Kettlebrook West Bend




Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. If you have not done so already, please scan the above QR code and take the survey. 2. What are some things that you are passionate about? Gifted in? 3. Of the above 5 people gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11, which do you most identify with and why? 4. “Diversity within our unity leads to maturity.” In what ways have you seen this to be true in your home, work, small group, church family, etc.? 5. What skills have you been gifted/equipped with? 6. What experiences (sufferings, successes, failures, etc.) has God used to grow you? In what ways might these experiences be used to help build up others in the body? 7. What barriers might you be facing with respect to using your giftedness to build up the body? 8. What next steps might you take to bless the body of Christ and the world?