will be pre-recorded and then uploaded onto the podcast. So visit the Spudcaster page for more podcasts.
01/04/2020 Duration: 09minBrother Theo Boyce delivered this evening’s lenten sermon from the comfort of his own home. His teaching on discipleship was based on the book of Luke 14: 26-27. The Florida Methodist Church set up this podcast in response to the lockdown. So visit the Spudcaster page for more podcasts.
29/03/2020 Duration: 16minIn light of the indefinite closure of the church, including services and meetings, this podcast was recorded in isolation. Philip Bacchioni’s sermon is entitled “The listening God”. Reverend Heidi Petersen is recuperating from a short illness. The podcast is produced as a service to the church community and friends. So visit the Spudcaster page for more podcasts.
Abraham’s Act of Worship
29/03/2020 Duration: 05minCharmaine Rayment is a voluntary missionary at Jews for Jesus. She has a real passion for worship ministry. Sister Charmaine has agreed to become a contributor to a podcast series called “A Life of Worship”. This is the final part of a teaching series entitled “Abraham’s Act of Worship”. Below, you will find some notes from the episode. Enjoy listening. Notes from this episode ABRAHAM’S ACT OF WORSHIP PART 3 PREPARATION Verse 6: Then Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and put it on Isaac his son. In his hand he took the fire and the knife. So, the two of them walked on together. Here we see Abraham made the necessary preparation by making sure that he had the provision that were necessary for worship. How do we prepare ourselves when we come to worship God both individually and corporately? Part of our preparation is our personal lifestyle. What do we reflect in our personal daily walk? When we come to our corporate places of worship, have we come prepared to worship God or do we rush in and expec
28/03/2020 Duration: 20minStephen McFarlane, from Saint Mark’s Methodist Church in Maraisburg, delivered this mornings sermon from the comfort of his own home. The Florida Methodist Church set up this podcast in response to the lockdown. So drop us an email if you would like to subscribe. And visit the Spudcaster page for more podcasts.
27/03/2020 Duration: 22minReverend Kelvin Harris delivered this morning’s sermon, entitled “The Glory of God will be Revealed”. It is based on the following scripture readings: Ezekiel 37: 1-14 Psalm 130 Romans 8: 6-11 The podcast is produced as a service to the church community and friends. During this time of lockdown, sermons will be pre-recorded and then uploaded onto the podcast. So visit the Spudcaster page for more podcasts.
Wednesday Evening Sermon
25/03/2020 Duration: 27minBrother Clyde Preston delivered the Wednesday evening Lenten sermon. He focussed on the Garden of Gethsemane. Reverend Heidi Petersen is recovering from a short illness. The podcast is produced as a service to the church community and friends. This comes during the time of the coronavirus and in the face of a nationwide lockdown. So visit the Spudcaster page for more podcasts.
22/03/2020 Duration: 18minReverend Kelvin Harris delivered this morning’s sermon, entitled “Covid19 – A Call to Insight”. It is based on the following scripture readings: 1 Samuel 16: 1-13 Ephesians 5: 8-14 John 9: 1-12 The podcast is produced as a service to the church community and friends. So visit the Spudcaster page for more podcasts.