Zach on Leadership



Better Leaders in Enterprise Technology


  • Leadership Takes a Piece

    22/01/2021 Duration: 04min

    I’ve seen the picture above or a variation of it used to make many points. Some use it as a warning that if you give too much of yourself you won’t survive the loss. I’ve also seen it used to describe a mentor that has many shortcomings but gives you the piece that you are missing. Finally, I’ve seen it used to describe a father’s sacrificial love for his son. Art has a way of communicating different things to different... Read More Read More The post Leadership Takes a Piece appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Comfortable Being Uncomfortable: My Journey Towards a Growth Mindset

    15/01/2021 Duration: 04min

    “Get out of your comfort zone.” How many times have you been given that advice? Probably a lot. I know I have. It’s good advice and I heed it often. In my personal and professional journey, I’ve learned that it’s not only good advice, but it’s a bit more dynamic than you might think. I’m going to use this article to develop the concept a bit. If we need to get out of our comfort zone, we need to define... Read More Read More The post Comfortable Being Uncomfortable: My Journey Towards a Growth Mindset appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Working from Florida: A Reprieve from Winter and a Respite Amidst Chaos

    08/01/2021 Duration: 03min

    2020 is behind us. The world, of course, is still full of difficulty and challenge. This week has delivered a new round of terrible chaos. Yet, I choose to focus on the positive. While much has been taken, we’ve also been given much. One of those gifts many have been given is flexible remote work. It started off as work from home. Many of us left the office in a hurry, with the thought that we might soon return. Well,... Read More Read More The post Working from Florida: A Reprieve from Winter and a Respite Amidst Chaos appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • A Time for Optimism: Lead without Cynicism in 2021

    31/12/2020 Duration: 04min

    We live in a cynical world. A cynical world. And we work in a business of tough competitors. – Jerry Maguire The world of the corporate enterprise can be a cynical place. Week after week, I preach leadership. I do it for all of you, but I also do it for myself. By writing, I remind myself of the truth. Why do you and I need these constant reminders? Our world is cynical, and frankly, sometimes so are we. Cynicism is... Read More Read More The post A Time for Optimism: Lead without Cynicism in 2021 appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Work is Temporary: Always Work Yourself out of a Job

    11/12/2020 Duration: 05min

    This week, I’m reflecting on my career progression. I’ve been working in Information Technology for 22 years. I started off as a desktop support technician and now lead a large team as a technology executive. I’ve pondered the journey and the path I’ve taken. In those 22 years, I’ve held 13 distinct roles at 4 different companies. I’ve chronicled part of that journey in a previous blog series. In that same series, I identified 20 distinct “Rules for Advancement” that... Read More Read More The post Work is Temporary: Always Work Yourself out of a Job appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Do You Feel Like You Are Failing?

    04/12/2020 Duration: 05min

    Congratulations. You clicked on the link. I asked the question, “do you feel like you are failing?” For a split second, you asked yourself that question. If you made it this far, you probably answered that question with “yes,” “maybe,” or “sometimes.” Being honest with yourself is an important first step. Leadership and failure Leaders like to succeed. We like to achieve. We like to win. That gives us energy. That gets us out of bed in the morning. Failure... Read More Read More The post Do You Feel Like You Are Failing? appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Leadership Requires Gratitude Through All Circumstances

    20/11/2020 Duration: 04min

    It’s Thanksgiving, a time to count our many blessings. Undoubtedly, we all have a lot to be thankful for. However, many of us struggle to muster that attitude in 2020 as we have faced a global pandemic, racial injustice, and a polarizing political season. In times like this, I often reflect upon this pertinent scripture: “Give thanks in all circumstances” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 That’s easy to say but hard to do. My company, CHS, just announced an annual earnings... Read More Read More The post Leadership Requires Gratitude Through All Circumstances appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • A Message for the Zach on Leadership Tribe

    13/11/2020 Duration: 06min

    Every time I write a new Zach on Leadership article, I think about making my content approachable for new readers, in anticipation that they will enjoy the content and become faithful community members. This article is going to be a little different. This is for the insiders. This is for the tribe. Whether you’ve been faithfully reading for years, or only a few weeks, this message is for you. I’m going to ask for your help, but before that, I’ll... Read More Read More The post A Message for the Zach on Leadership Tribe appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • What Is a Digital Customer Platform and Why Am I Excited to Lead It?

    06/11/2020 Duration: 04min

    I started a new segment of my career this week. In addition to leading Development & Operations, I now have responsibility for leading our Digital Customer Platform. I am very excited about this opportunity for several reasons. Before I get into that, I’d like to explain at a high level the major items in this portfolio. Digital Customer Platform includes our customer-facing technologies such as our websites, web applications, and eCommerce capabilities. CHS isn’t solely online. We also have a... Read More Read More The post What Is a Digital Customer Platform and Why Am I Excited to Lead It? appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Are You the Type of Leader That Top Talent Wants to Follow?

    30/10/2020 Duration: 06min

    It’s often said that great leaders credit their teams for success while taking personal responsibility for failure. This is good advice, and fortunately, I see this demonstrated more and more. Most would assume that the first part of that formula is the result of humility which could be either authentic or feigned. Sometimes leaders can appear like an actor giving an Oscar acceptance speech. There are lights, cameras, and celebrities giving you their undivided attention and admiration. Then out of... Read More Read More The post Are You the Type of Leader That Top Talent Wants to Follow? appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • I’m Not a Control Freak, but I Am an Alignment Freak

    23/10/2020 Duration: 05min

    As a technology leader, I often get asked, “Zach, what keeps you up at night?” People ask me this to derive my priorities, but it’s an odd way to do that. It’s an extreme question if taken literally. As an executive, should I lie awake at night, staring at the ceiling, riddled with anxiety and inner conflict? I hope not. Also, the question is somewhat rhetorical. I think people expect me to answer with a major high-stress project, digital disruption,... Read More Read More The post I’m Not a Control Freak, but I Am an Alignment Freak appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • So You’re Telling Me There’s a Chance, Part 2: Selling Technology in the New IT Hierarchy

    16/10/2020 Duration: 05min

    Four years ago, I published one of the most popular articles I’ve ever written: So You’re Telling Me There’s a Chance: The Joy of Buying Technology. I repost it from time-to-time and continue to draw reactions. Since four years have passed, I thought I might be due for a follow-up article on the subject of the buy-sell dynamic in enterprise technology. In this article, I’m not going to discuss annoying sales tactics and gimmicks. I’ve covered that before. In this... Read More Read More The post So You’re Telling Me There’s a Chance, Part 2: Selling Technology in the New IT Hierarchy appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Hey Tech Leaders! Looking for Financial Efficiencies? Look Here.

    09/10/2020 Duration: 08min

    Last week, I wrote about the importance of financial competency for every leader. I covered the subject broadly and taught several principles that are applicable to everyone. If you missed that article, go back and read it, then continue on. Today’s article is about financial efficiency. I like being efficient in everything I do. I work very hard to be efficient with my time. I’ve learned how to systematically create process efficiency through Lean. Finally, I naturally enjoy being efficient... Read More Read More The post Hey Tech Leaders! Looking for Financial Efficiencies? Look Here. appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Leaders Must Have Command of Their Finances

    02/10/2020 Duration: 04min

    Usually on this blog, I write about the human side of leadership. I write about the importance of caring for people on your team, serving them, casting a vision, and leading boldly into the future. That is the sort of thing that gets me up in the morning. I’ve never written about the “joy” of spending countless hours pouring over hundreds of lines in spreadsheets and financial management systems. I haven’t expressed to my readers the importance of understanding depreciation,... Read More Read More The post Leaders Must Have Command of Their Finances appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • The Load Balancer with the Candlestick in the Server Room

    25/09/2020 Duration: 07min

    I used to directly hire a lot of technical talent. Now, that’s mostly done by my management team. When I did that, I asked a behavioral interview question that went something like this: “Tell me about a time when you were called upon to solve a high-pressure and complex technical issue where the solution was not immediately obvious.” The answers I got were usually pretty telling. Typically, this question elicits a bit of a pained smile, as if I just... Read More Read More The post The Load Balancer with the Candlestick in the Server Room appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Everything Will Make Sense When I Am Older: The Wisdom of Deferring Decisions

    18/09/2020 Duration: 06min

    I am the proud father of four children ranging in ages from 6 to 14. I’ve seen more than my fair share of animated movies and the soundtracks that accompany them. My youngest child, Elizabeth, is a big fan of the Frozen movies. There is a silly song in Frozen 2 that makes me think. Olaf is one of the most beloved characters in the Frozen series. He is a snowman that is alive thanks to Elsa’s magical powers. He... Read More Read More The post Everything Will Make Sense When I Am Older: The Wisdom of Deferring Decisions appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Bringing Donuts into the Office on September 11, 2001

    11/09/2020 Duration: 05min

    I brought donuts into the office on September 11, 2001. I brought them in, but no one ate them. I eventually tossed them in the garbage. There are many stories from that fateful day. My story isn’t particularly unusual, but it’s mine, and I remember it well. 19 year ago Back then, I was a young professional, less than three years into my career. I got married the year before and we had just purchased our first house a few... Read More Read More The post Bringing Donuts into the Office on September 11, 2001 appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Tech Leaders: Do You Live in the Smart Home of the Future or Little House on the Prairie?

    04/09/2020 Duration: 04min

    At work, I’m known for my love of advanced technology. I enjoy being on the cutting edge. I’m an early adopter of everything new. I volunteer to be among the first to try out the new tech, even when the bugs need to be worked out. I like to play with smart boards, mixed reality, tablet computers, mobile apps, and collaboration tech. I also push hard on our pursuit of cloud technology. Because of this reputation, people often make the... Read More Read More The post Tech Leaders: Do You Live in the Smart Home of the Future or Little House on the Prairie? appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Elevate Your Thinking: Tips to Gain a Higher Perspective

    28/08/2020 Duration: 06min

    Have you ever been told that you need to “elevate your thinking?” What does this mean? Why is my current thinking not elevated? How does elevated thinking differ from what I’m currently doing? Is this just management-speak, or does it really matter? In this article, I will answer these questions from my perspective. When I write my articles, I picture my readers as somewhere in the middle of a complex hierarchical organization. You have people that report to you. You... Read More Read More The post Elevate Your Thinking: Tips to Gain a Higher Perspective appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Analytics Systems Have Been Democratized. We Still Need Curious Business Minds to Drive Forward.

    21/08/2020 Duration: 04min

    I haven’t always been a technology leader. I used to be a systems engineer and I spent way more time in a data center than in a conference room. Approximately 15 years ago, I worked on a team that engineered and supported our enterprise application platforms. The job required some depth of knowledge, so we all specialize in different areas. One my specialties was the analytics systems. Analytics systems: back then Analytics systems back then are nothing like what they... Read More Read More The post Analytics Systems Have Been Democratized. We Still Need Curious Business Minds to Drive Forward. appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

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