Conrad Rocks

Our Goals VS God's Goals



I was meditating on how to make my goals line up with God's plan for my life. How do we get transformed into what God wants us to be? I explored this in a live video. It isn't profitable to fight God; Satan's 'I wills' Isaiah 14:13-15; Moth seeking the light example; Seeking to save our lives Luke 17:33; Matthew 16:25; Fear the One that can destroy soul and body Matthew 10:28; Being saved verses knowing Jesus; Having an encounter with God and THEN doing exploits; Five 'I wills' of Lucifer is infiltrating the church; Proximity with God and how God defines death; Outer Darkness Matthew 8:12; Overcomers sit with Jesus Revelation 3:21; Sinners outside New Jerusalem Revelation 22:14,15; Matt 7:21-23 do you KNOW Jesus? ; Meditating on the Word Josh 1:8; Psalm 119:11; God is a spirit and Must be worshiped in Spirit John 4:24; God searches the reins of the hearts Jeremiah 17:10; Seek God first Chronologically and priority wise Matthew 6:33; Paul's example ; Rigid requirements to be a Rabbi back then; Matt 7: