What's Working With Cam Marston

Lauren Weber, Emmy-Nominated Producer, Sees Stories All Around Her Newly Adopted South Alabama Home Town



Lauren Weber left LA for LA (lower Alabama). She had a hunch this stretch of the Gulf Coast was home to some great stories that needed to be told. After renting a car in Pensacola, she eventually made her way to Fairhope looked around, and parked the car. Fairhope would become her new home. She relocated her production company, Tremont Road, to town, started meeting people, and eventually made a concept pitch based on what she saw to a well known streaming service. They bought it immediately. Today Lauren is finalizing the show, filming in Fairhope and shuttling to the other LA to work on editing. It's "scripted reality TV" featuring women of various ages in various stages of relationships to begin streaming in the fall. Show Sponsors: E3 Termite & Pest Control Allison Horner - State Farm Agent Trey Langus - Transworld Business Advisors Bud-Busch Distribution Angelo DePaola - The Coastal Connection Realty United Bank Persons Services Corps Roy Lewis Construction