Major League Success



I will be talking about Real Estate, Training, Scaling your Business and interviewing successful people across the real estate community that want to give back to those who need a mentor or help hitting the next milestone in their real estate career.


  • Agent Spotlight - Jared Clark

    08/11/2019 Duration: 20min

    Get to know Jared Clark! He got into real estate 6 years ago and has been thriving ever since. His mission with real estate is to change the lives of his clients by helping them through the buying and selling process of their home.

  • The One Word That You Need In Your Real Estate Business

    04/11/2019 Duration: 01min

    Opportunity! For your business to grow, you need more opportunities. You need to seek out ways to continuously create and seek new opportunities for your business. The more opportunities that you can have in your business will lead to more business. Always seek out more training, more support, more mentors, more lead opportunities. 

  • I'm Back!! Agent Panel Takeaway!

    31/10/2019 Duration: 02min

    One of the takeaways that I had from the agent panel we hosted yesterday. This is about training an agent on your team. 

  • Agent Spotlight - Barb Fogal

    27/09/2019 Duration: 52min

    I had the pleasure of sitting down with Barb Fogal of the Columbus House Team at eXp Realty. We talk about a ton of things, different career changes, how she got started in Real Estate, the journey in Real Estate, Solo agent vs. Team Agent, her passion for volunteering for Buckeye Cruise for Cancer and much more. I hope you enjoy this and get some value!

  • Major League Success - Agent Spotlight - Ian Nelson

    20/09/2019 Duration: 19min

    Ian went from struggling in real estate, to having an inconsistent real estate business, to now having consistent real estate business and the opportunity to grow it further. Its been a journey for him and I am super excited and proud to see himself and his business flourish!

  • My Learning Experience Tonight

    19/09/2019 Duration: 02min

    Ever do something and completely fail? I have several times and it happened to me tonight! I was putting on a home buying seminar, ran marketing and facebook ads, it reached a lot of people and no one showed up!

  • Agent Spotlight - Justin Spain

    13/09/2019 Duration: 34min

    Check out my sit down conversation with Justin Spain. His story can relate to a lot of other real estate agents. Learn how he went from being a part-time agent to full time in less than 1 year once he got put in the right situation for him. He gives you some great advice and nuggets in what he has experienced in his real estate business. I am happy for his success so far and I know if he stays on the path that he is on, greater success in coming his way

  • The Secret Sauce: Real Estate Mentality

    12/09/2019 Duration: 03min

    Your mentality and beliefs in yourself and in what you do is what you are going to need to get through the highs and lows of real estate. Coaching, Training, Having Leads, etc is great but if you do not believe that you have the ability, you will not succeed. 

  • You Shouldn't Give A F*ck About The Word NO!

    09/09/2019 Duration: 02min

    We get told No all the time by prospects. No for a prospect is a Temporary Point of View. The prospect is not ready right now but that does not mean they are not going to buy or sell in the future. 

  • Agent Spotlight - Jon Harp - My Story

    06/09/2019 Duration: 20min

    Here is my story and how I got into real estate and where I want to go! Hope you enjoy and get some value!

  • Major League Success - Agent Spotlight - Ryan Ruehle

    30/08/2019 Duration: 34min

    On this episode of Major League Success I sit down with Ryan Ruehle of the Columbus House Team at eXp Realty Learn about Ryan's story on how he got into Real Estate, making different pivots in his business during the ups and downs of the Real Estate Market and why he decided to build his Real Estate Team

  • Agent Spotlight Videos

    29/08/2019 Duration: 04min

    Your Story is Powerful. I want to share it! 

  • Why I Started Major League Success

    21/08/2019 Duration: 02min

    The real reason why I started Major League Success. My passion is helping new real estate agents or those agents who are struggling to get their business to be more consistent. The real estate industry has FAILED this sector of our industry and it does not have to be that way. 

  • Major League Success: Leverage Your Business to Grow

    12/08/2019 Duration: 05min

    One of the best things you can learn, that will scale your business, is Leverage. 

  • Behavior vs Aptitude

    06/08/2019 Duration: 04min

    Your behavior (actions) are more important than your aptitude (beliefs) but how you view your aptitude is what ultimately dictates your behavior! Believe in yourself in what you want to accomplish and you will take the right actions to get to where ever you want to go.

  • Major League Success - Tony Robbins Success Cycle

    31/07/2019 Duration: 07min

    My take on Tony Robbins Success Cycle that resonated with me while at his conference. The Success Cycle is simple to understand and once you know where you typically fall in the cycle (when starting something), you automatically know what your next step needs to be.

  • Tony Robbins UPW Recap Part 1

    22/07/2019 Duration: 09min

    A few takeaways that I had from my first of many Tony Robbins events. I went to Unleash The Power Within in Dallas Texas July 11-14, 2019. It was an amazing experience and  if you love personal growth and are looking to change your life, Tony Robbins is your man!

  • Major League Success: Buyer Lead Objections

    08/07/2019 Duration: 18min

    On this podcast, I talk about the common buyer objections you will hear when talking to leads. There are only a few common objections that you will hear over and over again. The faster you learn how to handle these and gain confidence, the easier it will be for you to covert these leads

  • Know The Real Estate Sales Process

    01/07/2019 Duration: 05min

    Knowing the real estate sales process is very important. It gives you the road map on how to be successful with your leads. It helps you mentally when talking to leads. It allows you to build up a solid database for now and future business.

  • Building Your Real Estate Database

    25/06/2019 Duration: 03min

    Learn the 6 Main Pillars you need to have in your business in order to have a strong foundation for your database. Your database is the lifeline of your real estate success.

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