Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#105: How to Scale Your Business Without Burning Out Your Team



Is your highest business expense people’s salaries? If so, managing people and productivity is vital to your company’s ability to scale. If you want to make your business operationally effective, there are only two options: you either have to decrease the cost of your labor or make your labor more productive. But how can you increase productivity without burning people out?   In today’s one-on-one coaching conversation, Donald Miller gives you the solution to increase productivity while also increasing company morale and employee job satisfaction. You’ll learn how to install 5 strategic meetings that ensure productive labor and protect your team from burnout. When you implement these 5 meetings, your team will be more productive and you’ll have more time to focus on the big picture things that will actually grow your business. Listen in now to learn how to scale your business while energizing your team!   Go to to get everything you need implement a repeatable system to rep