Relationships 2.0 With Dr. Michelle Skeen

Guest: Dr. Ricki Pollycove, OB-GYN and an expert on women’s health. Dr. Pollycove will talk about the latest research and news on women’s health and sexual well-being–information that will assist you in improving your relationship with your body.



About my guest, in her words: My career is focused on healthy aging in women, including hormone replacement therapy using primarily bio-identical hormones, and reducing risks for functional loss and dependency. I specialize in the endocrinology of menopause and disease risk reduction as reflected in individual patient care options and clinical management decision-making, with an emphasis on breast cancer early detection, diagnosis, treatment options and ongoing cancer survivor care. Further insight into the depth of our need to nurture ourselves throughout a woman’s life is fueled by having delivered over 1,500 babies in addition to being a mother myself. From babyhood to adulthood, we all deserve compassionate, kind and patient attention to our individual needs. I have committed to becoming more active in the politics of medicine, hoping to preserve the very special nature of the physician patient relationship as well as promoting greater collegiality through all sectors of health care. I am a member of th