The Regan Hillyer Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 71:00:02
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This is the Regan Hillyer Show with Regan Hillyer - a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, mindset coach, and global speaker that helps anyone breakthrough to new levels of success in their personal and professional life. The episodes will showcase Regan speaking on her own experiences as well as with leaders, artist and creators who are changing the business landscape and living a life of total freedom and abundance.


  • Together We Heal, Together We Rise

    06/11/2020 Duration: 22min

    Welcome to this latest Podcast.  It’s a deep, powerful, searching inner inquiry about the ramifications currently, especially for people of colour, of what is, at these present times, happening in the world. This podcast is not about the usual topics that we explore around manifestation, abundance and living into your purpose...however, we feel that this is a necessary discussion to have right now. And, it is, we believe, an integral part of each and every one’s basic human being...basic human empathy and basic human concern for our fellow citizens on this planet. It’s about how we dig deep for the compassion to support others as well as ourselves.  We all need to go deep inside and reflect and connect with the inner light and the goodness in our souls. To connect with that full capacity that we have to respond from our inner mastery...that inner mastery that is diamond hard and formed through pressure. How can we move to that deep place of knowing that we are truly all one, not separated and not divided? How

  • Living From The Soul in These Challenging Times

    13/10/2020 Duration: 23min

    It can be so incredibly demanding trying to live into your soul’s calling and integrity… In these difficult, sometimes baffling times. Are you feeling doubt, insecurity? Are you letting yourself get tied up with going down endless ‘What if rabbit holes? You know, you are at a choice point, right here, right now! And it’s an opening to focus on positivity. We have to look beyond the obstacles and transform them into opportunities. So, how do you use these intense energy times to create opportunities? How do you tune in to what is available for you..are you listening...are you open? A greater piece of ascension is available for you right now! It’s called surrendered manifestation And it means that… get to show up as the highest facet of yourself…. And the time is NOW. Want to know more? Listen to my latest podcast.  Enjoy listening! I love you. And remember,You absolutely can have it all Regan x  

  • Manifesting with Ease During These Challenging Times

    14/09/2020 Duration: 01h37min

    Welcome to my latest Podcast where I chat about how you can manifest exactly what you desire, during what is surely the most challenging of times that each of us have seen in our lifetimes. Are you waiting for the shift in our world? Our systems and our lives? This process is inevitable...and yet we are in a time of massive opportunity...we are in a time of recalibration, flux and change. This podcast is HUGE. And, it’s a really important conversation and energetic exchange about my proven system for manifestation, how to notice the pulls and the nudges that are coming at you and how to create your dream reality. A complete life that you are truly in love with, free of doubt and fear. Success is 80% your inner game and 20% your external strategy...what does this mean? Join me as we unpack this philosophy and how this can change your life and how you can move into a true sense of purpose and fulfillment in your work and your life. It’s your inner work, your frequency and my proven system for manifestation that

  • How You Can Have It All!

    02/09/2020 Duration: 55min

    Welcome to my latest Podcast where I chat with Suzy Ashworth of Faith + Actions = Miracles and host of The Limitless Life Experience. Suzy is renowned for her niche in helping female entrepreneurs to make a difference in this life. This podcast is HUGE. Probably the most important convo so far this year.  We chat about having it all without being a control freak. And, how you can start with the choice not to be a control freak. Controlling the vibrations, using active refinement to catch the micro moments and manage the micro thoughts. To tweak the controlling energies. Towards greater ease, grace and flow. And, how to live in an abundant, flow-based manner knowing that there has got to be a better can change. Seeing the clarity around that we are here for a bigger to make the shift. How to grow into the vision and have it unfold in front of you. We talk about how to give yourself permission to dream bigger. Quantum expansion and what money does for you. About intention, guidance, expan

  • Insights into Growth and Making an Impact

    24/08/2020 Duration: 36min

    Join me, in my guest chat with the amazing, insightful EricaLester as we discuss what growth and impact means for you. As humans, we are either choosing to grow or not. We are either in a state of expansion or contraction. We are never in standstill, we are either spiralling up or down. And, you have a choice as to which way you spiral and what that spiral looks like. Each of us are individual and our growth spirals are personally dependent. We discuss the importance of giving yourself permission to ask for what it is you actually want. Nothing is too much. You need to be authentic and honest and define what this actually looks like for you. Getting clarity and knowing that a place of scarcity says that this person wins or loses…..abundance says that we all get to win!  Building the life of your dreams is not always about competition. It’s about the individual living with the most authentic version of themselves. Living in deep alignment of their own vision of their own vibe. Creating your own lanes for yours

  • Women's Wisdom

    11/08/2020 Duration: 34min

    Join with me in my guest chat with the amazing, intuitive Nikohl Katene as we go behind the scenes and discuss what it has been like to be ‘grounded’ over these interesting times.  We discuss the challenges of being limited to one place for a prolonged period of time and being grounded in the sense of place and home. What is missed from not travelling and what is gained from not travelling, and the joys and challenges of working with your partner as not only a life, but also business partner. Plus, The tension and the challenges of being with your partner 24/7.  Finding the balance, getting in tune with the other person and understanding what each of you needs. About being intentional with the layers of your relationship and understanding the ebb and flow of an intense relationship. We discuss what’s coming up next for Regan and Regan Hillyer International and what is the next upgrade. Exciting movements around the subjects of grounding and growing a vision of a sacred space. Plus, reviewing all of my project

  • Coming Home To Health

    27/07/2020 Duration: 32min

    Join with me in my guest chat with Arianna Aunon of Body Awakening Conversations. Learn about what set me off on my health journey, as we talk about how I realised that although I looked healthy, there was an underlying truth that I was actually….not that healthy, despite exterior appearances. I had, as a teenager, a really unhealthy relationship with my body, as so many young women do….I wanted to change the essential nature of my body. And, this led me down a path of trying to change my body, from a place of not feeling good in my own skin. My relationship with my body culminated in my not eating at all and aggressively working out at least four times a day, in an effort to make my body something that it simply was not, some weird ideal of beauty and perfection that the media, advertising and society had placed on me…I was underweight, sick and unhealthy.  And, in an “ah ha” moment I realised that I was striving for some ideal of supposed, female body perfection that I didn't even have clarity of, in my own

  • Vulnerability & Authenticity And Their Role In Deeper Connections

    20/07/2020 Duration: 42min

    Listen to my latest podcast where I chat with Pete Craig from Everyday Genius about mentoring people to manifest and achieve the life of their dreams and how you can kick start this process. We discuss this current time of change and bewilderment for so many people and what service really means in relation to how the world is morphing. How the internet is continuing to connect us in a time of separation, when people are disconnected from each other and how to move forward and navigate a way through now.   What is the importance of self-discovery, the innate genius and truly knowing oneself to move forward towards altering the frequency of those who are drawn to you and whom you mentor? And what is the daily commitment and motivation to move ‘the muscle’ of authenticity and vulnerability? We talk about what is unique about each of us, how many different facets we all have and the importance of authenticity and sharing my vulnerability and strengths and weaknesses. To share the fact that we are all human, and c

  • Conscious Love Relationships

    12/07/2020 Duration: 59min

    Join me, with Juan Pa, as we share the secrets, tips and tricks of a conscious love relationship and the life path of a soulful partnership. This powerful exposition takes the viewer on a journey of self-discovery and self-love to assist you in surrendering to the spirit of attracting your true soul-mate. Explore with us the energetic signature of making yourself whole, of healing yourself prior to attracting the desired partner of your dreams.  Listen how to build conscious relationships. How to do the work and find your soul co-creator. Learn how to ask yourself how to tap into your natural state, commit to the inner work and manifest the person that has come from your soul work. Understand the frequency of the relationship, ridding yourself of control, being centered and manifesting the person you desire through your vibration that is verified. Knowing when to trust that if the work is done, then the relationship will be successful. Manifest what you need and what you require in a relationship. This is you

  • Activate with Regan Day 5

    03/07/2020 Duration: 45min

    It’s Day 5. The last day in our series of five, powerful, potent activations that are all about re-calibrating yourself, in these most extraordinary of times. So that you can step into a place of living into the highest version of yourself. On Day 5 in Activating with Regan, we will cement and consolidate the work that you've done so far in these dynamic sessions. If you haven’t followed the series, go back and upskill yourself, over episodes 1 through to 5, as these sessions do all build on each other. You’ll be guided through how to consolidate and accelerate and bring the most powerful version of you to the table. It’s about aligned action, aligned to your vision, aligned with your deep internal frequency. As we know, your frequency is your currency. It needs to be in alignment. It’s not just about doing, doing,’s all about aligned action. It’s the energetic architecture piece coming into play. Day 5 of Activating with Regan is a powerful activation and visualisation, designed to layer up each a

  • Activate with Regan - Day 4

    01/07/2020 Duration: 47min

    It’s Day number 4 with Activate With Regan. The day when we meet Juan Pa and you learn how to shift and activate deeper into your vision. From your place now, in this series of activations, over the last three days, of regenerated power and your renewed vision, we will learn the steps to re-connection. It’s about re-connecting you with your higher self. Everyone has multiple versions of their higher self and now we can reconnect, after getting maybe a little disconnected, in these turbulent and somewhat confusing times. This is the next step, step four in your series of activations. It’s all about becoming a lot clearer and calmer and the techniques and the keys to this calmness. We need to take up this challenge that this world-wide pandemonium has delivered us.  It's the opportunity to re-calibrate, take a breath, enjoy the stillness and re-connect with ourselves. Learn how to tap into the guidance that is there, waiting for you. Then, life will just flow for you. It’s a continuation of the energetic archit

  • Activating with Regan Day 3

    29/06/2020 Duration: 40min

    Here we are! Day 3 of my powerful activations for this time of bewildering confusion and chaos in the world. Today, carrying on from Days 1 and 2, in Activating With Regan Day 3, we are continuing with our step by step activation around recalibrating your identity in these times of uncertainty and discomfort. An important piece in the recalibration of your master vision for yourself.  Where are you at emotionally right now? Acknowledge your status and your wellbeing at this current moment. Are you a bit flat? Feeling a bit down? A bit anxious? How’s your focus?  How are you relating to the mayhem and the doubt, currently? This activation will teach you how to get clarity on where we are at right now and how to step into the next layer of your identity. How to positively re-calibrate your identity. What does this mean? And, how does it relate to you and your current state of mind and being? Many people think that they simply are who they are and have very little control over this aspect of their lives. Some pe

  • Day Two of Activating with Regan

    24/06/2020 Duration: 33min

    It’s time to activate your abundance with this amazing Day Two in a Series of Five recordings. A powerful vortex of energy, this is Day Two of the re-alignment activation series.  I am super excited to dive into Day Two of Activating With Regan…. It’s so important right now to be thinking about why you are here in the world and to get in alignment with your vision.  I know that you all have a lot going on right now. The whole world collectively does... Here and now, today, in these turbulent times, it is easy to lose your way, in fear, doubt and uncertainty. These are chaotic times where everything is up in the air…...and it is crucial to get your vision in alignment.  Remembering what it is that you actually desire to call in. Remembering also that you are still the creator of your own reality. The deeper you go into this remembrance, then the more power you have to create a life that you love.  Day Two takes us into the clearing protocols, shifting and clearing anything that is holding you back from truly s

  • Activate with Regan - Day One

    19/06/2020 Duration: 30min

    This is so exciting! Creating change right now with a powerful series of five, daily activations and we are kicking off with this first session, number One of Five. Tune in and listen to where we are at currently on the planet and how it is affecting your own life. If you have been navigating through these difficult times and have been doing so with fear, doubt and uncertainty, and wondering what your life is going to look like in the future….then this is the activation for you. It’s absolutely okay to feel worry and disquiet, especially when you view what the world is going through right now. It’s only natural, the human experience of feeling reactive human feelings….but, you do have to ask yourself…”Is this worry blocking me? Is it consuming me? Limiting me? Am I being held back and squashed by the fear? Is it stopping me from stepping into my next?” If the answer is yes, then these negative vibrations are not serving you, not serving us and they are not serving the human collective.  These five, daily 'Act

  • Connecting With Something Bigger Than Yourself

    08/06/2020 Duration: 26min

    This episode is about my recent interview with Tray-Sean Ben Salmi of The Influencer Show. It’s all about what motivates me to do what I do, what drives me and what it is exactly, that I do. And it is conducted by the amazing, incredibly talented, fifteen year old Tray-Sean Ben Salmi...youth entrepreneur. I’m driven and motivated each and every day by asking myself the questions “How many people can I be of service to today? How many people can I touch and how many people can I positively impact and inspire?” And, in this interview with me, Tray-Sean peels back the layers as to the importance of motivation and being super clear on exactly what it is you want from life. We dive down into mentors and coaches and their roles in motivation and inspiration. And the importance of having a mentor or a coach and how that influence can assist your growth and development for the better. And, how you can get on a pathway to success so much sooner. It’s about installing habits and influences as soon as possible in your l

  • The 9 Minute Meditation to Start Your Day Right….

    22/05/2020 Duration: 13min

    Hear how a simple 9 minute meditation can set up your day for the best, productive, optimum results. For years, I was obsessed with learning all of these complex success strategies and with them, the ‘best’ ways to kick off your morning. I tried meditations, I tried activations, breathing, intense physical exercise….a whole raft of lists of the seven techniques that highly successful people told me to do to kick start my day. Things that they told me I should be doing. I got to a point where I was totally overwhelmed and confused and if I missed something one day….I was consumed with guilt, that I had not fulfilled the ‘prescription’ and wouldn't be at my optimum ‘best’ that day, and that this would affect my outcomes….!! Eventually, it got to a point that I was doing absolutely nothing. Mainly because I didn't know what to do for the best and all of the lists of 20 things and waking at 5.00am, was just so unachievable and also so time consuming.  So, I thought, I would devise a routine for the start of my da

  • Recalibrating Your Business from Above So You Can Shift Your Results....

    20/04/2020 Duration: 20min

      Listen to how you can recalibrate and amp up your business, even in these uncertain and turbulent times.  I see so many people out there working furiously to upscale their business, doing all of this ‘stuff’ to get results, to improve their cashflow, hire their team, doing, doing, an effort to make more, produce more and get...more. I also see people wrecking it.  But, you know… many people are missing a simple core, yet big piece, in the whole business jigsaw...and yes, I know this because for many years...this was me. It’s not just about conditioning yourself to succeed, there’s more…'s a dimensional thing. Are you aware? Can you work in a higher dimension? Or, are you disconnected? Or, if your business is stagnant, just standing still and you need some practical, business advice and inspiration, then, this is the time to tune in, to get positive results with ease and grace and flow. Enjoy listening here! 

  • Tune into Live at Be Your Brand Academy

    31/03/2020 Duration: 01h31min

    Listen into, and take a peek at the behind the scenes, of our Be Your Brand Academy. It’s our Q and A session where our newly launched Be Your Branders get to ask their burning questions about motivation, purpose and inspiration. Hear, first hand, about the journey of growing a powerful, personal brand. Have you got a message that is just waiting to be launched on the world? Are you ready to build a powerful personal brand? And step into the life of your dreams? Is this your time to step up and take aligned action. When you know that you have been put here to do something bigger and better in the world….and that there is more to your life than just working, paying bills and existing to maintain ‘stuff’. Even if you are unsure exactly what that is right now….but you know that it’s out there waiting for you. Then, this is the time to tune in. Or, if your business is stagnant, just standing still and you need some practical, business advice and inspiration, then, this is the time to tune in.  Enjoy listening her


    10/03/2020 Duration: 01h45min

    Join us as we share the substantial secrets of our super successful coaching method.  This powerful training takes you behind the scenes of our practice and its tool kit of our methodologies that we use with our exclusive, private one-on-one clients.  You see, we didn't simply land here at this place in life speaking to, sharing with and impacting millions of people all over the world, this was a journey, a set of experiences with choice points and options along the route. We relate the back story of how we journeyed to this place of where we are currently, travelling  the world, sharing our insights, living to serve people and absolutely living into our purpose.  We share those moments in life for us where we were at choice points and the decisions that we made that changed our journey's path.  When you know that you have been put here to do something bigger and better in the world….and that there is more to your life than just working, paying bills and existing to maintain ‘stuff’. Even if you are unsure ex

  • When Everything’s Really Great….But You Know There’s More!

    22/02/2020 Duration: 34min

    When everything’s great and you’re in that state of bliss. Your results are the best ever and you think 'How much is enough?' Enough is enough...right? So many of my clients are so in that state of full expansion and bliss, they are doing the work and getting the results and then they think.. 'Isn’t that enough? How much is enough? How much more do I really need? Because everything's really great!' That’s the moment. That’s when you should keep doing the work. When you are in that place of expansion, when you are open to and receiving abundance. Enjoy listening in this week's episode!    It’s a conscious choice, from a place of love.  

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