Productivity Alchemy

Episode 283 - Back from MAG, Dino Part 2



I have returned from MAGFest, and boy am I STILL tired. Here is the episode that was supposed to go out last week, where we talk to Dino Sarma about cleaning up after the party, and some thoughts on 2023. Links for this Episode: Charity Spotlight: Planned Parenthood Part 1 - Episode 282 Aftermath of Party Time: Cleaning (Google Doc) The Flylady Fiestaware Everything Fiesta in Flatwoods, WVa /r/childrenofhoardersCOH /r/childofhoarder An Invitation to Indian Cooking Pumpkin Sangkaya (Thai Pumpkin Custard) Demi-glace OXO Sink Strainers Airtable The Mac is not a Typewriter