Being Human Being By Sam Wilde



My experience all rolled into one little podcast. I share my journey of male infertility, redundancy, anxiety and panic attacks. Ill also share with you, how Ive healed myself of anxiety and how Ive created a business that now does the same for others. I hope you love it as much as I will love sharing my experiences with you.


  • Episode 12: Consistency, commitment and self sabotage

    24/01/2023 Duration: 36min

    This is a live video I recorded for an online event I was a part of. One of the lives was on Consistency, commitment and self sabotage and, what you need to know about them.  As this was a live video it does include a drawing which you can't access here so if you'd like to see it you can watch the video version here: Also you can join my Facebook community here: Loving, S

  • Episode 11: How to have the best year of your life

    11/01/2023 Duration: 20min

    In this episode I share with you 3 steps to follow, to have the best and most successful year of your life.    This is in the context of your goals, desires and wants.   If you find value in this join my community to learn more of this kind of insight and to know you're living your best life!    You can join here  Enjoy, loving Sam

  • Episode 10: How to stop caring what other people think

    30/11/2022 Duration: 24min

    A big one for so many people.  This was huge for me too, being affected by what other people thought about me used to plague me. I didn't realise the gravity of it until it caused me such suffering I was forced to do something about it.  I'm so glad I did, and I now have the privilege of working with others on this too.  If you want to create freedom, inner peace and happiness in your life what I share here is where to begin.  I love you, Sam  PS. If you want to join me in my community you can do that here

  • Episode 9: Slowing down

    25/11/2022 Duration: 07min

    In this short episode I share a story about a client and his experience of slowing down. This can truly change lives, it changed mine and others I've worked with. As you listen, as always apply what you hear to yourself and your own life.  If you have questions then ask, I'm here.  And if you want to join my community where I share and go live often, then you can do that here Loving, Sam 

  • Episode 8: Blaming others is a gate way to change

    23/11/2022 Duration: 08min

    Do you ever find yourself blaming others or feeling resentful? GREAT!  This is an opportunity for healing, for transformation and to go within yourself. Total and complete ownership in your life will create freedom, power and clarity.  I hope you enjoy the episode and if you do, come and spend time with me and my community on Facebook.  Loving, Sam 

  • Episode 7: You don’t need motivation!

    13/01/2020 Duration: 10min

    Almost daily I talk about motivation with friends, clients and people I’m connected with. I think we’ve lost our way a little when I’m comes to understanding what it means to be motivated. In this episode I share a story of a client that thought she needed motivation her whole life until she realised that belief stopped her getting results, I talk about what motivation is and what is isn’t and lastly, share how ANY goals are possible without it. Enjoy x

  • Episode 6: Mastering goals, how to make goals work FOR you

    04/11/2019 Duration: 10min

    Seriously, how have we got to a place where so often we get goal setting so wrong? A goal shouldn’t be a reaction to something, goals serve us so much more so when we wake up to them being a place to create FROM. Let’s clear this up.

  • Episode 5: The truth will always set you free.

    26/08/2019 Duration: 14min

    In this little episode we explore why the answer you seek isn’t where most people look, emotional clarity, creating and succeeding with goals and having a peaceful and exponential life. The answer is right there and here, in this episode.

  • Episode 4: Wake the F up

    14/08/2019 Duration: 09min

    What does that mean? Do you need to wake up? YES! So many of us in my experience got through our lives on automatic pilot, things becomes familiar and often we struggle to know what’s next or what we really want? That’s what this podcast episode is about, waking up to your TRUE nature and ability to create!

  • Episode 3: Don’t let what you think become who you are

    22/07/2019 Duration: 10min

    Here’s the truth about our experience and how by simply understanding it, we’re free to be who we truly are. You are not what you think you are, you’re exponentially more

  • Episode 2: What do you want?

    19/07/2019 Duration: 11min

    When is the last time you asked this question and have your answer heard truly heard? In this episode we explore the truth as to why we often don’t get what we want and end up anxious, stressed and overwhelmed. Enjoy x

  • Episode 1: You are just a thought

    08/07/2019 Duration: 10min

    This truth changed my life, It’s also been the thing that has led me on to what will be my life’s work: The truth behind our human experience. In this very first episode I’ll begin to explore with you these truths and how you too can experience freedom, peace of mind and love for yourself.

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