Beverly Fells Jones Show

Take Control of Mind Over Body



Today I am going back in time and replaying a podcast from 2015. We have heard the phrase "It is a simple case of mind over matter." Yet many find that controlling their mind and what they think can be very difficult. In turn, what you think dictates how you behave. How you behave and take care of yourself affects your health. Your health dictates how you see life and how you move in the world. How you see life and move in the world reflects how you think. And the cycle continues.In this episode of Commanding Your Life, I am discussing a technique to train yourself to use your mind to begin to control your body. The famous Holocaust survivor Jack Swartz did during his time in concentration camps. He used his mind to control his life.Join me for this discussion of "A Technique to Take Control of Mind Over Body."================================I have released my new book "Manifesting The Life You Want, Prime Directives for Abundant Living." Available on and Amazon