Conrad Rocks

Beware of the Scribes 06



I am sharing a method i have learned through trial and error on reading the bible. The only way to the Father is through Jesus John 14:6; We must worship God in Spirit and Truth John 4:24; Jesus is The Word John chapter 1; The spirit guides us into all truth John 16:13; The quickening of the Word - Heb 4:12; Shouting off the rooftops in joy Matt 10:27; Listening to the Spirit while we read or listen; Beginning by carnal meditation on The Word; When we follow the spirit miracles happen; We have a responsibility to seek God; Dont ignore the spirit of truth through presuppositions; God confirms the Word John 14:26; John 14:26 the Holy Ghost will teach us; Consume vast amounts of The Word; John 15:6-8 abide in the Word; Think what God thinks; ESword ; YouVersion ; Looking at parallel translations to compare; Two or three witnesses before a doctrine Matt 18:16; Building our house upon the Rock; Bible chopping ; Bible Chopp