Hashtag Questions With Brandon & Trey

#Questions - Episode (4)20



Brandon and Trey are stoked, coked and ready to toke this week's 420 questions. Help us out by taking our quick survey at http://survey.questionmcquestionface.com. This Week's #Questions @jacksonmcqueen - If #420 is the weed holiday, what’s the cocaine holiday? #askingforafriend @APostiveJessica - What is the best way to meet 420 friendly people? #AskingForAFriend @harpersbazaar - Never being to a pot shop, with marijuana being legalized soon, is the day after #420day at these shops anything like the day after Easter at Walmart? #askingforafriend @ShaniaRose22 - Is there a way to do weed without smelling it or feeling like you need to lick walls? Asking for a friend. #420day @2MikeR - #AskingForAFriend How do I explain today to my 10-year-old daughter? #420 #DadLife #DadSquad @420 - Who would you choose to burn with this 4/20? #420day #Four20 Snoop Dogg, Seth Rogan, Willie Nelson, or Bob Marley? To see the full list of questionable tweets related to this week's episode, visit our episode moment