

In Part 2 of the Q&A with Matt’s longtime friend, Mike Polder, in Youngstown, Ohio, we talk about what we would do first if we started the journey over, cannabis laws around the world, a time when we partied too hard, could we do this trip without smartphones, and several other creative questions. Enjoy this special edition of Passport Joy Travel Talk while we enjoy a few drinks while catching up with friends after seeing 35 countries in the past two years. Main Topics Covered: Live Q&A by Mike Polder (Part 2) Links Mentioned in the Episode: Thank you Sam’s Wedge Inn for the great hospitality.  Special thanks to Mike Polder for the interview and awesome style of questioning.  Check out all of the PARTNERS that have made our lives easy while traveling the world.  Nikki’s first published book - Passport Joy - can be found on the Kindle store on Amazon.  Look through the TrustedHouseSitters website and get your discount by using our link Fiji Islands (Tips for an Unforgettable Trip) POLICE Photo Book (