Fade To Gray

Mark Karris Best-Selling author of Religious Refugees



The boys of FTG (Omar, Seth, and Chris) sat down with an amazing conversation with Mark Karris, a licensed therapist, best-selling author, ordained pastor, adjunct professor, recording artist, and an all around bad ass dude! From the start of the podcast, which was live of facebook, Mark seemed to "get" us, and opened up to tell his story. There was laughter, and there were tears as Mark shared personal stories about his family and journey into "(de)constructing toward spiritual and emotional healing".  This episode is guaranteed to pull at your heart strings and leave your eyes wet and your heart full. Find out about what Seth called the "love pentagram" and why Mark just might be my favorite guest to date. Find out more about Mark and buy his book by visiting markgregorykarris.com If you like what you heard and you haven't yet please go give us a 5 star like and review over on iTunes or wherever you download your podcast AND we would love to have ya part of the FTG patreon family