Conrad Rocks

Beware of the Scribes 05



Some words I take issue with in the bible. We will be looking at the underlying definitions and how it affects us. Different words make a difference; Quoting some from ; King James changes passover to easter; Changing not only the name and the date; Early Church celebrated passover; Council of Nicea changed the date; Martin Luther added a word to Romans 3:28; World or aion? Mat 28:20 Mat 13:49 Mat 24:3 ; A period of time and not the world; Taking a look at the word 'obey'; Vines definition resulting from persuasion; Nicolaitans 'lording it over the laity'; Church killed people over doctrine; Heb 13:7,17 remember our leaders; The Shepherding movement and obedience; Submission like Paul and Timothy; Submission in rehab - my two cents; Rom 12:2 renewing our mind; Nuremberg defense ' i was only following orders' ; Wives submit to your husbands Eph 5:22 ; Stanley Milgram;s experiment on obedience; Rom 6:16 we are the servan