Magical Stories by Ronda Del Boccio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 4:12:16
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These are stories, book excerpts, and other works by award-winning & Amazon #1 best-selling author Ronda Del Boccio


  • Your Masterpiece

    03/03/2020 Duration: 03min

    At times, we come to a moment of decision, when we're faced with something important. Kassidy, the heroine of my paranormal novel They All Died Smiling, finds herself in just such a dilemma in this flash fiction story. This happens within a few days of the end of the book. PLEASE rate and review this podcast wherever you listen to it! Thanks. That's a great way to thank a podcaster for entertaining you! I hope you enjoy the story. You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted. Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL life!, Ronda Ronda Del Boccio, Award-winning author Shop my books on Amazon: Let's CONNECT: My MAIN blog/website Magical Stories blog Join Ronda's Readers F

  • Heart of Service Flash Fiction

    02/03/2020 Duration: 03min

    Kassidy, the heroine of my #paranormal novel They All Died Smiling, is a young military widow. In this story, she and Randy say their good-byes at the bus. PLEASE rate and review this podcast wherever you listen to it! Thanks. That's a great way to thank a podcaster for entertaining you! You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted. Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL life!, Ronda Ronda Del Boccio, Award-winning author Shop my books on Amazon: Let's CONNECT: My MAIN blog/website Magical Stories blog Join Ronda's Readers Facebook group Follow on Instagram - My AUTHOR related profile is

  • Pondering Old Buildings Flash Fiction

    02/03/2020 Duration: 02min

    In this very short story, you get to visit with Kassidy and Robert from They All Died Smiling, my #paranormal novel. I hope you like the tale! PLEASE rate and review this podcast wherever you listen to it! Thanks. That's a great way to thank a podcaster for entertaining you! You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted. Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL life!, Ronda Ronda Del Boccio, Award-winning author Shop my books on Amazon: Let's CONNECT: My MAIN blog/website Magical Stories blog Join Ronda's Readers Facebook group Follow on Instagram - My AUTHOR related profile is For pla

  • Olive Juice \ Flash Fiction

    02/03/2020 Duration: 04min

    Inspiration for this story came from 3 places: The photo prompt (which I took, a movie, and my #paranormal novel They All Died Smiling. The photo of a jar of olives and a jar of jam on the back of the sink at my bestie's apartment Listen to the episode to find out about the movie reference, and you'll get to meet Kassidy from the novel along with Randy, mentioned but dead by the time we meet her on the pages. PLEASE rate and review this podcast wherever you listen to it! Thanks. That's a great way to thank a podcaster for entertaining you! You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted. Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL life!, Ronda Ronda Del Boccio, Award-winning author Shop my books on Amazon: Let's CONNECT: My MAIN blog/website https://In

  • Lunch Money | Flash Fiction

    01/03/2020 Duration: 03min

    This flash fiction story comes from a photo writing prompt showing Tupperware. I incorporate Kassidy and Julie from my paranormal novel They All Died Smiling. PLEASE rate and review this podcast wherever you listen to it! Thanks. That's a great way to thank a podcaster for entertaining you! You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted. Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL life!, Ronda Ronda Del Boccio, Award-winning author Shop my books on Amazon: Let's CONNECT: My MAIN blog/website Magical Stories blog Join Ronda's Readers Facebook group Follow on Instagram - My AUTHOR related profile is

  • Lost Arts | Flash Fiction

    01/03/2020 Duration: 02min

    This story came from a photo prompt showing sewing notions. It made me think of Kassidy, the heroine of my paranormal novel They All Died Smiling, who knows how to do a few things that most millennials do not! PLEASE rate and review this podcast wherever you listen to it! Thanks. That's a great way to thank a podcaster for entertaining you! You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted. Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL life!, Ronda Ronda Del Boccio, Award-winning author Shop my books on Amazon: Let's CONNECT: My MAIN blog/website Magical Stories blog Join Ronda's Readers Facebook group Follow on Instagram - My AU

  • A Better Pair | Flash Memoir

    29/02/2020 Duration: 02min

    People say some spectacularly rude things at times, don't they? Mostly, I try to be kind and educational, butt...well...I'm human. Back when I was in high school, I was trying to read homework on this bus when this happened... I hope you enjoy the story! PLEASE rate and review this podcast wherever you listen to it! Thanks. That's a great way to thank a podcaster for entertaining you! You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted. Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL life!, Ronda Ronda Del Boccio, Award-winning author Shop my books on Amazon: Let's CONNECT: My MAIN blog/website Magical Stories blog Join Ronda's Readers Facebook group

  • 1955 BRAILLE World Book Encyclopedia

    29/02/2020 Duration: 02min

    My first job after grad school was at a training center for blind people. I saw my first Braille library there. Here's the story. You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted. Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL life!, Ronda Ronda Del Boccio, Award-winning author Shop my books on Amazon: Let's CONNECT: My MAIN blog/website Magical Stories blog Join Ronda's Readers Facebook group Follow on Instagram - My AUTHOR related profile is For planning, craft, and blissful life tips, @1blissfullife LIKE on Facebook

  • Trying to Make Me Sighted | Flash Memoir

    28/02/2020 Duration: 02min

    I've been mostly blind all my life. Turns out I have an eye condition called ONH, Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. No glasses will ever make me able to drive, but I can't blame my parents for trying to help me! I hope you enjoy the story PLEASE rate and review this podcast wherever you listen to it! Thanks. That's a great way to thank a podcaster for entertaining you! You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted. Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL life!, Ronda Ronda Del Boccio, Award-winning author Shop my books on Amazon: Let's CONNECT: My MAIN blog/website Magical Stories blog Join Ronda's Readers Facebook group Follow o

  • Caught with Her Pants Down

    28/02/2020 Duration: 02min

    This story actually happened to my bestie back when she was in college. I changed her name but stayed true to what she told me. You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted. Cheers to your B.L.I.S.S.-FULL life!, Ronda Ronda Del Boccio, Award-winning author Shop my books on Amazon: Let's CONNECT: My MAIN blog/website Magical Stories blog Join Ronda's Readers Facebook group Follow on Instagram - My AUTHOR related profile is For planning, craft, and blissful life tips, @1blissfullife LIKE on Facebook

  • Holey Clothes | Flash Fiction

    28/02/2020 Duration: 01min

    This story, which arose from a 1-word writing prompt of "vintage" , is about my mom's favorite sweatshirt. You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted.

  • How Long Does It Take? Flash Memoir

    28/02/2020 Duration: 02min

    When I visited my bestie, we went to this fantastic restaurant, but you could never get fed in under an hour...and I'm talking BREAKFAST. Here's the story. You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted.

  • Dangerous Winds - Flash Fiction

    28/02/2020 Duration: 02min

    The photo picturing a tent turned over in a storm ins[pired this story. When Kassidy, the heroine of They All Died Smiling, was in high school, she worked in a bakery. In this story, she helps her boss secure things when the winds roar. You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted.

  • Flash Flood | Flash Fictiion

    26/02/2020 Duration: 02min

    This story happened hwen I was visiting my bestie. There was a flash flood, and people at her school had to shelter in place after a big janitor went down in the water. You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted.

  • Soul Sucker | Flash Fiction

    26/02/2020 Duration: 03min

    This one's based on someone I know. Her name is changed to protect the guilty. You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted.

  • Hibiscus and Hidden Agendas | Flash Fiction

    26/02/2020 Duration: 03min

    After the action of They All Died Smiling, Claire Bentley and Lindsey invite Kassidy to the conservatory. You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted.

  • Setting Intentions | Poetry

    26/02/2020 Duration: 02min

    This piece of inspired poetry honores the time of the New Moon and is inspired by the Weekend Word Prompt writing challenge hosted by You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted.

  • What's in a Name? Flash Fiction Story

    26/02/2020 Duration: 04min

    Kassidy from They All Died Smiling grew up in the country. She's a smart girl, but there's just some stuff you don't get out in rural Arkansas. You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted.

  • Big City Novelty Flash Fiction

    26/02/2020 Duration: 02min

    Country-born Kassidy and her Chicago roommate Julie are at an indoor mall with an escalator. You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted.

  • Flaming Demon - Flash Fiction

    26/02/2020 Duration: 03min

    Kassidy, the heroine of the paranormal/supernatural novel They All Died Smiling, is off to face her next challenge. She is in the car with an FBI agent when a demon tries to make them crash... You can find all my books, including They All Died Smiling, on Amazon or anywhere you get your books. Just ask for them by name. Follow me on Amazon so you'll know when my new books come out, and connect with me on social media. I look forward to getting better acquainted.

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