Hashtag Questions With Brandon & Trey

Episode 86 - Brandon's Deed



Spoilers lie ahead. You've been forewarned.This Week's #Questions@mixxdup_rae - What sacrifices do two people really make in a relationship when they are in love?   Please if you have an answer respond I want to know. #question #love@LenneaRB - Is it ok to take the last coffee in one of the break room pots and dump it just to have the opportunity to pick the next type of coffee? #AskingForAFriend #WhoIsMe@PatpatiaVictor - If you could only do 1 good deed. And it would be your very last deed. What would it be? #question to #TwitterWorld@ajahvalizee - Is someone considered a pre-ex if you was just talking to them before y’all got into to the relationship stage? Or just one of your hoes?