The Emma Guns Show

Dr Sohère Roked | Top tips for Understanding Your Hormones.



One of the shows that has been most requested by listeners is all things hormones so I asked Sohère Roked, a GP and Bio-identical and Integrative Medical Specialist, if she would talk to me and shed a little light on what is a pretty complicated subject. Sohère talks about the frustrating experiences she had with female patients who would come in saying they didn't 'feel right' but whose blood tests would return with normal results leaving them at a total dead end. Sohère realised there was a very strong link between hormones and our general well-being and how even a small imbalance can contribute to feeling under par.  In this conversation we talk about how you should be feeling during your menstrual cycle, in terms of what's normal or to be expected, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), why a 360 approach to wellness is vital and why knowing yourself and how you feel is something we should all be checking in with.  We also tackle the sticky topic of the cost involved with deep-diving into your hormones, the