
#19 Michael Radparvar - Jabari Johnson's Words with Friends



Support this podcast with a tip for as little as $1 an episode at www.patreon.com/Jabari Michael Radparvar is the co-founder of Holstee, a company that encourages mindful living. We talked a lot about entrepreneurship, their famous "Holstee Manifesto" blowing up on the internet, and when to shift your business model! Follow Holstee: www.Holstee.com www.twitter.com/Holstee www.facebook.com/Holstee www.instagram.com/Holstee Follow Jabari: www.youtube.com/Jabari www.twitter.com/Jabari www.instagram.com/Jabari www.facebook.com/JabariLife Jabari@iamjabari.com Words with Friends Artwork: Rodney Curl www.cargocollective.com/curl