Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone

Kids These Days



Well you know kids these days they're so entitled
. They'll quit a job just because they don't like it
, or because it doesn't pay enough
, or because they're not grateful for the privilege of turning a gear 
for a silver dollar and an attaboy sammy. And you know kids these days they're scary and strange, 
because what are they doing on them smart phones anyhow
? And how do we keep track of what they're getting up to
 when we can't see it through our front windows 
from between the gaps in the blinds?
 And how are we supposed to mind them 
when we don't understand their jokes or their references, 
or why they're being so nice to freaks? How can we teach them to hate their bodies
 when they insist that all bodies are beautiful? And how can we teach them to fight like a man
 or submit like a woman when they insist that they are neither? And how can we teach them what to think about things when they'd rather watch other kids create content than listen to the pundits we put on TV? And how can we teach them