Mike Murphy Unplugged

The Ai Show



Ep159: The Ai ShowEpisode Summary:Today’s episode is all about Ai or Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT and how they can be used by podcasters and content creators.The Confession:The entire script of this episode was written by ChatGPT in a matter of minutes and I read it word for word.My reason for creating this episode was to have a little fun while also teaching the basics of Ai that I think is a mystery to many (including myself), but it is certain to have an enormous impact on life as we know it.  If this is your first time hearing about ChatGPT, I encourage you to give it a try. To say it is impressive is an understatement.Give ChatGPT a try:https://chat.openai.com/ Episode 159 Overview:In this episode 159, I will discuss the benefits of using AI for podcasting, how ChatGPT works, and some of the ethical and social considerations that come with the use of AI.What is Artificial Intelligence?What is Chat GPT?What are some benefits of using ChatGPT & Ai for podcasting in 2023?What are some of the ethi