Grit And Grace

Living an Intentional Life



Are you living your best life, a life that gives you a soul-level fill-up? Ask yourself, where is there joy and harmony in your life, and where is there discomfort? Then let’s go bigger. Let’s create a way of living so your intentions are built into everything you do and carry out into every aspect of your life.Tahverlee shares five areas you can focus on to bring you more magic, deepen your spiritual alignment, and create an intentional life of abundance. Grab your journal and settle in for some deep wisdom. Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur and Temple Keeper. Visit Moon Temple Mystery School for ancient teachings for our modern world, spiritual coaching, and everything you need to know as you walk your awakening path. Dip your toes into the waters of your own inner knowing with Wake the Witch. Awaken the healer within in The Sacred Wheel, activate your highest level of potential in The Witch’s Mastermind, and reclaim your own inner Witch in the High Priestess / High Priest path. Join our digital cov