Relationships 2.0 With Dr. Michelle Skeen

Guest: Sherrie Mansfield Vavrichek, author of The Guide to Compassionate Assertiveness: How to Express Your Feelings and Deal With Conflict While Keeping a Kind Heart



My guest this week is Sherrie Mansfield Vavrichek, author of The Guide to Compassionate Assertiveness: How to Express Your Feelings and Deal With Conflict While Keeping a Kind Heart. Speaking up for yourself has benefits, but it has costs, too. Many people who struggle with assertiveness are paralyzed by worries that they’ll seem mean, petty, or that they will hurt the other person’s feelings. Even though they want to speak up, they may keep their true needs and opinions to themselves because of these fears—eventually building stress, resentment, and alienation. The Guide to Compassionate Assertiveness does not require that readers ignore the needs of others and focus solely on their own desires. Rather, this unique blend of cognitive behavioral therapy-based assertiveness training and Buddhist psychology helps readers practice assertiveness skills while caring deeply about the welfare of others.