Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#107: How to Have Your Best Year Yet in 2023



What if you could look back on 2023 and say that it was the best, most fun, and rewarding year you’ve ever had? For many of us, our life looks almost the same year after year. No big goals reached, no bucket list items crossed off, and nothing to make the year particularly memorable. If you’re ready to have a stand-out year that you’ll remember for the rest of your life, this episode is for you.   In today’s coaching conversation, Donald Miller shares 3 things you can do to have your best year ever both personally and professionally. Instead of giving you a complicated plan that’s hard to follow or takes a lot of time to implement, these 3 things will take you less than an hour to develop and will fit on one sheet of paper. Not only that, they are 100% doable. Listen in now to start transforming 2023 into the most exciting year of your life.   --   PRE-ORDER THE NEW BOOK HOW TO GROW YOUR SMALL BUSINESS:   SUBMIT FOR YOUR CHANCE TO GET COACHED ON THE PODCAST: