Hashtag Questions With Brandon & Trey

Episode 81 - Prodcasting



Hashtag Questions is like getting socks for your birthday. For your ears.This Week's #Questions@silagechopper - What do people do when drinking isn’t even fun anymore? #askingforafriend@CuntyMcPunty - #question whats a good game to play while drunk???????@averybcrouch - Is it okay to go through an entire bottle of wine on a Monday evening? #askingforafriend #thefriendisme@elove67 - So when does the cycle of "wake up, go to work, pay a bill, hang up clothes, wash a dish, go to sleep, repeat" end? #askingforafriend #iamthefriend #thefriendisme #movingaway@Asaxblack - At what age do you stop looking for the remote when a sexual scene comes on tv with your parents in the room? #askingforafriend@OnFireAnders - How can I ask this without sounding very old.. What is.. What is "yeet"?To see the full list of questionable tweets related to this week's episode, visit our episode moment on Twitter.Dig what you hear? Click these buttons:Follow us on TwitterFollow us on InstagramGet your face on som