Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

10 Gut Problems Associated With Thyroid Disease



Did you know that your gut and your thyroid are connected? If you have a problem with one you will almost always have a problem with the other. Your thyroid helps to control how quickly your gut moves and how much stomach acid you produce. When your thyroid is low it slows down how quickly your intestines move and lowers how much stomach acid you produce. The result? Constipation, overgrowth of bacteria, acid reflux, and a reduction in absorption of key nutrients. The relationship between your thyroid and your gut is more complicated than this, though, as gut problems can also lead to thyroid problems. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out which came first which is why treating your gut is always a great idea. Here is a list of 10 gut issues that thyroid patients frequently suffer from: #1. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. #2. Small intestinal fungal overgrowth. #3. GERD or acid reflux. #4. Decreased kinetic bowel movement or gastroparesis. #5. Low stomach acid. #6. H. pylori infections. #7. Ma