Samburu Chronicles



Welcome to my podcast where I will be sharing my views and reviews on matters through my experiences and I really hope that it will help impact at-least one person out there. YOU! Matters to do with Mental Health, Relationships, Personal Development, Entrepreneurship and small talk. Come and Let’s journey through.


  • Part 2: Surviving R.Kelly

    10/01/2019 Duration: 10min

    Let us realize that we need to do more and we need to talk more about abuse and mental health. Let us keep the conversation going even beyond getting justice for this women. #mentalhealth #abuse

  • Mental health and surviving r.kelly!

    08/01/2019 Duration: 05min

    People need to accept that mental health is a reality. How we are treated as children ultimately builds on our characters as we continue growing up. Society needs to bring so much awareness around mental health. I am glad the women on Surviving R.Kelly have come out and are talking about the abuse they faced and I am glad that people can actually talk about this stuff. As someone who has gone through mental health(something I will talk about in-depth later), I would ask people to not only be busy starting movements against R.Kelly but to also be busy sensitizing people about certain issues that we are too afraid to bring out. So many people continue suffering in silence because we have been taught to just push things under the mat and say, “oh well, it’s life” and so on and so forth... NO ITS NOT LIFE AND ALL THAT SHIT WE SAY TO MAKE OURSELVES FEEL OKAY! Let’s talk please, let’s talk and realize just talking may help other people gain the courage to actually go out and get help. #my2sense #buluketalks

  • It’s my birthday and I am back!

    07/01/2019 Duration: 02min

    It’s about that time guys, let’s do 2019 with continuation from the pauses we took. I love you guys

  • Reality Check

    11/09/2018 Duration: 07min

    Lessons from the Four Agreements

  • A review of Brads Fashion Show

    14/07/2018 Duration: 04min


  • A little inspiration

    10/07/2018 Duration: 03min

    Don’t give up, it’s tough I know, very tough but you are where you at exactly the time you need to be there.

  • Stay Positive

    08/07/2018 Duration: 03min

    A little encouragement to get you by...

  • Ep 3: A rant on Friendships

    01/04/2018 Duration: 03min

    Ensure your friendships and your circle count... Stop carrying dead weight in the name of I have known him/her for years... that don’t count if someone isn’t supporting or calling you out truthfully on any of your moves.

  • Ep 2: Legacy

    27/03/2018 Duration: 03min

    Are you comfortable with being just ordinary?

  • Ep 1: The start

    26/03/2018 Duration: 01min

    My name is Ellein, the host of Buluke talks where we will have candid conversations about matters associated with our day to day lives aimed at starting engagements that will ultimately lead to solutions!

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