Fallacious Trump

Appeal to Nature - FT#82



In the eighty-second episode we explore the Appeal to Nature, starting with Trump complaining about artificial light, Mike Pence asking how natural things like CO2 and coal can be bad, and Rand Paul suggesting the natural immunity gained by those who survive a deadly disease is way better than the artificial vaccine and never getting the disease in the first place.In Mark's British Politics Corner we look at the UK government's early flirtations with herd immunity as a natural response to COVID.In the Fallacy in the Wild section, we check out examples from Monty Python, Jurassic Park, and Parks & Recreation.Jim and Mark go head to head in Fake News, the game in which Mark has to guess which of three Trump quotes Jim made up.Then we talk about the unbelievably depressing Texas abortion law.And finally, we round up some of the other crazy Trump stories from the past week.The full show notes for this episode can be found at https://fallacioustrump.com/ft82 You can contact the guys at pod@fallacioustr