Conrad Rocks

Back to Basics in Christianity



We can stray away from the fundamentals of Christianity at times. We need to get back to the basics. My blog was about national repentance 2 Chron 7:14; Fundamentals are important in football and God; The prophetic football dream ; Disciplining ourselves to write our dreams down; Some major revelations are fundamental Christianity; Proverbs 9:10 Fear of the Lord is the beginning; Loving God above all else is fundamental; Dad terminally diagnosed to the exact day; Panic attacks because I relied on dad and not God; Hollywood chews up and spits out wholesome people; Believe- 'Pisteuo' means to 'rely upon' John 3:16; Seeking God in Spirit and Truth; Seeking the Spirit of God by meditating on the Word; God came through for groceries miracle; God came through on rent miracle; God's plan for salvation is bigger than me; My prophetic phone; Seeking God in Spirit and in Truth;