Wild Goose

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 59:19:28
  • More information



Wild Goose Festival is a transformational annual event grounded in faith-inspired social justice. Over the course of four days, there are hundreds of sessions focused on social justice, spirituality, the arts, and more. This is the Year-Round Wild Goose Festival! Catch some of what you missed and maybe revisit a few personal highlights. And dont forget to share with your friends!


  • Free Mom Hugs feat. Sara Cunningham & Ray Waters

    14/05/2020 Duration: 40min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Enjoy an interview with Sara Cunningham, the founder of Free Mom Hugs. Sara calls herself an accidental activist for LGBTQ kids, and their families. Sara admits she struggled with knowing how to respond to her youngest son's coming out since they were in an evangelical church that was not inclusive or affirming. It took her a little while, but Sara finally broke through the fog and fully embraced Palmer's sexual orientation. Since that moment, she has been on the front lines of LGBTQ advocacy. Recently, her story caught the attention of Hollywood legend Jamie Lee Curtis who has bought the rights to do a movie based on Sara's book How We Sleep at Night. Sara is funny, thoughtful, and making a difference through her organization Free Mom Hugs. You will love meeting her.

  • Art in the Image feat. Darci Jaret

    12/05/2020 Duration: 10min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Darci and Mathame discuss worship landscaping, performative art in church, and why art and church services shouldn't necessarily be separate. 

  • Relating as a Spiritual Practice feat. Rainier Wylde

    07/05/2020 Duration: 35min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ In this unique workshop episode, you’ll learn how to connect with others as an exploration of God and the divine. Whereas most spiritual practices are a retreat into solitary prayer or meditation, relating has us look for God by putting attention on relationships, with each other and the spaces between us. In addition to deepening our spirituality we also cultivate real world relational skills that help us meet others with greater presence, clarity, compassion and understanding. Rainier Wylde is a wholeness guide, a spiritual teacher and a group facilitator. He holds a Masters in Psychology, and has been extensively trained in Eastern mindfulness, Western contemplative practice, and the art of Socratic questioning.He has spent literally thousands of hours professionally interacting with individuals in all different stages of life—from spiritual seekers wanting training in being present, to men scrambling to get their lives

  • Writing a Children's Book feat. Matthew Paul Turner

    05/05/2020 Duration: 42min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Best-selling children's book author, Matthew Paul Turner, will read his books and talk about why he started writing books for kids. For kids, families, lovers of children's books, or those interested in learning more about the children's book publishing world - Matthew Paul Turner, author of When God Made You and When I Pray for You, will read his books, his favorite books by other authors, and answer your questions. Whether you're a child or a child at heart, you'll enjoy this session with Turner.

  • God As Us feat. Michael Gungor

    30/04/2020 Duration: 50min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ In this episode, Michael Gungor (of the Liturgists podcast) discusses his faith and career journey over the past 3 years and how he arrived to the present moment. 

  • Doing (Responsible) Theology in the Age of Trump

    28/04/2020 Duration: 47min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ What can we learn from the last several years about the state of Christianity and the moral character of the evangelical Right in the United States today? More specifically, what can we learn — and what can we do — about the threat of white Christian nationalism? The facilitators of this session are both leading and emerging voices in the theopolitical resistance movement, emphasizing the importance of activism, understanding, and intersectionality. We recognize how the various forms of oppression interrelate to contribute to a vast, dynamic, and seeming impenetrable network of systemic injustice and marginalization. Politics, even in 2019, need not be played as a zero-sum game with a winner-take-all mentality; a critical theology is as urgently needed and as relevant now as ever. Presenters touch briefly on their own work of dismantling white Christian nationalism in their contexts, and lead listeners through exercises and

  • Community Organizing as a Model for Church Planting and Rejuvenation feat. Jason Butler

    23/04/2020 Duration: 48min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ What is the goal of the Kingdom of God? Looking at the mission of Jesus it seems that the goal is human flourishing, or Jubilee. Thus, all "missional" activity and church planting should be centered around facilitating and empowering flourishing both of the faith community and the surrounding neighborhoods. By providing three key missiological elements, community organizing offers a parable of what the church can be when the church is at its best and offers hope for the church in a post-Christian culture. In this episode, we ask what it means to be "missional," look at the connection between the Kingdom of God and community organizing, and converse around the implementation of these three principles in your context to both plant new churches and rejuvenate existing ones.

  • Why I went to Breakfast with Trump feat. Sarah Heath

    21/04/2020 Duration: 48min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ This year has provided me all kinds of weird and unexpected opportunities to be in conversation with people I totally disagree with. From appearing on Buzzfeed with a Baptist to being invited to President Trump's prayer breakfast I have had lots of facetime with people that many would deem "The other side." I am also the only main line and female leader in my towns "lead pastor group." As you can imagine we don't see eye to eye. What I am discovering is that I need these relationships even more than I need the people who agree with me. These are the very people that if I just relied on their online presence I would detest, or even be afraid of. These relationships are helping me be a better person and teaching me about the heart of God. I want to share ways that we can all engage the other and how this is the only way that any change is going to happen in our own lives and in the world. I believe that the only way we are ev

  • Pete Enns & Jacqui Lewis

    16/04/2020 Duration: 10min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Jacqui Lewis and Pete Enns discuss a working definition of Christianity and what it means to allow your life to conform to the model of Jesus. 

  • Living with Doubt (Like We Have a Choice) feat. Pete Enns

    14/04/2020 Duration: 40min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Doubt isn't sexy, trendy, rebellious or cool. It’s hard, unsettling, and sometimes feels like so much stress and dissonance are hardly worth the effort of keeping up appearances. Sooner or later, and for whatever reason, we all experience constant background noise “Do I really believe any of this?” And yet we’ve been conditioned to ignore our experience, or even shamed into believing that the Creator is disappointed at our performance, and if we just get in line, all will be well. So is that it?! I don't believe so. Not only is doubt a normal experience throughout history, not only is it part of the biblical tradition, but doubt does something FOR us that nothing else can. Doubt is a gift, a means of grace, that helps us get out of our own way.

  • Writing For Your Life feat. Brian Allain

    09/04/2020 Duration: 46min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Are you passionate about spiritual writing? Writing for Your Life is a sessions that will help you gain inspiration and knowledge to empower your writing.

  • Vocation In and Out of Church feat. Brother's Bear

    07/04/2020 Duration: 12min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ In this episode, members from Brother's Bear discuss the intersection of music and faith and how that can be expressed at Wild Goose.  Joshua Brumley and James McCann had been playing music together, improvising and learning from mutual favorite artists, for years before the death of a dear friend launched the two of them into a deeper and more tethered friendship. Out of that time of deep yet childlike friendship coupled with heavy grief the band’s first album, Say, was written. An honest and holistic look at the lives of the two around that time, Say wasn’t really intended to be the stepping stone it became. In fact, it was recorded long before any Brother’s Bear songs would be performed live. But the process launched James and Joshua into a series of progressively more intentional endeavors, most recently writing a second album, Walking Each Other Home. For this year’s Goose, Joshua will be presenting all new songs writt

  • Your God Story feat. John Pavlovitz

    02/04/2020 Duration: 46min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ In this episode John Pavlovitz speaks about your God story, the power of privilege, and believing in a creator that is far greater than your whiteness. 

  • Shelter, Courage, and the Common Good feat. Gareth Higgins

    31/03/2020 Duration: 56min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Storytelling is one of the most powerful resources for good and ill in the world. Healing the trauma of violent conflict requires a variety of interventions, but one of the most important is reframing the story we tell, inside and out. In this episode, Gareth discusses storytelling: how to change your story without losing yourself; find fuel for the journey; and make a better world, right here, right now.

  • Daring Compassion: Movement Chaplaincy and the art of spiritual accompaniment in social justice movements

    26/03/2020 Duration: 40min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Just as hospitals and military have chaplains attending to the spiritual and emotional needs of those under stress, our social justice movements need people who are focused on the care and sustainability of activists, organizers and community leaders on the front lines of fighting for justice. In this episode,  Micky ScottBey Jones and the Justice Doula discuss this emerging vocation.

  • Catching the Wild Goose Bug

    24/03/2020 Duration: 04min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Brad Zable and Sarah Pressly discuss the nourishment and spirit of the Wild Goose. 

  • Everything is Connected -- Stories, Most Weird, Many True

    19/03/2020 Duration: 46min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Experience the artful, playful, outrageously funny, and deeply moving storytelling craft of Peterson Toscano. Drawing on his bizarre personal experiences of conversion therapy along with references to history, literature, science, and the Bible, Peterson takes his audience on an off-beat mental mind trip. A shapeshifter, he transforms right before your eyes into a whole cast of comic characters who explore the serious worlds of gender, sexuality, privilege, religion, and environmental justice. Of Peterson’s work, Chara Armon, Ph.D at Villanova University said, “His mixture of vulnerability and comedy enabled those of us in his audience to access our own authentic feelings about the predicaments of the 21st century. Peterson brings extensive knowledge, extraordinary people skills, dramatic talent, and poignant characters to his presentations” This performance will entertain, enlighten, and enliven you; it may even speak deep

  • Comedy, Storytelling, and Caring about People feat. Peterson Toscano

    17/03/2020 Duration: 13min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Peterson Toscano discusses the role of humor, how to discuss difficult topics, and strategies to shedding light on difficult issues. 

  • Why Would Anyone Still Be Christian? feat. Josh Scott

    12/03/2020 Duration: 45min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ There’s a lot of conversation around the idea of deconstruction. For many of us, the categories that we inherited for understanding the world and our place in it are no longer convincing. The restlessness created by this destabilization has led to rethinking and reformulating our faith. The basic content of words, like God, Jesus, and Scripture, has been transformed. One key reason for this shift is the loss of fear as a motivator. We’ve discovered that not attending Church or not reading the Bible doesn’t mean we will contract an illness or get a flat tire. So, why would anyone still be Christian? If hell and damnation are no longer the motivation for engaging and participating in this tradition, why would anyone want to do so? In this session, Josh explores these themes and shares his own reasons for (still) being Christian.

  • Breakfast on Caesar feat. Diana Butler Bass

    10/03/2020 Duration: 46min

    Click here to keep up with the latest Goose News: http://wildgoosefestival.org/signup/ Diana Butler Bass opens the day speaking about catching large fish in Caesars lake and taking his breakfast. Butler Bass describes our breakfast at the edge of the sea and how we can feast without fear. 

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