Leadership Revealed

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 29:56:44
  • More information



The podcast is about leadership and what it means to be a leader. Not only my thoughts on leadership but also speaking to other leaders in their fields, sport, business, finance, social to get their take on it. Also speaking about all things business and what it takes to grow and scale a successful business. Telling the truth about the pitfalls and issues we face in business.Get in Touch:https://www.facebook.com/agencyconsulting/https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-paul-14167211/https://twitter.com/TheLHAExpertjohnpaul@agency-consulting.co.uk


  • Personal Branding Vs Corporate Branding - Dividing Opinion

    28/02/2020 Duration: 14min

    Do you have a personal brand or a corporate brand? John Paul is talking about branding – the topic that regularly divides opinion. Should all promotion be around an individual or should it be the profile of the organisation that dominates? John explores the negatives and positives for both personal and corporate branding and shares how his organisation is moving forward and why the choices they have made work. This episode will help any business owner clarify what will be the right choice for their business, listen in and find out more.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Personal branding We all like dealing with people. As a customer, we want the salesperson who is knowledgeable, pleasant and makes us feel special – as if we are the only customer they have Personal branding works really well with face to face sales because you can build an emotional connection. If branding is built around an individual and they later leave, there will be a significant impact for the business owner and company. If something negative happens

  • Shared Values and Alignment, The Key to Success – Interview with Adele Crocker, MD Castledene Sales & Lettings

    24/02/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    In this fascinating episode, John is with his Managing Director Adele Crocker. They discuss Adele’s journey from her promotion to branch manager when John bought the estate agency she was working for through to her current role as MD. John saw something in Adele early on and she has grown into and been hugely successful in the roles she has undertaken at the Castledene Sales & Lettings culminating in her current role as Managing Director. John and Adele reflect on the critical importance of alignment in values and vision when you are working in unison to maintain and develop a successful business. As an empire builder for John taking on an MD was about stepping away from the day to day so he can extend and build further, listen in and find out how Adele helps make this happen.   KEY TAKEAWAYS When I took on the manager role I knew there was a job to do. I was managing colleagues I had previously worked alongside It’s a skill set to be able to nurture the change in the relationship with others and unde

  • How to Effectively Deal With Set Backs

    14/02/2020 Duration: 15min

    ‘Dealing with setbacks is a part of business’  As John Paul works towards his new Agency Roadmap membership site, for letting agents and estate agents going live he reflects on the reality of setbacks in different forms being part of business, whatever your industry.  The bigger you become the more you are going to mess up but the real key to any situation or set back is having a plan about what you do and how you respond.  John shares in detail the effective and productive steps you can take in response to any situation that will consolidate your role as a leader and ensure you achieve the greatest long-term benefit, listen in and find out more.    KEY TAKEAWAYS  In business life, there are always setbacks.  The vital part of any setback is what we do and how we put it right when a setback happens.  Stay calm, thinking emotionally will mean you will make an emotional response and decision.  It’s vital to think through the problem calmly and logically.  Deal with the immediate aftermath, as a leader you

  • How to Get Buy-in From Friends & Family

    24/01/2020 Duration: 11min

    Business people usually have to do extra hours and do things that non business owners don’t have to do so it can be hard to get your friends and family to support you. So in this episode John explains 5 things you can do to get your family and friends on board and support your business rather than create resistance.   KEY TAKEAWAYS You have to accept it’s not always going to work. People aren’t always going to agree with your choices but you and they have to accept that you’re not going to agree. This doesn’t mean accept that they’re actively trying to tell you and prove to you that you’re wrong. Have rules and stick to them. Create a routine so that you can make time for the little things that mean a lot or do things that you enjoy or need to do. This can help to build a good healthy work life balance too. Make time for the little things. Little things can often mean a lot to other people. Spend time with the people who love you, don’t buy them. Show people the benefits of you having a business. Don’t buy

  • Don’t Work Too Hard

    29/11/2019 Duration: 14min

    In this episode John is discussing the importance of not working too hard, this can seem counter-intuitive but when you are working hard and trying to grow a business you must take the time out to recharge so that you are able to continue on successfully towards the goals you have set. As someone with extensive experience as a business owner, John knows what it’s like to do it the wrong way as well as the right way. For the first 3 years he was in business he didn’t take any holiday and experienced all of the challenges that not taking the time out to recharge brings. Listen in and find out why not working too hard benefits both you, your business and your employees.    KEY TAKEAWAYS Take planned time off – you might not feel you deserve it or want to but you must do this. As entrepreneurs and business owners, we have more responsibility and take more risks than anyone else You need to eat well and train if you want to get the best out of your body Stay hydrated, eat lots of vegetables, rest well and exer

  • Keep Business Simple But Effective

    15/11/2019 Duration: 14min

     ‘Success is predictable because people who have kept things simple and done the basics will repeat their systems and methods.’ In this episode of Leadership revealed John provides and explains reason why doing the small, basic things consistently can have a positive effect on your business. He also gives tips on how important staying on track is and how planning can help you do this.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Things may seem difficult if you’re trying to build a business in an industry that you’re not familiar in so ensure you’re in a field that you’re either researched thoroughly or you already know well. Don’t try and change the industry but try to do the simple things that work well to a high standard then repeat. Don’t get distracted from things that stray away from your businesses core tasks. Even if there are new things that are ‘the next big thing but are too good to be true’, it’s likely that they’re too good to be true so stay on track. You must have a plan, short term and long term. It’s good to have a da

  • Why Good Mental Health in Business is Vital

    08/11/2019 Duration: 52min

    ‘In our industry, we see the glitz and the glamour the good things we don’t see the dark side the mental anguish people might go through’  Dave is very candid and open about his journey and is talking to John about it - from the start of his business through its very rapid growth and  on to year 4 when it went into administration.  After the company went bust Dave become very depressed and in this frank discussion he shares how he felt emotionally and what it took to move forward and start again.  John and Dave explore the stigma that still exists for men in talking about mental health and share why it’s so important to talk to someone. This is an uplifting episode about learning, investing in people, balance and celebrating the wins in business listen in and enjoy.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  If you are always open and looking for opportunities, opportunities will come.  You have to create your own luck by being open to opportunities.  We helped unemployed people get back into work and linked them with employers

  • How to Use Your Time Wisely

    01/11/2019 Duration: 13min

    ‘Where do you find the time?’   John gets asked often how he manages to fit in all of the work he does alongside his personal life. His answer to this is that he uses his time efficiently by working intensely within time windows. In this episode, John gives helpful tips that he uses himself to manage his time well.    KEY TAKEAWAYS  Set SMART objectives and be strict with them. These need to be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. I do these weekly every Sunday. Always look ahead in your diary, ensure you save time aside to do the smaller tasks that will help you achieve your goal. Delegate as much work as you can, don’t take it all on because you’re not the only one that could do your job. It’s damaging to everyone and you’ll burn yourself out. Eliminate as many distractions as you can so you can get the best work completed. Make sure you have the ability to say “no” so you don’t end up taking on too much work which will result in not giving the best quality. Ask awkward questions s

  • Franchise Vs Startup, Which is Right For YOU

    24/10/2019 Duration: 18min

      ‘Do you buy a franchise or start up on your own?’   This is a great podcast to help you decide whether you should be looking at a franchise or starting up on your own.  John takes us through a comprehensive list of the pros and cons for each option and looks at the reasons and types of people who take on franchises and those who start up on their own. Listen in, hear the pros and cons and then decide.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  The franchisee PROS  Systems - A large majority, if not all of the systems are given to you as part of the franchise package.  Support and Training from Franchisor - You are trained on how to operate all systems with support and further training.  People in the same position - There are lots of other people in the same position and across franchisee’s, there are communities and groups who regularly interact.  The brand - The name is a great help in building the business.  Proven track record - People maybe more likely to use a company and the franchisee rather than an unknown name

  • Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

    17/10/2019 Duration: 08min

    ‘Don’t  live somebody else’s life and stop comparing yourself to others’ It’s easy to compare yourself with someone else - it’s something we have all done. In this episode John shares why it’s important to take a holistic view and focus on yourself to get where you need to be and achieve the success you want. Listen in, expand your view and see the bigger picture.   KEY TAKEAWAYS You shouldn’t compare yourself to others it’s toxic and it doesn’t get you where you need to be. Nobody gets to their goal without sacrifice, hard work,  consistency and dedication. We see the end results but we don’t see the effort and people often lie about how much hard work was involved. It took me ten years to be an overnight success. You’ve got to take a holistic view and consider how the time frame makes a difference when people share their success. If your business is made up of several components its vital that you learn and understand each part in order to make your business a success. When you have mastered a component,

  • The Best Ways To Deal With Overwhelm

    10/10/2019 Duration: 09min

    Anyone who’s been in business for some time will have felt the drowning effects of overwhelm. Incrementally, the small things pile up, until they’ve become a mountain that stands between us and our goals. It’s easy to slip down the cracks at these points, but as John discusses this week, there is a way out, and it’s simpler than you think. KEY TAKEAWAYS Overwhelm is when things get so much, that we lose inspiration, and can’t continue with our goals, meaning we end up doing far less than usual. You need to chill out. Take some perspective and remind yourself that it isn’t the end of the world. It’s rarely as bad as you think. Sometimes the dread is worse than the reality of any situation. Compartmentalise it. Break up your tasks into sections and keep them separate from each other. It makes it easier to prioritise. Break it down until you can see what the issues are. By taking problems apart, you can see the basic elements that are slowing you up. Delegate if you can. Work out if you can pass off any tasks

  • Always be Recruiting

    15/08/2019 Duration: 10min

    In this episode John gives top tips on how to improve the recruitment sector of your business. This includes the importance of always recruiting and making sure you keep good relations with possible candidates for future positions.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  One of the hardest things when running a business is recruiting new staff. When we look through CV’s we look for people whose values like up with ours and the majority of the time they don’t.  Most of the time we only get quality CV’s when we are least in need, looking for or expect them.  Always have the same level of focus on recruiting whether you need that person or you don’t. Always have your job advertisements out there.  Always recruiting keeps your staff on high alert and gets rid of the thought that they’re irreplaceable if they don’t perform.  Always have 2, 3 or more adverts on the recruiting websites and build on the bank of quality CV’s.   Always speak to the candidates. Give them a call and build that relationship with them. More importantly be ho

  • Getting 'Called Out' Online

    25/07/2019 Duration: 13min

    Has your business ever been publicly called out on social media by an agitated customer? In this episode, John explains how to control our primal instinct of retaliating back and adding to fire, but instead using these professional tactics to resolve the situation. Handling negative feedback in the correct manner can potentially gain new clients and reinforce the trust back into your existing clients.    KEY TAKEAWAYS  Keep calm and take five minutes, taking a quick break to chill out and think about something else away from the situation, go outside, go for a walk. Being called out on social media does not require an instant reaction.   Leave emotion out of it. You may want to go berserk on this person, but you absolutely cannot. Respond on facts, not emotion.  Be professional. Believe it or not, you need to thank them as they have given you feedback.   Be Victorian in your response, keep a stiff upper a lip and run into war with some integrity. A polite and professional response to criticism may will give

  • Are You in it For The Long Haul?

    11/07/2019 Duration: 12min

    ‘Are you in business for the long haul or are you in it for a quick fix?’ John explains the importance of having longevity within your business in order to see results and be successful. He also discusses tips for being successful in the long run and the advantages of doing so.   KEY TAKEAWAYS A lot of people are surprised by the amount of time it takes to become successful. This is usually because they over estimate how much they they can achieve in a year but underestimate how much they can do in 10 years. Every person who’s on social media that says they’ve got rich quick are in the 0.0000001% of any single person that’s ever been in business. Don’t believe the bullshit that’s been put on social media by people who haven’t worked hard and been consistent for a long period of time. They don’t show you what they’ve had to go through. Have the strategy right to start with then break it down into tactics. Business it too complicated and has too must structure to work if you don’t break it down. You need to

  • Are You an AskHole?

    27/06/2019 Duration: 12min

    In this episode of Leadership Revealed John explains what Askholes are, how to know whether you are one and how to deal with them. John also touches on how you can give the best advice and avoid wasting your time on people who don’t deserve it. Listen in to find out more!     KEY TAKEAWAYS  An Askhole is someone who will repeatedly ask for your opinion/experience and yet won’t follow your advice.   The majority of the time when you ask somebody, with a lot more experience, for advice the advice they will give will be good advice. If they then go and ask someone else, then it’s likely that they weren’t given the advice that they wanted to hear.  How do you know if you’re an Askhole?  You need to have a lot of self-awareness? Are you being honest with your self if you don’t get the answer you want? Are you dismissing the evidence, experience and advice of the person that you’ve asked?  How to deal with Askholes on the forums:  Be honest.  Be Blunt and say it how it is, don’t fluff your answer up with white li

  • It's NEVER Their Fault

    02/06/2019 Duration: 15min

    John reflects on the Tenant Fee ban, its imminent implementation and the ways some have prepared, and others have not! We all have experiences to share about those people who will never take responsibility and be accountable for their own actions or inactions. Listen in to find out more about ways to improve and develop the soft skills that support effective action in any situation.   KEY TAKEAWAYS The Tenant Fee Ban which comes into effect on 1 June 2019 was first announced 18 months ago and will considerably alter the way letting agents charge tenants. The initial legislation details were first announced 18 months ago so that agents and landlords had time to prepare but currently across groups and forums people are still asking what they should do about it, despite the closeness to implementation. Common excuses are ‘I haven’t got the time’ and ‘I don’t know where to go to find out information about it’ Within 2 hours of its announcement, my team and I met to identify the impact of the Tenant Fee ban and

  • How to Deal With Negative People in Your Life

    30/05/2019 Duration: 15min

    It’s not new that we encounter a negative person in our social networks, may it be in your personal life, career or business. So, in this episode of the Leadership Revealed Podcast, John gives tips on how you can deal with negative people in your life. We should be wary of who we surround ourselves with since it massively affects not just your mood for the day, but the direction where you want your life should be heading. The last thing we want is to slow or push us back on our journey towards success. Discover more when you tune in. KEY TAKEAWAYS Most of the time, the negative stuff that you’ve been dealing with are caused by how erratic the dynamics are within the circle. If a team member is unhappy with his co-workers, it’s highly likely that he won’t be able to perform well. How to deal with toxic customers? Remember that no matter how negative they come off; you have to present the solutions you can offer to them. You need to be firm and don’t put up with the negativity. How to deal with toxic family me

  • How to Deal With Poor Performing Staff

    02/05/2019 Duration: 11min

    We all have at some point had staff who didn’t perform to their fullest potential. It’s frustrating, it’s annoying and it can be costly  John goes through the 5 tips that he has implemented in his business to ensure you have staff who you can either turn around to perform or you can use to manage out of the business.  Understand what the issue is. It can only be three things. Is it an attitude issue – has the employee got a bad attitude or brought in outside issues to work. Are they not achieving the desired results and why? Are they not carrying out the tasks/actions needed to get the said results?   Evidence Always have as much evidence as you possibly can when dealing with non-performers. It makes the conversation so much easier and gives them no wiggle room. As soon as you start saying the word “I think” “I feel” etc then you don’t have enough evidence   Communication This is vital to turning around non-performers. You need to nip it in the bud as soon as the issue arises and not wait a moment longe

  • How to get Sh#t Done!

    25/04/2019 Duration: 22min

    ‘I see lots of friends and competitors complaining that they don’t have enough time to get stuff done’ It’s important people know how to get stuff done to progress themselves and their business, in this episode John shares the steps you need to take to get sh#t done. If you feel like you never have enough time and can’t get things done then this episode is for you, listen in and start using your time effectively and getting sh#t done.   KEY TAKEAWAYS In business and life, you need to know what to do, creating a list of everything you need to get done is the starting point. Every week you should create an overview of the tasks that need to be completed over the coming week. Every day at the beginning of each day you should create a list of what needs to be achieved in the coming day. This list should be in the order of urgency to ensure you address the most pressing things first. If you are unable to do some of the things on your list you must source expertise to get the tasks done. Getting sh#t done is no

  • How to Deal With Industry Disruptions

    18/04/2019 Duration: 11min

    Disruptions are ALWAYS a good thing. Don’t ever feel threatened when they come for your business. There are many ways on how you can welcome this significant change with open arms. Learn them today as you tune in to this episode of the Leadership Revealed Podcast! John, your host, prepared 5 useful tips that are not just applicable in the property field, but in any industry you’re in. Let’s admit it, there are just too many business owners and leaders that can’t just wrap around their mind on what to do next when new things enter the playing field. The best you can do is to accept disruptions’ existence, be adaptable, and always be prepared with a plan. KEY TAKEAWAYS 5 Tips On How to Deal With Industry Disruptions Accept that it’s out of your control. You should know for a fact that disruptions appear all the time in industries. Get the frustration out of the way and learn how to be adaptable with these disruptions. Have a plan. Always be on your feet on how you could devise a plan that could still positio

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